Has there ever been a more OP character in video gaming?

Has there ever been a more OP character in video gaming?

Yes, m16a3 in bf3 when the game came out

hahahaha, Not the games problem you arnt even gold!

TF2fag here

Making the comparison of Junkrat with Demo
Why Junkrat is so hated?



No self damage wahtsoever so he can just hold M1 and never hurt himself

Meanwhile pharah can. Also he has a death combo that requires 0 skill.

no self damage on anything and is about as useful as pyro in 6s. and people think he is good in comp, just like pyro :^)

>no self damage wahtsoever

his martyrdom is annoying af though

If he his effectively inmune to his own splash damage, and has a 'death combo', then why it's so hated? He might not require 'skills', but he looks like an effective character

Given, aiming projectiles with a travel time and arc trajectory is hard, but say a decent player can, theorically, do well with Junkrat
Is something I'm missing?

Every fucking Overwatch thread is the same shit
>Is X Character overpowered
It feels like blatant shills.
Seriously the way the games are talked about on here seem so artificial, to the point where I feel like it's a made-up video game in a tv show or something.

>no self damage on anything and is about as useful as pyro
But Pyro is vulnerable to his own Scorch Shot/Detonator splash damage


I actually like this game, but I think I'm going to quit. I just cannot deal with defense matrix anymore, she is in like every game and her right click is so anti-fun I just want to die.

t. Master


That's not the m16 in BFBC2
>Medium range perfection
>High enough accuracy to be lethal at long range on hardcore, or reliably pin/tag snipers on regular
>3 round burst as fast as you can pull the trigger, meaning at close range it beats out most PDW and SMGs

Fucking why though? Why make most other rifles irrelevant in comparison?

while we talk about guns
>g18 akimbo
>model 1887 akimbo (pre patch)
>FAL shotgun attachment (pre patch)

Imagine a game where Medic has a short Quickfix uber on demand alongside the normal kritzkrieg uber. Now imagine another medic can rez dead teammates on top of being able to fly to teammates and great healing. and both medics are on the same team. Now imagine that Pyro or Heavy or a Demoknight can put up shields that can soak up hundreds to thousands of hp damage or straight up nullify all ranged attacks for like 5 secs.

You bet your ass that the guy with the best burst damage in the game is gonna be good.

Junkrat is garbage and players that can't deal with him are even worse.

Who do you main

D.va is easy as shit to bust out her mech though

If there are certain characters that just nullify all sort of damage output then the game is inbalanced

I know this character Reinhalt has a huge shield, cant Junkrat or any other explosive characters break his shield?

Same reason I hardly play anymore

Defense matrix eats 90% of ult and can be swapped used off and on any time she feels like it.

For a """""buff"""" she sure is broken now. Same shit with mei.

>maining anything in overwatch
Jeff Kappalan would be disappointed

>Same shit with mei.
Are you seriously claiming Mei is broken? Git fucking gud faggot. She's the hardest character to play at a high level, inconsistent as all fuck once you finally do figure out how to play her and outright terrible in the current meta.

Would you rather me phrase it as "who do you often play as"

Lick my taint, turdstain

>Noobtube OMA Danger close

I can deal with g18 and 1887, I always fight at mid-long range. But that shit is just stupid.


>Consolation kills for sucking
>Ever a good thing

Been a while since I played, but I think the problem is that the only thing he truly excels at is spamming grenades around a corner. Unlike demo, he can't win a direct fight, due to relatively low DPS and HP. In all situations that need a DPS, all of the other DPS are a better choice (except Sombra, unless she's been buffed).

This results in all Junkrat players just sitting back and holding M1 in the hope of some free kills.

Nigga just pick Pharah

oh yes i forgot those

>T. Master
no you're not

he can be killed very easily by pretty much any other dps.
he's imba when holding chokes on certain maps tho.

>all of the other DPS are a better choice (except Sombra, unless she's been buffed).
She was buffed not that long ago when her translocator went from like a 8s cd to like 4 or 5 which was actually pretty huge for her. She's far more useful in a 2nd support role than as a DPS, and is a pretty good pick on a lot of points, especially anubis 2nd where it's not uncommon for games to be decided by which teams Sombra hacked that kit first.

>If there are certain characters that just nullify all sort of damage output then the game is inbalanced
That's D.Va. Straight up makes several characters useless if she's on the other team with a short circuit-equivalent the size of pyro's airblast

Reinhardt's shield has 2000hp and regens when not in use. A normal DPS or healer class has 200hp max. Tanks 400-600 hp.

Orisa can place a shield that has 900hp, but charges up another while it's placed down. You cannot break this on your own fast enough to get in before the second with any character besides Bastion(who is shit) or Junkrat.
Then there's Zarya who can put 400 hp (i think) shields on teammates and gets stronger from them. Also winston, the tank with large shields, a large hp pool, and an ult that gives him 2000hp while letting him keep his long distance escape move.

Add to that the insane healing rates and fights become a chore.

Isnt Junkrat the top DPS character?
Why have a grenade launcher character, that requires a lot of aiming, due slow arc grenade projectiles to NOT be the top DPS character?
That's a little unfair, even Demoman in TF2 can resort to sticky spamming, and while is brain-dead levels of easy, it deals fuckton of damage, basically out damaging the rest of the TF2 roost.

Being fragile is acceptable if he can dish a lot of damage
I want to compare it to demo, but 175 HP isnt exacly 'fragile', unlike I assume Junkrat is

If the game puts that much emphazis on slow, defensive, turtling gamestyle, then why offensive characters exists?
If defense/support are THAT good, my logic says the game will develop into a 'turtle team vs turtle team' fights

*gets picked by half the room*


>If the game puts that much emphazis on slow, defensive, turtling gamestyle, then why offensive characters exists?

I dropped the game about a month or two ago, but back then the dominant characters where the ones who could dive past all the shields to kill the healers first, which would make the rest of the team much easier to kill. Once the healers are gone the time to kill is actually fairly low.

The maps in Overwatch tend to be MUCH more open than TF2's, so there's more room to maneuver.

>Every map is chokepoint city
>Every other character has a slow, snare, or stun

Shooters that encourage slow gameplay are ass

I should mention that you can walk right through all tank barriers, they just block shots. Rein's and D.Va's make them stop attacking to use as well; Orisa's and Winston's are stationary

>Isnt Junkrat the top DPS character?
Top as in best? That's genji, followed by tracer. Pharah's okay-ish on KoTH maps, McCree/Reaper/S76/Hanzo are generally okay-ish if it's not an outright pro tournament.

So basically the game cracks down on offensive characters skirmishers?
I mean, that's fine, that requires skill and teamwork, which OW does okay, I suppose

I just googled it, Bastion has this starionary gun form that deals a metric shitton of damage, and it says it's the best for breaking shields
Therefore, Bastion is in the meta, right?

what a quality post!

>Having Junkrat problems.
The first death is understandable as Junkrat can catch you by surprise. After that though, he's only a problem if you are bad. His shots are slow and easy to see, the rollers take forever to explode, he only has 200 hp and limited mobility and his traps are easy as fuck to see. Even his ult is easy to stop, including the most recent buffs.

>Getting close enough to a JR that he can effectively do his combo.
Stop being retarded.

Junkrat's DPS is one of the best in the game, but he can lose against other DPS classes because of their defensive abilities and small hitboxes.

Imagine if Demo could only use two 90 damage stickies that had a cooldown. His pipe launcher is still good but a good scout will be a pain to fight.

>That's genji, followed by tracer
You say that because these two are very agile characters or they really deal much damage?

Because I think grenades, missiles and a fucking gatling gun character should deal more damage

>Junkrat's DPS is one of the best in the game, but he can lose against other DPS classes because of their defensive abilities and small hitboxes.
So basically he gets shit on because he is halpless at defending himself

Bastion sucks ass because he's slow, has a one of the biggest hitboxes in the game, and in order to be a sentry he must stay stationary. He also doesn't have the range he had at launch so he's most effective at mid-range, which is still too close unless he has tanks protecting him. Plus D.Va exists, and Genji can deflect everything back at him.

He's like a level 3 sentry with no engie repairing it. Sure its dangerous, but one person being careful can take it out.

imagine if junkrat's bombs had the hitbox of hanzos arrows. shit would actually have some sort of balance

as it is, his slow projectiles and small HP mean he's only good for times where the opponent can't actually see you. every other time junkrat is pretty much useless. as you can guess, actually being able to see your target is much more common when actually fighting. if they made it so that junkrat's grenades had a longer fuse but could still blow up due to proximity then he might have some sort of utility

exactly, the game favors high mobility right now.

how can anyone compete

That might be true, but as said before, if the game consist that much on defense/support character, a Reinhalt shielding a Bastion can be a pain in the ass to push.

I mean, sure, in TF2 a Level 3 sentry can be easily get a rid of, but that doesnt mean it doesnt deal fuckloads of damage, specially if there is a team infront of it.

The thing is that stationary gun thing makes him a sitting duck so enemies literally can't miss their shots on you. You can't do damage if you're dead.

That said, if you position correctly as him then yes, he destroys shield comps. But Overwatch is a game where you can adapt so as soon as the enemy sees a Bastion they'll switch to flankers/snipers/Dva faster than you can scratch your nuts, all characters that Bastion has trouble handling against.

>not being 99% ban rate


So nowadays the game centers on aggressive and flanking gamestyles

Well yeah, Rein/Bastion/Mercy has been a strong combo since launch. But a Rein protecting a Bastion is a Rein not protecting his team. The only exception to this is on payload maps where bastion can just ride the payload, but there is usually a lot of verticality on those maps so DPS can attack over or behind Rein's shield.

But D.Va and Genji both counter him super hard too, and both of them are somewhat popular characters.

If Reinhalt, Bastion and Mercy is that good, that will make them borderline OP in defense control point games

I just came with a teamcomp, on defense on that japanese temple themed map
Bastion, to deal the damage
Reinhalt to protect
Mercy for the heals
Torbjorn and Symmetra for static defense
And maybe Widowmaker (This comes from experiencie, have fun pushing a chokepoint guarded by a Sniper in TF2)

Where have you been? This has been the biggest complaint for months that the "dive" meta was too strong. Watch the OW World Cup right now and you'll likely see it's dive comp vs dive comp.

However it's not until VERY recently since there's been bit of shift away from that playstyle (I'm talking literally a few weeks ago that they buffed Zarya and Reinhardt so more players are picking them over Winston/Dva). And there's buffs for other non-dive heroes coming in too so that'll help more with making dive comps less dominating.

>Then there's Zarya who can put 400 hp (i think) shields on teammates and gets stronger from them.
200hp or 2 seconds, whatever happens first. true, it makes squishies twice as hard to kill, but only if you are retarded enough to waste your resources during those 2 seconds.

>Also winston, the tank with large shields, a large hp pool, and an ult that gives him 2000hp while letting him keep his long distance escape move.
large shield, maybe, but only has 600hp and last 6 second, his jump is at a 6 seconds cooldown and you generally can't last that long even with your bubble, his hp pool isn't as large only 500, you can try to juggle the enemy around your shield but most players are smart enough to know what to do, he is only dangerous if your aim is shit because he himself doesn't has to aim very well as his weapon has a generous hitbox even if the damage isn't that high.
also his ult only give him 1000hp, not 2000 but at the cost of his weapon and shield, a coordinated team can still take him down.

>Add to that the insane healing rates and fights become a chore.
healing isn't as good since the ana nerf, she can't heal through anything now, i was playing her yesterday and a bioticnaded(+50% healing from all sources) nanoboosted(+50% attack and defense) turreted(+25% defense)(it doesn't matter because defense is capped at +50%) bastion that i was healing didn't lasted more than 4 seconds once the enemy focused him.

I mean sure, a game with roles such as OW should be balanced, but I don't really see a problem with a 'dive' metagame, since it's hard to pull off and requires a lot of teamwork

So you just conveniently left out the part where she flies away when she has 30% of her hp left?

>lucio is near or straight up 100% pick rate in competitive since launch
>rarely ever complained in threads about how OP he is
>instead characters with near 0% pick rate, e.g. Mei, Junkrat or Bastion are complained about instead

Its got nothing on the M60 in BF Vietnam before it was patched. At launch it was basically a full auto sniper with little recoil and a 100 round magazine with a very high rate of fire.

>still thinking Dva is broken

Instalock offense shitters detected.

Bonus points for McShitters.

>I just came with a teamcomp, on defense on that japanese temple themed map
hanamura?, there are several people that don't like that map because the second point tips the scales on the favor of the defense too much. same for temple of anubis

>Bastion, to deal the damage
that map is good for him, but you need support because he is an easy target once turreted

>Reinhalt to protect
i would prefer orisa because she can attack while her shield is deployed, she would be protecting bastion and/or torb's turret

>Mercy for the heals
mercy it's ok, some would prefer ana as she can quickly toggle between damage and heals but people forget how powerful is mercy's res

>Torbjorn and Symmetra for static defense
symm isn't as good as torb at this map, but still a good choice, she can give extra hp on top of torb's armor packs for a nice 150 extra hp

>And maybe Widowmaker (This comes from experiencie, have fun pushing a chokepoint guarded by a Sniper in TF2)
only if the widow player can actually aim, i would rather prefer a hanzo (much more useful ult than widow) or soldier, phara can also be a pain for the attackers if she knows how to position.

>a character that can literally freeze you and your entire team in 2 seconds and instakill, also has a heal and she's immortal while using it
>a character that can burn through you and your entire team (provided he has good aim) in seconds also has instakill ulti and can heal himself, also also, literally immortal death machine if he's behind a shield
>a character that doesn't even need to be anywhere near you or even in the line of sight to kill you and your entire team, also can kill you after he dies
Lucio is the only balanced character in that shit game.

>instakill ulti
i assume this is hyperbolic

who is the third one?

>any character with a knock-back being balanced

>if he hits you or near you with his ulti you instantly die regardless of your health
Sure. And Junkrat. You can just stand behind a wall or something and hold left mouse and get kills and most damage done. Then you get the ulti, kill at least 3 enemies every time, and repeat.

yea his ult and stupid martyrdom ability are really fucked

Fuck off mei fag

>hold left mouse and get kills and most damage done. Then you get the ulti, kill at least 3 enemies every time, and repeat.
Not in games where the players are remotely close to competent. Or in games where there's a D.Va who has even a double digit IQ.

Junkrat's entire problem is that even when he stays alive he's way too inconsistent in what damage he deals and what he can manage to kill.

>junker ult
yeah, it's fucked up because every time you get it the enemy team manages to destroy the tire from miles away.

Literally fucking broken for 2 seasons

Traps can be useful when you know they Enemy Team Is gonna focus on your teamates (which is 70% of fights).
So placing a Trap randomly during a team fight can stop that Doomfist or Ana for a while and get them killed if possible.


any pump shotgun with red dot sight or ironsight

my kdr usually ranged from 5 to 10 on 64 player tdm or objective games. I also had a 120hz monitor back when most people didnt.

*with slugs

I think the only thing that makes her actually broken currently is Winston. She used to be broken a few patches ago since nearly all of her health was armor so she never fucking died and her damage output was good even at some range.

They nerfed her and suddenly everyone screamed that she is shit now, but that was only because Roadhog oneshot her if he hooked her. Roadhog is useless now, so Dva can dive in together with a Winston letting him fry everyone without taking any damage thanks to her defense matrix.

It's practically impossible to defeat a Dva and Winston inside a barrier and matrix, without Sombra EMP

Junkrat is trash and can be shut down 100% of the time with little effort, he just requires painfully little skill to use.

I just hate barrierwatch, the only viable hero that can reliably deal with barriers is soldier but he is so fucking boring to play as

>only hero that can reliably deal with barriers is solider
>thread has Junkrat in the fucking OP

I said viable, you fucking faggot, holy shit

the old way defense matrix worked was perfect (went on cooldown after you used it) but instead they made D.Va necessary for any team

>load into match
>Genji, Mcree, Reaper, Hanzo insta locked
>be lucio for the thousandth time
>6th guy picks junkrat or torb instead of a tank
>"look at this team"

Junkrat has the possibility to be useful, but I wouldn't call him OP
Snipes beat the shit out of him, as does pharah

He's good for A) Disrupting enemy groups and B) Holding chokepoints or smaller rooms/corridors

A lot of people forget that positioning is just as important as aiming in OW, and a junkrat with high ground can be nasty to deal with, but not game-endingly so.

The version of Sephiroth that joins your party in the flashback in FF7. He doesn't take damage, every hit he lands is automatically a critical, his spells don't expend MP, he's got insanely high speed, his materia are all master level...

no one even knows what this game is


Bitch please, that guy is a worse Demoman. Did you even play TF2?

Thats not the m16 w/ red dot in cod 4

What's retarded is giving a competitive character class an instant death radius.

Koreans with thier stupid insane gameplay sense made this bitch meta. Fuck south koreans

Are people really complaining about junkrat? He is not op in any way, his primary fire is too unrealiable to be a true dps, maybe with the next patch he will be better since he will have 2 granades but that won't break him either.

Only time mei was remotely op was when she could get her ult in like 30 secs. Other than that she is trash at anything but the most niche situations

How can Soldier deal with barriers? It takes like 10 seconds of continuous shooting to break Rein's, Orisa's will go up again before you can break the first one, and D.Va can straight up nullify you for a bit. Winston and Zarya are probably the only manageable ones as him

>Get rid of THE Anti dive meta character.
>Games flow is completely thrown into a chaos where the quick and nimble aren't punished for pushing alone or being out of positions they shouldn't be in.
Roadhog might have been cancer but he was the cancer counter acting bigger cancer.
>Blizzard thinks giving him more survivability by letting him move while healing with a damage taken buff will make him be used more in high play.
It wont.

He can flank them easily thanks to his fast move speed, also you are never alone in this game, or you shouldn´t be at least , so breaking barriers isn´t that hard

He isn't OP, and he isn't very similar to Demo.

Anyone who thinks JR is OP is definitely a silver shitter.

Remove speedboost from Lucio and this game would instantly become 100000x better 2bqh.

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Akuma