If this happened nowadays you guys would defend it
If this happened nowadays you guys would defend it
nintenfags would
>tfw epona amiibo
No one would defend it, but it's so standard that no one would care.
Reminder this was the begining of the end
I find it funny how fast people forgot about this shit.
2006? Everyone threw a fucking fit about it even the games "journalists" and Bethesda swore to god they would never do it again. Then we got some actual good expansions.
Just over ten years later this shit is held in plastic McDonald's toys, pre-orders, and through gambling "loot boxes" for 5-10 times the price.
Absolutely insane.
What exactly is wrong with it?
Just market it to the next generation, ta da! It's not about forgetting, just a new market.
What was the big deal about this back in the day?
It came at a time when DLC wasn't common or nearly as accepted as it is now.
>I was 16 when this shit came out
>people who are graduating from High School this coming school year were just born
but isnt shivering isles always getting jizzed over how good it was?
When was the last time Sup Forums defended anything you reddit fuck?
mfw I bought the dlc collection seperately, so I have paid money for horse armor for Oblivion
Only if it was tied to a cheaply made plastic toy
Because it was good and was a paid expansion. After Horse Armor happened Bethesda stayed the fuck away from shitty "DLC" for a while.
Until the younger generation grew up with no concept of money.
shivering isles was an expansion with a lot of content
horse armor DLC was just cosmetic shit and they also were charging money for it
funny how we came full circle on the DLCs.
>White Chocobo cosplay set
but why
nintenbros send their regards
Wheres your face?
Because it cost $2.50 for something that is literally pointless and should have been free. Why would anyone spend $2.50 on Horse Armor which does nothing but give horses more health and can store shit on them when you can get any of the 4 class DLC which adds a house, items, spells, equipment, services, etc, for $1.88?
>those prices
fuck em
And the cycle begins anew.
These days you'll hear people say
>I'll just pirate it anyways
>You don't have to buy it so why are you complaining?
>Let the idiots buy it, that's what this is meant for
>You'll get it all in the GOTY edition that you're gonna buy again anyway
It's fucking sickening honestly. I doubt we'll ever go back to the way things were before.
It's happening nowadays and worse at that.
Nintendo attach that stuff to physical objects with no digital alternative. Only saving grace is that previous Amiibos sometimes get reused.
It's the only way to make F2P games work.
(you) can stop now, reddit
>Still mad about this
Just stop
But who defends that?
only made one post twat, you nintendfags are so easy to frustrate, i guess its because you're all 12