Other urls found in this thread:
I've been playing disgaea 5 like all fucking day, been having a blast though
Dunno, might watch some twilight zone later
Leftovers. Might make some pasta later
Had a lot of vodka last night, might just stick to coffee or soda tonight...
Stuff I had to proofread all last week for work. Fucking hell I'm sick of looking at it.
Pretty comfy besides that. Working on my novel, shitposting, chatting with friends. Can't really complain.
>no fappan
>dead thread
Cold Steel, it's pretty comfy I've been enjoying it way more than trails in the sky
nothing right now, digging through my backlog looking for something cute and comfy though
some cereal
meh families been stressing me out all day and I actually have to see them tomorrow
Nothing because USPS sucks and didn't drop off Prey at my apartment today
Whetever dumb shit my gf finds on the telly
Might put a record on, I'm not sure yet
Gf made some shrimp pasta, might make some snacks later
Might read some more Dune tonight
Sad because Prey won't get here until Monday and I have to work that day
Splatoon 2, maybe Ultra Street Fighter IV and UMvC3 that I picked up on the Steam sale
Nothing, on a diet
A book someone I know published or 1984
Alright. Working my way towards finding a job quickly. Hopefully that goes well
Uncharted 4
Wonder Woman
Enfold Darkness
Being Bipolar sucks
It's gonna rain
Animal Crossing gotta see KK
Might watch Ninja Scrool for shits and giggles then Toonami later on because Outlaw Star is rerunning
crickets outside
Spaghetti but might get a second helping because I'm fat.
Sup Forums
Dreading Monday and I'm sleepy as fuck right now so I might nap until Outlaw Star is on. Maybe catch that Jojo reference show english dub of Stardust because I really liked Stardust Crusaders.
more smt 1: ps1 edition. Smooth sailing
Even more Gaki. I've been on a binge
I've been hooked on this in my spare time
got some skittles, untouched cake, chips, and whatever else the fuck is lying around
water right now
I think I have a copy of Twenty leagues under the sea that I still haven't touched
Pretty good. Autumn is on the way, but it's my last weekend a free man until college calls again. So I'm gonna live it up as much as I can.
I know. Disgaea 5 is addictive as fuck.
>biochem exam in 30 hours
jesus christ this course was planned by lucifer himself
Breath of the Wild
Sonic Mania OST
Jaffa Cakes
Pepsi Max
Sup Forums
Bretty gud. Got speaking to a girl recently and seems to be going well, planning on meeting up within the next few days.
give her the dick for me user
>getting packages delivered to apartment
never again to many close calls and actually had something stolen once
always get it delivered to close post office and go and pick it up that day instead of having to wait an extra day
Nier: Automata & D3 later with a mango
The Matrix, Spirited Away, Berserk
Marinated steak & sweet corn
The Pillows and an 80s mix
Milwaukee 40 oz x3-4
Sup Forums
Fucking great. I came back to Nier at the right time. I need this bit of philosophical encouragement in my life, at present.
I'm wishing you all well.
y-you too
tried playing swat kats and got to last level but rage quit, might try to finish it later, IW4X MW2 mod was ok but needs more servers, not sure what else i want to play tonight mabye new vegas
reckful, 9/11 controlled demolition stuff
macadamia nut white chocolate cookie, pizza
monster zero ultra sips (tm)
Sup Forums
decent, shift change so i get a week off but kinda sad because i hate working saturdays.
> 40 oz x3-4
my sweet fuck user how can you put 120-160oz of beer in you
PuyoPuyo Tetris
Chief Keef
v, gif, d
Paper Mario Pro Mode
All of The Binding of Isaac OSTs+Antibirth
These posts.
Sour Cream & Onion Pringles
Root Beer, Gatorade & Water
Tired as hell & impatient, I want to play Sonic Mania on my damn PC already god damn it.
I haven't had a problem because it's usually ups but the post office by me is run by a bunch of retards so even if I wanted to pick it up from them they'd still fuck it up
Sonic Mania and Mario Kart
Some shitty pop song the tgi Friday I'm near is playing
Bad Chinese for the last time in a while
Not sure really. Last day at the summer job I've had for four years. Fucking hate the job and won't miss it but I've made a few friends here. One even went around and collected signatures for a card for me. I've always been more of a loner here so when that many came up to say goodbye to me or even just signed the card it did feel pretty nice.
>Rocket League, Splatoon 2, PUBG
>NXT Takeover Brooklyn
Grizzly Bears, The Districts
>Good man
ty, it means a lot coming from (You).
I started drinkan at around 1, so this is inbetween a few pee breaks. I'm out of XD atm with no ready means to restock, so I'm doing what i can.
Surprisingly having a great time.
dont they get warm by the end?
isnt more small cans better?
Gonna try out Observer tonight. Playing Dead Rising 1 still. Special Forces are in, and I've checked on Isabella, but I don't know what to do until the helicopter arrives. Siege bros are on vacation so I'm not playing right now.
Twin Peaks
Joy Division - Substance
Local pizza
Looking for clothes patterns and EVA foam tutorials.
Not great. At a family party right now and I feel really awkward. On a separate note, I know women aren't the key to happiness, but I'm going to keep chasing them like they're going to fix my life for me. Start Chipotle this Monday. It's not horizontal career change I need but it's suffice for now. Fall semester starts in two weeks and it's just what I need to keep my mind occupied.
Good luck, user.
more small cans is more expensive
i will, bro
NieR Automata
Grizzly Bear
Don't know yet
lonely, gf went out of town
What anime is this from?
Two Broke girls
to the show....?
Half-Life, Warframe, maybe Rockband
Not sure yet.
Death, Flotsam and Jetsam
Chicken Patties
Arizona half & half
Sup Forums
Not great, but better than usual I suppose. Met a guy last night who likes metal and vidya, but we're at different sides of the world. I wish I was able to meet a nice guy in person. On the plus side, I'm thinking about working on some more music, maybe Doom maps.
Hmm. A little but the wide mouth on the bottle really allows for a good taste. Plus, it screws back on for a tight seal. So, yeah the bottom is flat but it goes down so smooth - easily better than smalle cans, imo. In fact i wouldnt even drink those. They are far more gross than the 40 oz for some reason.
played a bit of Miitopia, mostly Super Star Ultra though
e-celeb shit, Bo Burnham
e-celeb shit
cheese and crackers
water, maybe some sprite in a few minutes
just some threads here on Sup Forums
pretty alright
Battlefield 1, Dead Cells, maybe some Crash later
Nothing right now
New Brand New album. Pretty good; probably one of the more laid back releases they've had.
Mozzarella sticks
Alright. Pills help some.
Good luck my dude
>I know women aren't the key to happiness, but I'm going to keep chasing them like they're going to fix my life for me
Focus on improving the way you think about yourself, so women won't matter. Be happy by yourself, and everything else will come with time.
>Bo Burnham
His 2013 stand-up is the GOAT. Not a fan of musical comedians much, but he's really good.
>being gay
or, even worse
>being a girl
MacGuver, then Next Generation
Sex Pistols, probably Dead Kennedys in a bit.
Papa John's
Dr. Pepper
Nothing at the moment
Tired, but nice
Being gay. Who'd wanna be a girl, that's pretty faggy
>His 2013 stand-up is the GOAT
yeah I just finished rewatching what. still just as good as I remember
downloading Words, Words, Words right now since I've never seen that
Hollow Knight
Lucha Underground
Rage Against The Machine
Vegemite on toast
Coke Zero
Like it's work tomorrow and I wasted the entire weekend again
Was playing Borderlands 2 earlier, but I got like an hour and a half through before I decided to refund it
Latest episode of Braindump just went up, decided to go through those again
Com Truise, Igorrr, MF DOOM
Just finished a huge bowl of pasta
Gonna make some orange tea in a bit
Got a metric ton of class readings to do next week before courses start up
Not bad, not good. Money issues, but I could be in a much worse place
this whole post sounds mega-comfy
Metal Gear Solid V and Speedrunners
My Hero Academia and maybe some Always Sunny
Weezer radio on Pandora
Had a banana, tuna packet, and some carrots
Water and protein shake
The Man in the High Castle. I just finished Ubik by the same author and it's easily one of my favorites now. I need to finish off the rest of the Berserk mangas I picked up a while ago
Picked up some games to add back to my collection I lost, got back from the gym a bit ago, and got a sweet Marilyn Monroe x James Dean poster I'm gonna frame this weekend.
>dr. pepper
i can never drink it again after the incident with gregs house
Deus Ex
The Wolfe Tones - Till Ireland a Nation
Polish beer
Atlas Shrugged
Right now, very sleepy. In general, complacency but also hope
Blaze Blue Extend on Xbox 360
White Gold on Netflix Maybe some shin chan
Ex Military- Death Grips
Ravioli and some Fruit
Water Lot's of it
I light my torch and burn it I am the beast I worship..........Fuck The Path I Walk Alone!!
Who do you main in OW?
Dr. Pepper is inoffensively tasty
I´d assume a young male could see that grass greener, no realizing their intrisic value.
Enjoy yourself, user. I work all the time too but reaching the right attitude level to play vidya all night is really all it is. Otherwise, we're arguing sleep time. Im going to make a specific note of wishing u better.
Godspeed you user. I need to go out and catch me one of those girlfriends. Haven't had one in two years
Thanks, user!
What happened at Greg's?
a sight that is forever burned into my head and dr. pepper triggers it
ff14 finally finished ARR story
neptunia marathon
cold tea
annoyed, been trying to learn to draw and nothing is coming up and now my throat has some some sort of bloat and cant stop thinking about it!
Not sure! I played some Rising Storm 2, might do PUBG. I've been feeling like playing COD zombies too, but maybe that's a bit of nostalgia.
Random youtube vids. The H3H3 podcast thing.
Steak, potaters, and salad! Ice cream later~
Glass of some canberry lime juice stuff, and then water. Wish I had some cider on hand.
The angry rants of isolated children.
Worried about my teeth, gonna get a dentist appointment soon.
Release your anguish, user. Tell us
Thanks for not including FAPPAN, that's gay as fuck.
Endless Space 2, I think Im bad at this.
Star Wars
Led Zeppelin
Dark Chocolate Milky Ways
The Beast, 40k
Kinda okay, recovering from sickness.
I need to share my strange fetishes with strangers who want to talk about videogames.
World In Conflict..
Funhaus videos
Watching YouTube right now. But will be listening to Alice In Chains Unplugged.. then some Red Dead Redemption Ambient Tracks for bed.
Had some Spinach And Artichoke Dip from Bone Fish Macs earlier. Probably some fruit later
Water. Maybe a Chi soon
Bought some biography on Theodore Roosevelt so probably that eventually.
Comfy.. but still depressed. Don't know why. Really wish someone would hop on a World In Conflict server. Game is as desolated as me right now.
Thanks anons. Not had one in 3/4 years, so I feel you bro. Good luck.
Are you the user having worried about a possible tooth infection being able to kill you?
gabriel dropout is so cute. what else should I be watchan if I like that?
I'm thinking about playing a racing game in a little bit.
I watched some Star Trek earlier.
No idea, probably some frozen food or a protein bar.
Nah, I'm a different hypochondriac.
60s Spider-man
This post
I thought all the evidence of The Greg Incident was burned
>I watched some Star Trek earlier.
Which show?
Majora's Mask for the first time. I was so high though, I couldn't find the five kids in 3 days and dropped it.
Patriots vs. Texans
the game
home made pizza
nigga why read it's the weekend
Some heroes 3, runnin that no damage Tazar
First season of Community
Franziskaner, and to think some people has this shit for breakfast
Taking my time on rereading Dragonlance
Pretty fucking empty
The Original Series. You can learn a bit about life if you care to look beyond the surface and don't take everything literally or too seriously.
There is at least a small amount of comfort in knowing that we are many. Good luck to you, friend.
Not much, on the road
The eclipse soon
Moth podcast
Some decent mexican food
I Heard the Owl Call My Name
Glad to be done with my job. I didn't dislike it but it was time to go
Fighting Dante FROM THE DEVIL MAY CRY SERIES in Nocturne and getting beat
Hajimete no Gal, might catch up on Princess Principal
Jimi Hendrix - Electric Ladyland earlier. Testing out some CD's I got from Half-Price books which include:
>Weezer - (Blue)
>Green Day - Dookie
>TFL - The Soft Bulletin
>TFL - Yoshimi battles the Pink Robots
>TFL- At war with the Mystics
Penn Station
Dr Pepper
Stephen King - The Drawing of the Three, Kakegurui
comfy as fuck. Got some new tennis shoes, found some albums I wasn't expecting to see and, enjoying good 'ol Shin Megami Tensei games on PS2
The angry rants of isolated children?
>The Wolfe Tones - Till Ireland a Nation
god fuck the queen user
Kiwami, going through Majima's system
Some aquatic documentaries to make the grind go by faster
Some Ferrero Rocher
Finished Ashita no Joe a while back, still recovering
Empty as always, but life's gotta go on.
You're never quite as alone as you feel, user.
Sup Forums.
Titanfall 2, something on my backlog, help me decide
new Hero Academia, shit's gitting gud
see above
This thread
Chicken salad
Alcohol in abundance
Maybe later
Slightly drunk and getting drunker
Just played a quick game of Hearthstone, Going to run a dungoen or two in FFXIV after I'm done with a few things.
Sound of rain
Had some BBQ chicken earlier.
Pepsi... I usually don't but I felt like it tonight.
I'm about to go write a few pages for my VN actually.
Fine. I just wish I had more hours throughout the day
I was just playing Guild Wars for 7 hours so I'm taking a break from games for a tiny bit. I might play some Starcraft Remastered soon. In the meantime I'm just eating a pizza and watching some SFV event on twitch in the meantime.
halo 2
The rain outside
Audiobooks from college
Orange juice
College books
lonely, but happy i live near my college
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
FLCL for the first time and it's just plain wacky fun
Alice in Chains
Sup Forums
Pretty good, just got a new job that I'll start this week
Update: also pissed as fuck because I can't find a Trainer to dick around with in Soviet Assault
Resident Evil 4. I beat it repeatedly on the Gamecube years ago, now I'm playing the PS4 version. Still one of my favorite games.
The Defenders
>Alice In Chains
My nigger, what album?
>Sup Forums
Ah I see, makes sense now
FLCL is awesome, good choice user
writing a VN, how far are you into development?
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Bullshit on youtube
Graf Orlock - Crime Traveller
Nothing, but I should finish up this novel I started reading earlier in the year.
I'm actually into a decent bit at the moment. Choose one for me to focus on please?
King of the Hill
Whatever comes on Autoplay.
Pizza n' Wings
Pretty gud.
Pokemon Emerald
The Big Bang Theory
Just read Freaks of The Heartland
Pretty about to smoke this dank
General cute recommendations
>Umaru probably the closest theme wise but I didn't really like it
>New Game
>Yuru Yuri
>Kiniro Mosaic
>watching The Big Bang Theory
What? Wh-
>"pretty about to smoke this dank"
That explains a lot.
Playing Black Ops 3 with my gf. Where taking turns and I'm playing Kirby in between.
Gonna go to the bar later
>how far are you into development?
If you're talking about the whole thing not as far as I would like to. Considering we're not too sure about the distribution method and what not we decided to write as much as we can before making any big moves(Such as involving other staff or making it public) in order to make sure we actually deliver the goods.
As of now it's a two person team (Me and a programmer, mostly) with a 400 page script. Which is about half of what I plan it to be. After the next two or three hundred page we'll start looking into art. My teamate could handle it but we'll see if we can make it really professional.
Prey, Splat 2 maybe, Tokyo Xanadu
Need to get something out, suggestions?
Green Tea
Waking up, anxiety and pain. Trying to calm down.
This sounds like that arc from Welcome to the NHK. As far as the art goes, there are A TON of freelance artists on the internet that could help with that if you have the $. Hope the VN turns out good and I get to see it someday.
chicken tendies
I'd gamble my Newly scouted jack frost on that
I never feel too alone. I know I can always come here. Specifically Sup Forums. Its always so like-minded & comforting. At least on some kind of scale.
This is actually the only thing missing from my post tonight. Im watching FLCL too but for the first time as sub. This will always be my favorite thing. My lock/home screen are mamimi & i will never stop loving her. This show almost single-handedly shaped who i am today. Naota is incredibly relatable.
Phantasy Star Online 2 like a faggot
Just finished Stardust Crusaders arc of JoJo's, it was a wild ride. Also DanielfromSL's latest video
Tame Impala is godly as fuck
Had a burrito bowl earlier, probably having something small for dinner ;_;
arnold palmers is my nigga
i aint readin no gayass shit
shitty because my quarter starts up again soon fucc
Where should I acquire the tendies?
Hee ho
Which Tame Impala album?
Just popping in super mario maker for the first time, ready to have fun making my own levels
Emulating persona for some reason. Literally never touched it before but wanted to try it out of the blue.
Whatever you tube thinks I'm into. It's not very accurate.
Had some chicken
Cherry coke and vodka. Mostly vodka.
Frustrated, annoyed and disappointed all at once. Been putting off stuff I need to do to get prepped for college all month and I know I'm just not doing it but I keep procrastinating anyways. I keep thinking about what I'm going to do when I run the month down and have nothing to show for it.
>this sounds like that arc from Welcome to the NHK.
Holy shit I did not need to be reminded of that...
I only kid. I'd never gamble Jacky boy for anything. I'm having fun in smt 1 though.