At what point did you realize ScrewAttack had gone to shit?

At what point did you realize ScrewAttack had gone to shit?

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Who the fuck asked for this? Just do goku vs satama already faggots

>At what point did you realize ScrewAttack had gone to shit?
Yang vs Tifa

It was never good.

bolin or however the fuck you spell his name
bolin is the cancer

When Goku lost to Superman

But superman is stronger then goku

Goku is given more credit than he deserves, loads of capeshit is ridiculous and he would have no chance against.

Toph vs Gaara

Tifa vs that bimbo bitch from that tumblr cartoon

So who won?

you know rooster teeth ordered that result, actually rooster teeth buying them was one of the major causes of modern screw attack being shit

When they fired Jared.

at what point did you think screwattack was good, you fucking child?

I realized it at many points

Gaara Vs Toph
Yang Vs Tifa
Scout Vs Tracer
Flash Vs Quicksilver
Doomguy Vs Master Chief

On the other hand...

Dante Vs Bayonetta
Solid Snake Vs Sam Fisher
Raiden Vs Wolverine
Balrog Vs TJ Combo

were pretty good.

when he was a fucking child you fucking grandpa

Yang vs tifa is hilarious bullshit, made funnier by the fact that tifa is monty oum's waifu

>Gaara Vs Toph
>Flash Vs Quicksilver
literally nothing wrong with these results

>that Sunibee set where the fit thicc Blaziken puts somebody into a bunch of wrestling holds

It is the only Sunibee stuff I can stand to look at.

This. The fact that it was a character from Rooster Teeth their partner, and that they aired the fight just a few days before a new season of RWBY aired spelled doom for Tifa. They got so many facts wrong just so that Yang could win.

Scout vs Tracer and Dante Vs Bayonetta

Put Blaziken in Marvel VS Capcom Infinite

>>Flash Vs Quicksilver

There was no need to even have a death battle of that, because all DC and Marvel fans know that Flash is significantly, ridiculously faster. he's so fast he can move through solid objects and even travel in time. There was no speculation about who would win. Everyone knew it would be Flash.

honestly, I don't see what's wrong with this

Who wanna see this? Who wins?

When doomguy lost

fucking this, people would have been more eager to see that shit series if the fight wasn't fixed against Tifa as a shilling comercial

like 8 years ago.

>Dante vs Bayonetta
It was shit. They gave Dante all his toys don't let Bayo use any and asspulled quicksilver despite Bayo stopping time while time was stopped several times. Bayonetta would destroy Dante in a fight. Dante's games are better though

2B literally just gets revived

I'm 23 years old. I knew it was shit the moment I heard about a series of "Character X vs Character Y" videos. Other telltale signs include being named after a Super Metroid ability to appeal to faux gamers and being a youtube series in 2012+

So it ends in a draw? When Raiden goes into "I think it's time for Jack to LET 'ER RIP!" mode it's game over for 2B. He'll pull out her "organs" and regain health.

OP you must have forgotten about Blanka vs Pikachu.

like 2011

Cloud vs. Link

>no one, not a single person, said when handsome tom left

that's when it went full autist

it was too autist for jared and jared is already way fucking deep into the realm of autism

What you don't realize is that screwattack had extremely humble beginnings. It was founded 10+ years ago by some guy in Texas just because he thought gaming journalism was shit. The fact it actually became big is a complete anomaly caused by deathbattle. It would have been good if they stuck to their roots; modern screwattack doesn't do what they used to in the slightest.

I hate admitting this, but I'm still a bit salty about that fight not because Pikachu lost, but how he lost. That is not how you end a clash.

As a side note, I also don't like how ScrewAttack seems to have it out for Pokemon and to a slightly lesser extent, Street Fighter.

I dunno, what was their first video?

When they redid Goku vs Superman, didn't fix their wrong calculations from the first, implied SSB wasn't exponentially stronger than SS4 considerong how the battle ended and explained it away with philosophy shit

Post Spicey Chicken.

It was always shit.

grow up

What got me about Dante vs Bayonetta is that the used the excuse that nothing Bayo could through at Dante would ultimately stop or hurt him, yet ignored that very same thing about Raiden vs Wolverine - a guy who was able to survive re-entry into Earth atmosphere while nothing but a shiny skeleton. The Xavier Files (or whatever the comics called them) claimed that he MIGHT be killable by removing his head, but even then Chuck wasn't certain.

Yang vs Tifa I didn't get. I mean, they let Yang have full stats, yet essentially raped Tifa pre-match and forced her to fight with her rapists cocks still shoved up her orifices.

>wahhhh my waifu lost so its shilling

I think that the problem is that they're trying to appeal to younger gamers, I remember being in my early 20's and enjoying all their content, same goes for AVGN or Mega64 but they're pretty much lost all the oldfags following them by now.

Definitely the Yang vs Tifa bullshit.

Even Monty wouldn't put his OC over her.

One reason that Yang was was because of Aura, the force field that protects her. In volume 1 and 2 of RWBY, no one knew the limits of Aura, how much damage it could absorb, and when it would run out. That gave Yang a big edge in the fight.

Volume 3 and 4 showed that Auras (incluiding Yang's) are quite limited. Some run out after just a few attacks. Mercury brought Yang's Aura down to 16% with several kicks and projectiles. No way her Aura would hold against Tifa's attacks + Limit Breaks. If a rematch were to happen after FF7 remake comes out then Yang might actually lose.

Don't you have a shitty cartoon to watch?

All the way back when the vast majority of the first gen screw attack shows/staff left due to craig's horseshit mismanagement

SSG Goku, during his fight with Beerus, nearly destroyed the universe by accident by punching Beerus three times

Not to mention he was planet-destroying tier when he fought Vegeta (probably a lot sooner, considering Roshi was able to destroy the moon in his first fight with Goku, it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume Raditz was capable of destroying a planet) and Goku is literally billions of times stronger than he was then, even without SSG or SSB or SSBx10

frankly the real result of Goku and Superman having a full-on fight would simply be the destruction of the universe

I have a question related to this thread

I watched some of the game attack stuff with Sam, Craig, Bolen and Chad. Well, now game attack is full fucking retard

Where can I get more of my nigga Sam?

When has it not been shit?

Raiden shits on her with feats
9S "might" be able to fuck him up with hacking but that's if he doesn't get blademoded and only maybe.

like sometime in 2009

well, you watched shit like yang vs tifa

Really makes you think

yeah what the fuck happened in the early days? Jose, Jared, Destin, that Korie chick...

Did they ever cite any reason in particular?

>Doomguy Vs Master Chief

This was horrible, but not for the reason people think it is. It's not that Doomguy should have won, it's that the matchup never should have happened.

Halo is extremely lore based. There's over 20 novels, and the in game damage, movement speed, and other gameplay elements are explicitly non canonical. Halo lore itself is actually pretty grounded, being about halfway between hard and soft sci fi. Meanwhile, Doom exists solely in the context of it's own game mechanics and operates on the rule of cool.

You inherently can't compare a character that's bound by strict limitations and actual lore and statistics and compare it to a character that essentially operates on the video game equivalent of cartoon logic, it just doesn't work.

Wait a minute, is that how they got the ken in Blaziken?

>caused by deathbattle
What about AVGN and the stuff they did for Gametrailers?

left for ign

left because craig didn't want him making youtube videos. it was either stay at sa or do youtube,



>yay my waifu won, time to watch the next exciting season of RWBY™

That's DBX though

They lost it in season 3, they already fucked up the results so bad the only good thing about them was the animation.
then S3 decided that battles should not be battles and they should not last at all.
the results were stomps with nothing trying to cover up them.
>scout vs tracer
>amy vs ramona
>bowser vs ganon

When Handsome Tom left.
You fags probably don't even know who that is.

the other stuff brought attention but deathbattle brought the biggest chunk of autism

pls respond

>watching shitty parody waifu vs waifu
>cry about it when your waifu lost

Basically, Craig doesn't pay anybody for Screwattack content contributions while also demanding said content contributions from every body. Especially for the syndicated shows like Captain S and Screwattack Europe, they were pretty much working for free without anything so much as ad revenue cuts.

And you're defending RWBY. I don't even need to tell you how pathetic that is.

>Captain S

That's a name I haven't heard in a solid while. Are any of the old crew up to anything nowadays?


well that's some shit.

I guess it's just the sign of the times where all these little guys either die out or get picked up by even bigger multimedia networks--the only exceptions I can think of being Penny Arcade and Mega64. It makes me feel slightly sad to see the once avant-garde of web series and productions reduced to this kind of thing, I guess

it isn't even a contest user

>y-you are defending
no one cares about your shitty waifu fighting videp, you know how pathetic you are, keep crying

>Scout vs Tracer
I'm still mad.
>"Hey, That's not fair!"
>*Blinks 20 times in a row*
>*Builds Ult off of missed shots*
>*Doesn't die from getting sent into the stratosphere by the home run*
>Scout loses in hand to hand despite being able to fight heavy 1 on 1, Killing a bear by shattering a stray bone across its skull and taking 3 rockets to the face without dying.
Scout barely even runs and never double jumps once in the video.

About the time they thought Sakuya could survive even one of DIO or The World's punches, especially to the head.

You forgot

>Scout doesn't run, he just walks.
>Scout doesn't use double jump
>Tracer can rewind over 10 seconds when her limit is 3

Watching this video makes sense that Bowser would still be beatable even if he had his Star Rod when fighting against Ganondorf.

i'm not talking about the "research" results
i'm talking about the battles, the only thing that made them worth watching.
in S3 you can count the number of hits the loser gets on the winner with both hands, sometimes even one hand.

That's more on Hyper Gauge's head. You gotta admit though, Timestops actually stopping the timer was pretty fucking neat

Not video games.

>thinks anyone is crying but him
get bullied, n*rd

The battles would be stupid if you don't put research into the character's and how strong they really are.

Its true, but its established Sakuya can stop time or manipulate space to whatever extent she wants. She even says "I can stall for however long I want!" in EoSD, Mixing them accurately, Sakuya would kill DIO no problem, because she can stop time infinitely whereas High DIO can only stop time for 10 seconds and Danmaku should be able to hurt stands because they hurt the soul rather than the person. But this is the flaw, you should never mix powerlevels across different franchises, Touhou has characters with such high power levels nothing can ever kill kill them and they're kill anything instantly.

Boba Fett vs Samus Aran
Who thought this was a fair fight?

world over heaven dio could beat her

True, Touhou Powerlevels are batshit even when you account for Danmaku being a super glorified game of Dodgeball.

I haven't seen much of EoH, is that DIO still vulnerable to Timestop?

Samus won because the fight was meant to honor Monty Oum and his Haloid video.



Is this a bait fight?

I'm not sure if the time stop was prolonged, but he could rewrite reality, at least by touching it as it's shown.

>trusting anyone in Gensokyo to tell the truth about themselves and their powers
>especially filthy youkai and youkai sympathizers

The most annoying thing about it is that they seem to just switch between Lore and Gameplay Mechanics whenever the fuck they want based on whoever they want to win.

jotaro pulls i have the same stand bullshit again
so he can rewrite reality with his fists too
even though dio went through hell to gain more power and the dio is different from the one jotaro fought
so i guess timestop would cancel each other

I haven't seen many of them, but that's likely the result of having two characters from two diffwerent series where one franchise is more lore/narrative based and the other is more purely gameplay based.

This is the same issue doomguy vs mastercheif had, as explains.

You can't make a judgement call, there's not enough information. World Over Heaven Dio is not as fleshed out as Pucci, with Made In Heaven its established Pucci himself is still vulnerable and a normal human no matter what you can't even land a physical blow on him because he's too fast. With World Over Heaven DIO its established he can re-write the Universe as he sees fit, but then he punches Jotaro who holds his alternate wrist bangle and is destroyed. So what, can he predict the future, can he manipulate time, can he re-write either? There's no answer. Sakuya could win as easily as with DIO as long as time stop effects him, but its never established. Too be honest, something that could kill Sakuya are stands far weaker, but effect a larger radius. For example,Marilyn Manson, The Lovers, Jailhouse Lock, Death 13, The Sun or Weather Report could kill Sakuya as long as they initiate their power before Sakuya does, whereas OP stands like The World or King Crimson stand no chance. Again, there's no point in comparing between franchises, its pointless.

They are batshit, but then a lot of characters in Touhou can be killed or destroyed by certain stands or even Nen from HuntexHunter. The key pitch about stands is that no-one is ever safe, and Togashi with HunterxHunter and ZUN took that idea. It by design of all three you'll never be able to work out who wins, that's why their manga and video games stay interesting. Can Marisa beat Reimu? Sure, depends on the circumstance, just like Jojo and HunterxHunter.

Quicksilver doesn't stop time. It speeds up Dante to time stopping level. Witch time wouldn't have worked on him regardless. Plus, they never even used Majin Form Dante. There was no way Bayo was winning that. She's strong though; she could probably beat Kratos.