Dark Souls 2

Holy shit you guys were right, this is absolute garbage. This game doesn't feel like Dark Souls at all. I feel like dropping it after the first boss. Does it get better?

Love this OST though

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Took you long enough fag

Yeah, I still haven't played Dark Souls 3 as well

Not really, it's the best Dark Souls game. Only loses to Bloodborne. Loses to Demon's Souls if you like story.

Dark Souls 1 is dogshit after Anor Londo and Dark Souls 3 is worthless other than 4 boss fights.

Oh boy, another Souls shitposting thread!

the game is like 50 hours long and you're crying about the first 40 minutes

might as well stop now

You do realise that all dark souls games feel different?

No it doesn't, just drop it and go do something else. Don't ever post about it either.


it gets better once you start experimenting with shit and find the pvp arena

>You do realise that all dark souls games feel different?

and Souls 2 felt the worst

Dark Souls 1 and 3 feel almost exactly the same, just numerical values changed around a bit to make you fast roll more easily and more often. They even reused the animations. 2 is the one that feels completely different (like dogshit)

Okay, so what's next?

I know it's all shitposting, but Dark Souls 2 is legitimately close to being as good as DaS1, though it will never reach the holy trinity of DeS/Das1/BB. Definitely miles better than DaS3 which felt like Bandai Namco holding Miyazaki at gunpoint.

Your """"""opinion""""""" is allready factually wrong. Completely different approach to world building and level design. Also, mana bar.

Not an argument.
*Dodgeroll spams away*

posting facts about dark shits 2 is not shitposting, dumbass

How does this game manage to reach thread limit years later? I understand it's the weakest entry in the souls series but holy fuck

>I know it's all shitposting
>continues to shitpost
All these games, except for bloodborne, are almost identical gameplaywise.

>but Dark Souls 2 is legitimately close to being as good as DaS1


The opening theme for this game is awesome on so many levels

its pacha.jpeg in OST form

Dark Souls 2 defence force moving in on this thread. Might as well season this thread and be over with it before they shit up the entire place.

Reminder that anyone who thinks Dark Souls 2 is the best either played it as their first Dark Souls game or they are just shitposting.

He never mentioned poise in that post

It wasn't that bad. I don't know if you started playing before SOTFS, which was a fucking train wreck. But after the dlc and playing again for the second time (on playthrough 2) the game really shines.

He implied that they are almost exactly the same, but in DaS 3 poise works in a complete different way. Poise a major game mechanic, mana bar also.

The DLCs are DS1 tier, maybe even better.

The beginning was the only part I liked, so I doubt you'll like the rest at all.

>Dark Souls 1 is dogshit after Anor Londo
i just beat dark souls 1 as my first souls game yesterday and i see that this is a meme,or somefag tryin' to be cool,or both

You have shit taste, don´t worry its pretty common around here. DaS3 might suit you a lot more

Dark Souls 3 is way better. Feels like an actual sequel.

>you fight and roll
>you fight and roll
>you fight and roll

I meant the DaS2 hate is all just falseflagging. No one legitimately hates DaS2 outside of these bait threads.
>All these games, except for bloodborne, are almost identical gameplaywise.
Funnily enough DaS2 is the only Souls game that plays completely different from all the established Souls games outside of BB, the weight of weapons and heavier emphasis on positioning and stamina management proves that.

DaS2 makes up for its shortcomings by simply being a far more fun game to play, DaS2 only gets better as you get close to the end of the game, DaS1 falls short at the last half. They equal out both of their pros and cons in the end, however, after playing both games to death I'd say I get more enjoyment out of making a new build in DaS2 than DaS1.

that;s because DaS3 is the better game

I hate to break it to you, but the general consensus among the dark souls community is that 2 is bad.

>Funnily enough DaS2 is the only Souls game that plays completely different from all the established Souls games outside of BB,

and is hated by the fans because of it. All the gank squads do not help

Spotted the drone.

>contrarian "opinions" accompanied by reaction images of terrible anime characters

yeah I'm on Sup Forums

They are all shit, only Demons Souls and Bloodborne are good

>positioning and stamina management
Positioning is important in all Dark Souls games, in DaS2 it is just more often important or rewarding. True that in DLCs without proper positioning you gonna get fucked fast, but this also aplies for DaS3 DLCs.


>dark souls community
Bunch of false flagging anonymous people who do it ironically, such as (You)rself.


Fuck off, grass muncher.

Make sure to kill the Pursuer boss in the Forest to get the first good shield and armor in the game, after that go through Heide's Tower and beyond.

I'd recommend trying to get at least through the Lost Sinner. I played through the entire thing and still don't like it but I definitely started having a better time once i got over the first hump of the forest and started leveling adaptability. At that point if you don't feel like it's improving then drop it, maybe move onto 3.

badly designed stat because it was connected to an important game play element but never mentioned it.

Glad DaS3 took it out

>don't care about Soul Memory
>ADP is dumb but not a huge issue
>still hate DaS2 because movement and attacking feels god awful, among other comparatively minor reasons

they're all the same

>mana bar
rofl holy shit wtf dude

This honestly

I know it's thrown around a lot for no reason, but I genuinely mean this: are you autistic? You can't seem to comprehend that other people see things differently than you. It's ok if you have a minority opinion, do whatever makes you happy, but you don't have to delude yourself into thinking this is a popular opinion so you can feel validated by a bunch of video game nerds on an anime website.

Serious question here guys, I'm playing through DaS1 for the first time right now and loving it, I'm up to Sen's Fortress at the moment. My question is should I bother with DaS2 after I finish this or go straight to 3? What exactly is it about 2 that is so shit? I've played a bit of 3 and from memory it just seems like an easier version of 1. I also have Bloodborne on my backlog so should I just skip through 2&3 and go straight to BB?

>but the general consensus among the dark souls community is that 2 is bad.
Which Dark Souls community? Sup Forums? Who cares about Sup Forums? The general consensus is that DaS2 is the worst in the series, that doesn't mean it's a bad game you fucking sensationalist. It got dethroned from the "worst game" title once DaS3 came out anyways, but as proven by these threads it's debatable. I just don't like how commercial DaS3 feels even more compared to how commercial DaS2 was. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

I don't hate it, the game feels different but it's a good different. Just don't lock on if the groups are too much to handle. All the balance changes including the new backstab and parry were all very welcome for PvP too. Powerstancing was OP in PvE but that's another story.

I wouldn't have minded DaS3's more DaS1 approach to gameplay if they had increased the stamina cost of roll spamming. First roll = normal cost -> Second roll = slightly increased cost etc etc.

Ds3 is worse

demons souls and dark souls were never meant to have sequels. 2 and 3 do not exist.

>Just don't lock on if the groups are too much to handle

then your attacks will miss

just play them all and form your own opinions. they all go on sale for cheap eventually.

yes they do and FFX-2 and 2.5 also do exist, you can't run

>The best Dark Souls
>In the need to make this thread every day

>it's the daily Miyazaki fanboy butthurt thread

DaS is literally the worst game in the entire series

The DLC is the only good part of DS2
I'd put the DLC on par with DS3, the base game is way below base DS3 although both are inferior to DS1 which has the best exploration and world design

The DLC has great level design, enemies are ok and bosses are 6 that ranges from good to great and 3 that are very bad.

The base game is very weak overall, the level design is terrible for the most part, about 20% of the bosses are good while the rest is either boring or awful. Characters feel very high-fantasy an mostly boring. Visuals are a mixed bag with some VERY UGLY parts and and animations are sluggish and/or bad looking. Mechanics are two steps forward and two steps back, from fixing some cheesy stuff from DaS1 to ruining some stuff like gems, ADP and soul memory. The best (or good) things about the game as a whole is that it has the most viable builds of ALL games and almost all of them are available early on, the freedom of places to go from the beginning if you know what you are doing and the size of the game, it's very large it has A LOT to explore.

>TLDR version
+Its big
+relatively open
+lots of ways to play it
+dlcs are good overall

-+breaks as much as it fixes things
-+visuals are a mixed bag
-+some neat ideas but mostly unexplored

-very few good bosses
-ost is mostly crap
-level design is shit
-fucks up lore/story/characters

I dont have a lot of fun playing it, but am oddly attracted to it to try new things, while i cant even look at DaS3 without yawning, but have a much more enjoyable time with it.

They won't, even with thrusting weapons most of the weapons in DaS2 have the ability to easily phantom-hit large groups of enemies outside of your forward vision. It's not THAT hard to play Dark Souls without lock-on anyways. It was common practice for some bosses/enemy types in the games that came before DaS2, try bosses like Kalameet without lock-on and notice the insane difference in how easy he is.

To understand this shitposting, you first must understand the mindset of the DaS2fag. These are the people who jumped on the bandwagon with DaS based strictly on the hardcore marketing, so they equate garbage game design and mechanics with challenge.

this is probably the most objective criticism I've seen about the game

It's a mix of discord shitposters and stockholm syndrome victims genuinely attached to 2.

why do people say the DLC is good? the level design is better (most of the time) but the enemies are shitty damage sponges and the bosses are mostly terrible.

At least try 2. I don't like it but you might turn out to be one of the weirdos and spend your future making daily APOLOGIZE threads on Sup Forums.

More likely you'll if you go in with lowered expectations you'll be able to tolerate it enough to finish it, but will see why the game dissappointed so many. You can easily skip it to go on to 3 or Bloodborne too if you please.

How? He didn't even elaborate on how terrible the gameplay is.

>The DLC has great level design

I played Sunken King. the level design was piss poor and it hard to tell if you were making progress. Enemies being gank squads and taking 50% damage from my Arsenal was crap (it takes like 6 basic hex spells to kill a guy when it takes like 2 in the base game)

ended up quitting the DLC in disgust

very well then.
Dark Souls 2 does a few things well, it has varied move set options. I'm a fan of Artorias' sword and bone fist in particular. However, I think the pve is 5/10 while the boss fights are 3/10 to 6/10 at best. In dark souls 1 you had two factors for difficulty in pve. The placement of the enemies, and the the very ground you stand on. Rolling was very deliberate in that you could only roll four directions, and you had to be careful not to roll of a cliff. Dark Souls 2's roll has a very short range and isn't very satisfying to use, not to mention adaptability being a chore to have to level up for a functioning dodge, but i digress. My point is Dark Souls 2 just doesn't feel satisfying. Everything feels so lazy, not saying that the devs were lazy even though as evident by the lighting they definitely didn’t have enough time to polish up the game, but it feels like every enemy in the game is lazily attacking. It's like they're underwater. Even during boss fights the swings are so slow and lazy. When you get hit by fume knight’s greatsword and go flying it just feels ridiculous. Not only is there a disconnect between how hard you go flying despite him swinging his sword at 3mph, but it also makes the less than stellar hit boxes all the more obvious as you can see every goddamn frame of his slow ass attack. All the animations of bosses/enemies don’t look right either. They have no weight. It feels like they’re just floating. There’s no impact.

I agree with you mostly, but I don't understand how the ost is bad? Literally all souls ost is the same stuff.

What said. You'll learn to appreciate things you might have missed or took for granted about the other games. Just don't buy it like that fuck told you, both versions are dead anyway.

Now beyond just the enemy animations not looking very good nor having any weight the enemy placement is laughable. Everyone knows about the one spot in Lost Bastille. The one where it’s a literal room full of like 20 of the same enemy? That’s not clever, it’s not fun, it’s not even hard, just bait a few of them then take them out on the bridge. Rinse and repeat until the room is empty. Compare that to the Duke’s Archives, where you have a few enemies melee enemies that are weak but can be taken out easily. There aren’t many, maybe like 5 or so. You have to lure them out and take care of them. Also you have to be careful of the mages. They cast strong spells so you don’t want to have to deal with the small guys on top of them. Because if you just run to them you’ll be swarmed and die. So here’s the puzzle. You need to lure the small guys, take em out, then you should be could to kill the mages. If this was ds2 Instead of the mages it’d just be more small melee guys, pve in ds2 is literally just copy and paste the same enemy 20 times or so and drop them in a room, max out their aggro range and then tediously try and filter through them on a and narrow path you can find. This coupled with the unsatisfying movement and boring enemies with It’s just not fun, it’s just a chore.

Bloodborne > first half of DaS > DeS > DaS2 > second half of DaS > DaS3

Dark souls doesn't usually have very memorable songs. But a lot of songs in ds2 are pretty bad. Smelter demon comes to mind.


First half of DS2 sucks balls
Want to kill myself and then put the game down every time I start a new character. Got Scholar and couldn't even make it to the DLC because of how fucking shit the beginning of the game is.

Dark Souls 3 wasn't that bad. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. It had some amazing highs like fighting Nameless King and Champion Gundyr first time, and Lothric Castle was amazing.

>having to lure out enemies is bad
>but if there are casters shooting at you too it's better
Also, which room in Lost Bastille are you talking about?

I don't understand what's bad about it.

Really? I found the later half to be much worse. At that point I had nothing to inspire me to go forward, I only finished out of buyer's remorse.

Only DeS and BB are great games. The 3 Dark Souls games are all junk for different reasons and it's sad watching people endlessly wank and shit on them until the sun consumes the Earth. It's almost meta, like the saga of Lordran(or whatever it's called) itself.

Demon's Souls was a fantastic, if flawed game. But the flaws could be ignored because the game itself was so well crafted and ambitious, and all the elements worked together well.

Demon's Souls had that Megaman-like stage select that made the world feel truly huge and made you feel like you really were a guy thrown outside of the normal existence of time and space. The setting, with its immortal guardians, eldritch god, and the Maiden in Black, felt both magical and cosmic. The game even had a solid story which opened naturally and you followed through Ostrava. The cast was memorable, tragic, and mysterious..

Dark Souls was basically DeS but worse in everything but mechanics. The open world is pathetic and nonsensical, with everything basically stacked around a single mountain. The "lore" goes from snippets that reveal more about the setting to namedropping random bullshit. A lot of the characters are just tired retreads, with Lautrec being a more visually interesting but ultimately more shallow Yurt, and Solaire being like Ostrava but without a point. And yes, the second half of the game is a complete joke, even Duke's Archives. The game builds itself up wonderfully and then after Anus Lando you go through literal copypasta levels fighting some of the shittiest bosses in the franchise. The story of Gwyn is like a mirror of Valant, instead of a weak king who meddles with forces far beyond his control and is ruined for it you have the story of a great king who gave his soul for the world only to have the world degenerate anyway, but this twist is not adequately built up, Dark Souls is actually TOO vague.

>The open world is pathetic and nonsensical
Stopped reading there. Sonygs should be shot.

the one before you fight the Ruin Sentinels, and my point was that in ds1 the enemies positioning mattered, In ds2 they just threw a bunch of of the same guy in a room. Where they are doesn't matter at all.

I just realized shrine of amana is actually good! Thanks user

Thanks, but as i never went full on detail on most stuff, that would take too long and i'm not up to for it right now, i just game my overall thoughts of the game, i appreciate the complement though.

It has been long since i heard it and i'm a guy enjoy listening the ost out of the game later and i appreciate when music feels unique o has personality to it (you can tell whose boss that music belongs to just from the music itself rather than memory) and i thought it was very samey and bland. Maybe i will listen again another time to see if i still feel like that.

I'm sorry to hear you didnt enjoy it.

>the level design was piss poor
I disagree, from the moving pillars, to the well placed shortcuts to the interesting traps and the maze-like nature of the place, it was fun to explore.
> and it hard to tell if you were making progress
Can you elaborate on this one?

>Enemies being gank squads
Outside of maybe that one cliff in the beggining i never felt overwhelmed with enemies, where exactly you felt it was too much?

>and taking 50% damage from my Arsenal was crap (it takes like 6 basic hex spells to kill a guy when it takes like 2 in the base game)
I can see your point, but it's endgame, you should have resources by now.

Are you trying to tell me that people on Sup Forums don't just shitpost most of the time in a popular games threads? Holy shit.

DS3 is masterpiece and best From game. BB is near, but not enough to top TRC.
DS2 is just a failure just like all those who loving it.

it's just a generic brass arrangement and doesn't really capture the more Gothic tones of dark souls, but to each their own i suppose.

LOL there are only 5 guys in this area. 9 if you open up the gate that you would not be able to have opened on your first time there

>> and it hard to tell if you were making progress
>Can you elaborate on this one?
everything looked the fucking same

>you should have resources by now.
I did. I had Hexes, normal magic, lighting magic, poison arrows, that Fire Longsword you find at the forest of fallen giants.

All of those did fuck all in the DLC and that arsenal got me through the main game

can you tell me how it's clever or difficult to put the same enemy times 5-9 in a room and then mindlessly run after you?

The comes Dark Souls 2. The game added some quality of life improvements but also counterintuitive design decisions. It also made the gameplay slow as fuck. Every action is made incredibly slow, while the enemies have only gotten faster. It's a bore to play.

Dark Souls 2, at least with the DLC and all that, has one thing over DaS in that while DaS climbed and then plummeted until the very end, which wasn't enough to save it, DaS2 at least mixed in shitty levels and good ones. The open world was even worse than Dark Souls, though, and the maps even less inspired, with many seeming like pure filler, like Harvest Valley. The story was like a bad pastiche of DeS and DaS and the highs of it weren't enough to overcome the lows. It relied too much on fanservice to try and save a mediocre game.

DaS3 was slightly better, but it was basically full on fanservice and references to itself, and they decided to just get rid of poise entirely.

The whole trilogy is basically what happens when big publishers look at an inspired game and then force a small company to churn out triple A follow-ups that it can't deliver on.

But it is, retard.
In the beginning you get this epic cinematic about the great war against the eternal dragons uniting five lords and then the entire game where you can run across all four lords takes place on one side of a mountain, where the area you start at which also has the Kiln below it is above New Londo which is right next to the Valley of the Drakes which is also across from Blight Town? Sen's Fortress is a short walk under a cathedral? The Duke's Archives where Seath was being a weirdo recluse is a stone's throw away from every other location. Anor Londo is literally just on the other side of the mountain. It's dumb. There is no sense of distance.

You memeing faggots will shit on Dark Souls 2 for having that shit incohesive world but ignore that DaS had it only slightly better.

I really disliked it at first, but by time I beat like 4 bosses I got really good at it and stopped getting slaughtered by basic mobs. I loved some of the later areas, the atmosphere is great and even the weaker bosses were fucking awesome to fight. I just wish there was a way to easily re-fight bosses, I want to re-experience the Demon of Song fight over and over but having to replay the game for that isn't going to happen.

my favorite souls game > your favorite souls game


It objectively takes a sharp dip after AL user. Nito and Seath are easily beatable first try; Gwyn is pretty laughable as well. 4 Kings is actually decent in concept. The areas lose their wonder as well. Catacombs, ToG, and New Londo are all dark, tight areas. Lost Izalith and Demon Ruins are ok but (aside from the horrible framerate), it is quite short. It is somewhat redeemed by the DLC bosses and areas.

my opinions >>>>> anyone's opinions >>>>> your opinions

To be fair, this shit happens in every game and it's fukkin' annoying

Dark Souls 2 should be in eternal shit tier just for having the Shrine of Amana, arguably the worst level ever.

>You walk in
>It's beautiful
>It's just a big corridor with water that slows you down and faggots launching Magic Missile from 5km away
>At the end there's three faggots who all rush you with two grouped dudes shooting Magic Missile in an obvious attempt to just fuck you over unless you time your attack perfectly
>The boss at the end is fucking terrible