Vice City takes place in 1986, but came out in 2002, 16 years later, in 2018 it will be 16 years since 2002, how does that make you feel?
Vice City takes place in 1986, but came out in 2002, 16 years later, in 2018 it will be 16 years since 2002...
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The radio makes it like it came it in 2018.
It makes me feel like culture has stagnated since 9/11.
Are there any early 00s nostalgia bait games?
I wonder what a modern game set in 2002 would include as means to set it apart and emphasize that it is set in 2002 and not modern day. I sure there is some stuff you could do. How would you do it Sup Forums?
Complete lack of SJW culture. Replaced by "Fuck terrorists" culture.
You could easily have the paranoid character making a bunker stocking up on guns and supplies preparing for the next terrorist attack in a GTA game. That's a good example.
There is already a GTA game set in 2001, m8
Yeah, what's that got to do with anything though?
what does 9/11 have to do with culture, or videogames? why not just say that things have changed drastically since the early 2000s?
>what does 9/11 have to do with culture
you must be child if you really asked that
>doesn't have an argument
that's what I expected, was just checking though
The characters don't have smartphones.GTA V did this in the prologue (set in 2004) where michael pulls out a phone that looks like an old nokia while in the regular game he uses an iphone lookalike.
I was 7 in 1986, 23 when vice city came out.
I was taking to my friend earlier about the DJ Shadow LP that dropped 20 years ago. Still feels like yesterday.
I still remember the smell of late May-early June when I first played it.
I wish they would make a new GTA game set in the 80's but it's too niche.
>A GTA without smartphones and modern "culture" is too niche
Kill me.
It wasn't niche to not include smartphones back in 2002.
Honestly I'm struggling to think of any traits that defined the 00s. The only thing remotely close that comes to mind was the emo/goth sub-culture, but few remember that. At its core that decade was basically like today minus social network cancer and political extremism.
Was 9/11 really the end? It sure feels like almost everything has been wrong since then.
In my city there is a radio that is called SmoothFM
Just reinstalled Vice City last night
>They don't know that 9/11 was a corrupiton of the stable,calm and comfortable lifestyle that America was heading to in the new millenium and that vaporwave is just nostalgia for that future we never had a chance to experience
Personally I've noticed a huge difference between pre-2007 and post-2007
Late 2001-2006 was kind of it's own pocket era.
what the hell happened?
Can you post a picture of someone from each of those times where they actually look different?
>Was 9/11 really the end? It sure feels like almost everything has been wrong since then.
I would say it is. 9/11 was when the world basically ended, and everything after's just the world winding down to its inevitable conclusion. With the soft coup against Trump, the likelihood of a second Yugoslavia in the ME after ISIS, and the impending second recession, we are literally going to get our shit pushed in so many ways that you'll be yearning for the SJW age to return, because Tumblrists being triggered over bathroom privileges will be much more appealing then your loved ones' flesh being torn off their very bones.
We are literally living that one Pepe meme, the "too early/too late/just in time" one. We are in the timeline of SMAC without the Unity. Enjoy this world while you can, user.
Exactly. Vaporwave is the manifestation of a deep yearning for an ideal future, for what we all thought would come to pass before 9/11 happened.
I've thought this myself, and like , I don't know how to explain it.
Facebook, iPhones, casualization of the Internet, culture of victimhood, political correctness
>no gender shit
>no black lives matter shit
>distrust of browns
>video games and music make kids violent
>can make edgy jokes without someone getting butthurt
2007 was when the first iPhone released, social media began to really boom, the Great Recession began in December, NSA began monitoring the Internet through their PRISM program, etc. These caused a huge shift in the zeitgeist. Social media has reshape do the world and the way we interact as humans.
9/11 was the beginning of the change but 2007 was the nail in the coffin.
>no gender shit
gender issues have been prevalent since the sexual revolution
>no black lives matter shit
racial tension has been a fixture of American life since the late 1700s, but in modern times, the Watts riot escalated urban violence
>distrust of browns
>video games and music make kids violent
even Greek philosophers would agree that your pathos is influenced by the art, entertainment and music you view; expose yourself to violence, become violent
>can make edgy jokes without someone getting butthurt
the ACLU was founded in 1920 user, and they don't take kindly to discrimination, even if they do support free speech
You also forgot that none of the things are things you can actually incorporate into a video game.
The future of our generation and the generations after us are screwed. Everything falling down into bizzaro world.
I think he means distrust of people that look like they're from the middle east because of 9/11
>tfw there are pictures of you with frosted tips
Thanks user. I need to grab some matches.
Fuck you man. I just wanna immerse my self in a fictional world for a while. And not have the problems of the real world be brought into it.
Tell me why the fuck does a cartoon my kids like to watch mention fighting the patriarchy? That's bullshit. Leave your politics out of entertainment.
nor should they
then again, what the fuck was the point of Ms. PacMan?
>9/11 was the beginning of the change but 2007 was the nail in the coffin.
Agreed entirely. I've said that for years now. 2007 was when civilization basically gave up and decided to dance to the tunes of the fiddles as everything burns around them.
I pity the kids who are going to grow up in the mess to come, because they're either going to get enriched deep and hard or be the ones administering said enrichment, and I'm not just talking about "da rapefugees," but when nations start to collapse with EVERYONE running for greener pastures.
Why do you think Russia took the Crimea? Because the Russian people aren't having enough kids, and Putin knows that China has its sights set on that vast Siberian land for its excess population.
At the end of the day, though, I've long since made my peace with it all. I just live my life in the hopes that when SHTF, I won't have any regrets if it all comes to an end.
digits have spoken
If there were still going to be movies in fifty years, instead of only shadow puppet shows cast on a grim afterscape in the flickering light of old tire fires, I'd say they'd have a field day mocking the current year and all the shit it's got going for it.
Disregard pic related. I forgot to take that out.
actually we're all gonna be okay and you guys play too many vidya games calm down
makes me want to listen to wang chung
You've already seen other anons post why 2007 was so seminal. Every bane of our present society stems from that year. Parasitical social media, the first recession, the "culture war" shit the elite use to tear us apart so we won't unite against them (of course, we'd just institute a new elite anyway but whatever), etc, etc.
That very well could be the case, user. All things might very well pass. But with the rate things are going, I remain skeptical that we shall get out of it all unscathed. I believe things will get much worse before they get better, and that there will be those working hard to ensure they don't ever get better.
I still listen to the B-52s and Oingo Boingo
Nobody still listens to music from 2002.
>how does that make you feel?
I've wasted the past 15 years of my life
I looked through every album released in 2002 and these are the only ones I could consider actually listening to.
>ywn stay up all night listening to system of a down while playing Unreal Tournament ever again
>can make edgy jokes without someone getting butthurt
>nobody cared about kids having hurt feelings until Columbine
>Columbine starting the downfall of western civilization
>how does a generation defining moment which altered the course of western civilization have to do with culture?
This is like saying "hurr durr how does WW2 have anything to do with culture". Fuck off retard.
I did a student teaching course back in 2012.
I was ordered by my mentor teacher to send a kid to the principle for having a drawing of a Bleach character on his notebook.
American public schools are insane. Kids are beating each other up and stealing each other's shoes while the teachers hand wring about whether teaching about the Hoover Dam is appropriate because it will make the kids think it is okay to say damn.
How was I supposed to know you're not supposed to shoot the lady?
moooom, uncle Sup Forums left his cage again
this is for making me lose
Was GTAIV the last game that was not critizized for not having a female protagonist or being sexist?
That's by design, user.
I was also scolded by my mentor for telling the kids your head doesn't explode in space.
Like I said, all by design. Pic related spelled it out too:
>Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why so great a portion of mankind, after nature has long since discharged them from external direction (naturaliter maiorennes), nevertheless remains under lifelong tutelage, and why it is so easy for others to set themselves up as their guardians. It is so easy not to be of age. If I have a book which understands for me, a pastor who has a conscience for me, a physician who decides my diet, and so forth, I need not trouble myself. I need not think, if I can only pay - others will easily undertake the irksome work for me.
That the step to competence is held to be very dangerous by the far greater portion of mankind (and by the entire fair sex) - quite apart from its being arduous is seen to by those guardians who have so kindly assumed superintendence over them. After the guardians have first made their domestic cattle dumb and have made sure that these placid creatures will not dare take a single step without the harness of the cart to which they are tethered, the guardians then show them the danger which threatens if they try to go alone.
fuck DJ Toni is so hot
Man, you cretins are fucking pathetic if you think jap cartoons and vidya gayms constitute real "culture". 9/11 did not make modernity any less soulless and dead than it already was.
Flash FM is the best GTA radio station, you cannot deny this
This, everything went to shit after that
dumb ho
Flash > Wave > Emotion
Bad George Bush jokes
Whoa. In English, professor?
Holy fucking shit it all makes sense now. Thank you.
Yonder forth Vice City's chronological palpitations extrude 16 annual Sol revolutions whence for its date of manufacture, which is defined as Anno Domini 2002, with its plotline existing in Anno Domini 1986. With the current common time keep of Sol revolutions defined as Anno Domini 2016, in a relatively short timeline of twice greater revolutions in the timezone of Anno Domini 2018, the similar period of 16 revolutions lesser will be the space between manufacture and the current relative view.
Columbine, and then 9/11, and then the recession. It's been a steady decline.
9/11 ultimately amounted to the coup de grace, if you will. The bullet that shatters the skull and sends you packing to the netherworld.
Exactly, but it's going to be unsteady pretty soon, and when shit hits the fan, people will be begging for the current year because the (then) current year will be just like pic related.