Why is this game STILL getting DLC (free content, mind you) 3 years after its release.
Dying Light
Maybe it sold really well? They released the enhanced edition a year ago I think.
Because it is a very good game with a developer that likes to support it.
Something that hasn't really happened in 10 years.
>first-person survival/crafting zombie game
>very good
implying it's a survival game.
It's a pretty decent game but the open world is lacking in activities.
Best zombie game ever made, deal with it pleb
That's not even in the same zipcode, it's a zombie whacking/parkour sim. The only "crafting" you really ever end up doing is weapon mods, medkits and grenades, and if your bar for crafting is "get ingredient a+b and press button c" then you gotta raise the bar.
>tfw they dropped development of Hellraid to focus on ebin zombie shit
>we will never get a first person heavy metal album cover brutal melee game
>First person
It's not day z. It's got a story and shit
to make your shitty pipes and boards actual useful weapons.
>Zombie game
They actual did it right for once.
You got a third person heavy metal album cover brutal melee game though.
Why can there at least be one good zombie game?
>best of literally the worst genre ever
its quantifiably worse than nothing
it has zombies oh god what a terrible game
Well ain't you a jaded asshole with no friends.
I sure hope you don't mean Brutal Legend
Techland is trying to push their own store.
They are mostly selling steam keys though.
In a FAQ, Techland says Gemly will offer “exclusive content for Techland and Techland Publishing games, as well as cherry-picked selection of games directly from our partnered developers and publishers.”
Personally I don't really see the point.
>actual useful weapons
>still degrade after a few hits
RDR: Undead Nightmare is better, along with almost every RE and HotD game.
I'm still mad about how shitty this game turned out.
Is that why the game is fucking still 60 dollars? I was gonna buy it on a whim since I felt like getting a new zombie game but I don't even know what the game is like and 60 bucks felt steep. What's the co-op like anyways? Is it replayable?
>y-y-you just d-don't have friends!
Wow, way to tackle that argument.
Explain? It's in the 90th percentile for me.
Crafting is crafting, kid.
>3 years after its released
HOLY FUCK. Where did the time go.
which is why you get the durability upgrades and chance to not use a repair point upgrade and durability weapon mods.
Besides. every survivor level you gain makes your last weapon obsolete.
Way to not deny it or even attempt to back yourself up away from being labeled a jaded fuck.
That still sounds terrible. Also, why does the Dying Light buggy use gas?
Still not an argument.
I guess Techland Publishing is becoming ambitious.
Based capitalism.
Because there are such things and buggies that use gas.
You are basically in a third world country.
And neither is yours.
I guess this is stalemate. Except you are still a jaded faggot.
Filling up your virtual car with gas isn't fun.
The old fallback for dumbasses with no argument.
No argument.
There was no argument to the statement in the first place.
You were just called a jaded individual and you took it like a bitch.
end of story.
>Filling up your virtual car with gas isn't fun.
Would you rather have to fill up with neuropozyne and suffer seizes and death without finding any of it instead of picking up a few bits of gas for a car you don't need?
Why is "GTA IV with horses: NOW WITH ZOMBIES" better than Dying Light?
Jesus Christ, you must be the king of non-arguments.
No. There just was never a argument in the first place.
I called you a jaded shit.
You said non argument.
which is wasn't because it was a statement. I wasn't arguing anything. Just stating a fact.
In which you could argue if you wanted to but chose to instead take it and continue to point out that there was no argument against my calling you a jaded cunt.
Balls in your court. Not my fault you choose not to play.
Game should have ended before Sector 0.
All the quests just feel like work and the grappling hook just press x to win type thing
Is dying light the game with Chris Redfield as the protagonist, or am I thinking of something else.
If it is, that's pretty impressive.
Man this game for the first maybe 2 hours is the best zombie experience you're going to get. Having to actively avoid zombies, sneak around, and use distractions because you could be lucky enough to kill 1 zombie by the time you run out of stamina and get swarmed. However, all threat dies as soon as you start leveling up and getting wacky op weapons that 1 hit everything absolutely ruining the game in my opinion. If it had a nicer blend of not becoming some lightning machete swinging parkour death machine it would have been amazing.
You're wrong, but I'm happy for you.
Is this game more active on the pc or ps4?
Shame this came out so late, dying light is what dead island should have been
Play on nightmare
do you even have to ask?
nothing except valve shit survives on pc
Sector 0 is more fun to traverse than the slums however.
Grappling Hook definitely breaks the game somewhat but it also makes it more fun, you aren't allowed to use it in parkour challenges anyway.
Also I find it funny how basically half the main story quests don't progress the story whatsoever, the best was when they made the smiley face on a building with explosives and not even 5 seconds later it gets blown up by a jet that just so happened to be there.
I dont think there is a single game that managed to capture the same level of fear and tensiom at venturing out at night
Nearly dead.
Until you get far enough in the game that volatiles go down in two hits, then nighttime becomes a more atmospheric version of Vermintide.
I mean that in a very very good way.
I'm legitimately confused by this too. I played the game, and it's good, but does it really need more beyond one big expansion and a few multiplayer DLCs? Why does it need a YEAR of free DLC? That's awesome and fantastic business, sure, but a year? What are you putting out? What else is there to even do once you beat the game?
I could see them making another Following sized expansion dealing with the aftermath of the bad ending, though there is enough material there for another full game I'd think.
Because they killed Hellraid to make more DLC for Dying Light.
>press x to win
>can only use it twice before you have to slowly wind it back up
>aim is glitchy as shit and often shoots you right below ledges or into railings
>by the time you get it you're leveled and geared far enough that you don't need to worry about most zombies anyway
So they can continue to charge jew prices instead of fucking making affordable like any other 3 year old game. I've had this shit on my wishlist for at least a year and I've never seen it go cheaper than like $25.
How many concurrent players are on the PS4 version right now?
You run along and grab that data and let us know the source. Until then, you are engaging in facts from your asshole.
Techland are Polish.
I would suggest you just buy it since there's so much content in the game.
Just make sure if you do decide to buy it, get the version of Dying Light in the OP and not just vanilla "Dying Light"
I wanna know is when this 3 years old dead island ripoff is getting 75% off for fuck sake
zombies with mirrors edge, a good soundstrack, nice world design and atmosphere, tense night times, good lighting. great story.
why do you hate that the game is getting free content because the devs like their fanbase and are rewarding their fan base for dedication, you didn't kick a shit storm up for postal 2.
So what the hell happened with Dead Island 2
Dead Island is garbage, so they decided to actually make a good game, and Dying Light was born.
>its one more zombie skin and one gun skin
seems like some fucking leftovers someone at the studio found while cleaning up their drive
this is horse armor tier shit
No, you're right. Chris' VA is the VA for the main character, Kyle Crane and he does an amazing job
>at the last radio tower
>Sasha scrambling to help you
>undead fucking everywhere
>elevator breaks
It's like Chris was finally able to let loose for once
>one more zombie and a gun skin
"the first DLC will focus on adding new enemies, while future DLC will include "new locations, story-driven quests, gameplay mechanics, weapons, enemies, and more."
I really dislike it when people refuse to read anything about what they're talking about and they just waste energy being wrong.
Crane is a legit dumbass protagonist. Why the fuck did he burn that medicine instead of just stashing it somewhere? Its not like his boss is there on the scene to confirm he did it.
Fucking color saw is not a new enemy, they behave like old ones
And if next ones are on the same level then they might as well not bother
I hated that and also that he stashed away 1 bottle that could have been used to save Jade, but it magically went missing
they don't have to bother, but they are because the game has a following and they're giving the players more stuff even if it's not much it's better than nothing at all and that's a pretty nice thing to do.
Honestly, you're really just hating this for no reason, it's free, it's a three-year-old game, I'd rather devs give some shit away after three years than having a game die within one year and then never be played again. even if it's not the best but like it stated, later on, there are new places, story content, and mechanics being added too. so maybe it's not all just shallow reskins, and even if it is, you still didn't pay money for it.
how can you be furious about this? you lose nothing at all.
Am I the only one who does the Vs. Nighthunter mode? That shit is so fun but tense at the same time. It's like I'm creating diamonds with how hard I'm clenching my asscheeks. Plus, they give a Golden weapon almost every other game.
>dead island ripoff
same guys retard
Cause it was ruined with that patch that made zombies a billion times more resistant and a chore to kill.
Seriously one of the best single player games I've played in years.
It's being developed by Sumo Digital now, same people who made Snake Pass. Not sure how that's going to turn out.
is this game actually good
The fug you talking about, what's the latest dlc?
I have around 100 hours on it. The main campaign lasts a solid amount, the expansion is godtier.
Also has a NG plus which carries all over. By that point you are a literal badass and can one shot everything outside of night ones and some big lads.
If they cared they would fix up all the broken and unbalanced shit like how you will finish the Fallowing expansion and not get even level 10 in driving not having access to any of car features
How the fuck shit like this still in the game while they add new crap?
Im pissed since they fucking spend more on the shitty pr and that shitty trailer than on the actual content
Is there a Hardcore survival mode like a similar one in fallout nv?????
I actually got it recently for like 15 bucks.
Best $15 I spent in quite a while.
Played for about 20 hours now and I'm only about 25% done with the story apparently.
snake pass looks fun
Some new DLC upcoming that introduces some military gear from military people and a mutated variant of the Goon.
Do you like hitting zombies with shitty, ineffectual weapons?
Zombies that take hours to kill enemy humans npcs?
Awful aliasing?
A terribly shitty nonsensical protagonist?
If so, this is the game for you.
The delivery from his VA as a whole was golden. You could tell at points he was legitimately fucking sick of the shit he was going through, almost in a 4rth wall brake style.
>That bit with Rais at the end where he is doing a cliche "prove me you are a man" bullcrap and Crane just does an annoyed "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY"
you can remedy that by driving more, drive at night.
One of my favorite games of all time, real happy to see dlc coming
Pussy who never play night time spotted.
personally, the way that melee isn't terrible affecting unless you go for precision shots with blades to the neck or legs makes the combat feel so personal, i think the combat is fantastic.
I want another fucking Call of Juarez already
oh fuck off, i not gonna grind like a retard driving in circles, especially at night when i cant see shit and there are no clear roads to drive on
Especially since even with extensive grniding its very unlikely you will finish the expansion with a level higher than 15, an most likely around 10 of the 25
I bet normal players didnt even reach level 10, not seeing almost any of the car upgrade weapons or anything while fucking driving it for 20 hours
is the dlc free yet? i got the game on sale and dont want to spend the money for the dlc
The Following EP isn't free but the 10 DLC they're releasing this year will be
>he never used katanas, which were one hit kill
>hating on Chris Redfield's voice actor
Pussy ass bitch never went out at night, LOLLLLL
Hope EA is gone acquire techland and put a end to this epidemic.
the thing is then, you have to take a step back, you were disappointed by the driving being annoyingly hard to grind, that doesn't make the rest of the game bad or what they're doing now, bad at all. put it into perspective, it's just one element of the game that was poorly done and that doesn't negate everything else it does well, just calm down.
Use cheat engine if you have to,
there are multiple games that I've used it on if I find that I don't have time to waste playing a part of the game I don't find well made.
Maybe you should play the game before automatically shitting on it, Sup Forums.
you bet your ass i didnt play at night in the expansion
fucking a car or some other road block every 5 meters, every time i alerted an enemy i rammed head first into a fucking knee high wooden pole made out of fucking titanium stopping me instantly or i fell of a fucking cliff or i got lost
seriously, fuck the expansion level design
refunded, nope not gonna play some muslim dicksucker game
You wouldn't survive a single night in Detroit
You think thats the only thing i didnt like, are you fucking stupid?
Want me to point out the ninja humans, or the idiotic end game fight after jade dies with no weapons?
Fix your game, then do dlc.
And, no, what they are doing now isnt bad. Its patehthic, its pathetically cheap and lazy pr stunt to sell few more copies on the free that works on retards.
Also instead releasing all stuff at once so it actually seems like its worth of coming back and playing a bit again, they split it up so you cant even care.
Keep crying.
>RE nostalgiafag
opinion discarded