Is the Switch's success going to last...

Is the Switch's success going to last? Don't get me wrong: I lean pretty heavily towards being a Nintendofag and even camped out for a Switch midnight release to get my system. I've been loving the Switch, but honestly, I'm kind of disturbed Nintendo's success with the system has been as explosive as it's been. From the game library to the console specs, the Switch is hardly a step up from the Wii U, which to this day gets major flak from everyone despite it being just fine. I sincerely believe the only reason people are giving a shit about it is because Nintendo is doing a 10/10 job with marketing it to millennial hipsters with all the Switch rooptop parties and Imagine Dragons songs in the commercials. Once that hype dies down, what will the system have going for it that the Wii U objectively didn't also provide?

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I don't know, it's already worth it for me, and I'll probably like Super Mario Odyssey too. I'd say we can just wait and see, and hope they don't fuck it up, but I think it's already a really solid console (even though it is quite pricey)

>Once that hype dies down, what will the system have going for it that the Wii U objectively didn't also provide?
A successor to the 3ds/vita and sole future hope for handheld gaming, but with the added bonus of also being a home console. Additionally, it will pick up more and more support from various aa studios in japan as the vita and 3ds wind down.

Its Wii U 1.5 with good launch titles

its on pace to beat xbone for second place in perhaps 3 more years

This. It's not going to compete with the PS4 and XBOne, and the sooner Nintendo realizes it, the better. It should play to its strengths and leverage the handheld market. All of those little weeaboo JRPGs, visual novels, and action games are going to need a home once Sony puts the Vita to pasture.

Either demand is down or supply is up, because stores around me all have stock and they have for weeks.

In fact, I just casually went down to Target to pick one up because mines on 3.0.1 and I want one to store in case CFW pops up quicker than I expected. Now I have a 2.2.0 unit in my closet that I'm just going to keep there for the time being

I'm expecting Odyssey and the holiday season to drive up demand again, but I also expect Nintendo has been building up surplus units specifically for the holiday season, so I can't help but wonder if it's already fizzling out. The diehards number in the millions if the Wii U is any indication, so I don't think there was any doubt it would at least sell that much -- but how much more will it sell? Demand seems lukewarm at best right now

How far up your own ass do you have to be to actually believe your intulectually superior to someone else because you don't like imagine dragons or anything else for that matter

The only way the switch will not fail is if nintendo can make really good games again not shovelware crap like the wii, and get some decent third party support. If they don't do this it will be doomed to fail and might be nintendo's last console. A price cut could help too around the holiday season and might cause a boost in sales.

>woah, shii--

I do like Imagine Dragons. I'm just saying, the Switch is basically Wii U 1.5 and considering how much of a dumpster fire the Wii U was, it's a little mind boggling how the Switch is flying off shelves

As far as first party titles go, the Switch's first year is already better than the Wii U's. Having BOTH Mario and Zelda (with a little dash of Xenoblade) come out in the same year undoubtly will affect the Switch's sales for the holiday season. If Nintendo can keep the first party titles rolling and keep third party companies producing games for it, the Switch will probably do decent.

>it's a little mind boggling how the Switch is flying off shelves
It's really not anymore outside of Japan. And the reason it still is in Japan is because their weekly shipments were 25k for like 2 fucking months. Only recently has that increased to 60-90k and it's still pitiful for a country that's guaranteed to buy 2-3 million of them at launch

Nintendo has been ultra-conservative with producing the Switch and too many people are confusing its sold out nature for being high demand instead of what it really is: criminally low supply

It's sure as shit flying off the shelf in portland, I'll say that much. My only chance of getting one is on a day off and fresh stock arrives, because everything that's hit while I'm at work is fucking gone by the time I'm free. Around noon today damn near every gamestop in the city had grey switches, and sometime within the next three hours they were all gone.

number 1 sold console in NA in July

Nintendo's consoles usually launch with fucking nothing. 3DS was Pilotwings? Wii U NSMBU. When they have a huge turd like the GC and Wii U, they push their support to the next platform, and that's why the Switch is where it is right now

Just like TP moved to Wii, BotW moved to Switch. And Odyssey was undoubtedly a Wii U game up until very recently (consider that Switch's hardware wasn't even finalized until late last year, and yet the game was basically finished at that point). The reason Switch has such a good lineup right now is because Wii U owners were literally cucked, and it's not going to last.

People think Pokemon and MP4 are coming out next year and that's laughable. These are games they just started developing, games they have nothing to show but a guy in a suit saying "we're making it" or a poorly thrown together logo which isn't even the final design. You really think Nintendo games only take a year to make? Once they finally show us a glimpse of it, it's still a year minimum remaining at that point.

2018 looks bleak as fuck. Kirby and Yoshi, when both series have been run into the ground. I'm not looking forward to next year at all, and I may well sell my Switch after I finish Odyssey and XB2 (assuming it's not delayed)

>it's beating 4 year old consoles! it's so popular!

I think the switch is a winner, they're playing to their strengths

>People think Pokemon and MP4 are coming out next year and that's laughable. These are games they just started developing
Metroid Prime 4 has been hinted at for years now. Pokemon is unknown, but considering Gamefreaks had been focusing on updating the game these past few years, they likely weren't out of the loop.

>Metroid Prime 4 has been hinted at for years now
If it's been in development for years and they have NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT, I'd be even more worried than I am right now. Luckily for us both I severely doubt that's the case. Yes, Reggie is a lying conman who wore that Metroid pin and bullshit like that, but that's just to string people along. When they say "Now in development", what they mean is they just started development now.

Do you think all 2018 games with no gameplay just started development? Because if you do, you're a dumbass. All a lack of footage means is the game is stable enough to be shown without people picking shit apart.

>Do you think all 2018 games with no gameplay just started development?
I'm not sure what you're asking so I'll rephrase the question: Do I think the average game with nothing currently to show will be released next year? No, I don't. There will be exceptions, not every game take 2-5 years to make, and some games take even longer, but generally speaking, if we haven't seen anything, then it's not coming out in 2018

there's always room for handhelds in the console market, and a lot of people like how it bridges the gap between portability and the functionality of home consoles.

I think that with the Switchs' presence Sony won't try to release another handheld, and if Nintendo will just finally stop supporting the 3DS then the Switch's success is guaranteed because it will have no competition for what it delivers

I can't believe how much some people are denying the blatant success of the switch

just enjoy your gaming platform of choice and stop being such a retard

I don't think it's another Wii. It just has a great first year lineup, which is usually terrible for Nintendo hardware. "I'll get it when it has games" isn't really an argument for the Switch unless you had a Wii U, so I think you just have more people jumping on board sooner rather than waiting

The reason the Wii was so successful wasn't because 100 million Nintendo diehards jumped on it. It's because people who had never played video games before in their life got on. If you look at the demographics, 51% of Wii owners were female. That alone is utterly unprecedented. Not to say diehards didn't buy a Wii, but the percentage of diehards is much smaller than the amount of people who bought a Wii. I would estimate there are 15-20 million Nintendo diehards and many of those obviously skipped the Wii U

>tfw no Gina to play vidya with

>There will be exceptions, not every game take 2-5 years to make
Most games do.

>but generally speaking, if we haven't seen anything, then it's not coming out in 2018
Then you're in for a surprise, because a number of games have been announced for 2018, some from third parties, and none of gameplay footage.

Very common practice.

I can't believe how much some people equate BotW being a hyped game with the Switch being successful.

>a number of games have been announced for 2018, some from third parties, and none of gameplay footage.
You mean Switch games specifically?

You brought gameplay footage into this, I didn't. I said nothing to show, which is where MP4 and Pokemon are. That MP4 logo wasn't a trailer. It was the stock MP logo with a stylized 4 and music from the first game's intro. I'd bet tons of money on it not even being the final logo, and the only reason they made it was that they couldn't have two "yes we're making it" guys in a row because 1 was bad enough

Games like Beyond Good and Evil 2 only had a trailer to show, sure, but that's not nothing, I mean jesus that trailer alone probably had a higher budget than many Nintendo 1st party games. Plus I seriously doubt that's coming out in 2018 anyway

Name a AAA game that you think is coming out in 2018 that there's been nothing to show for it other than a name drop, so that I can laugh at you

Does it matter if you are happy with it than why do you care I had a tg-16 the thing sold like shit but I still loved it. Can you only enjoy something if it's selling well or number 1 on the charts?

>flying off shelves
Yea, not sure where you got your info from.

>Once that hype dies down, what will the system have going for it that the Wii U objectively didn't also provide?

Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and Prime 4 but these games are still at least two years away. Unless Nintendo pulls something out of their ass, 2018 will not be a good year for Switch owners.

There's also Kirby and Yoshi coming in 2018. Japan at least loves that shit.

It will continue to sell well. It hasn't even entered its first holiday season. You're also comparing the Wii U's entire library to a new system's. Wii U had absolutely nothing in its first year aside from Pikmin and Mario 3D World. You may not like the Switch's first year lineup but it's a big improvement over the Wii U because they're avoiding big software droughts.

>how do you want your pro™ controller senpai
>copy the xbox one, but scramble the button labels randomly
>say no more

Not OP but I enjoy Nintendo for their simple fun, and I care about their success because I want them to keep making consoles and games years from now

>skipping WiiU
That's me. Even so, I think a decent amount of non-diehards will buy one. Great family console for kids
>as always, you can let Nintendo babysit without worry, very parent friendly console
>portability is great for driving kids around, road trips etc. like a portable dvd player

Also pretty casual friendly imo

That being said, I don't think it'll outsell the Wii. But it will be a success

The thing is, it is quite a step up from the Wii U. Regardless of what you think of the portability gimmick, that's a major, major factor behind its appeal. You don't know how important this feature is alone. That's why people are willing to buy 3 year old ports of games they've already played. The idea that they can play this at work, school, on the bus, waiting for a doctor's appointment, etc. is a huge plus.

You may not feel the same, others here may not either. And I don't blame them if they don't. But for many others out there, this is what seals the deal.

Honestly don't see the point, dual joycon and nothing else is so comfy
>playing Mario kart
>can scratch my head with my right hand and keep my left hand down
>keep my hands down instead of propped up holding a large controller
>have a qt gf in the works
>can have my arm around her and not awkwardly hold one controller with both hands

Maximum comfy

Fire Emblem Warriors was announced 7 months ago, with nothing more than a logo and some music, it's slated to release Fall 2017.

It's possible Metroid Prime 4 just isn't ready to be shown yet

A system with Pokemon atleast minimum 70 million. 3ds will do it for sure

It should do fine

MP4 and Pokemon were listed as TBD on Nintendo's latest fiscal report, where games like Kirby and Yoshi had a 2018 instead

I will acknowledge the possibility of a 2018 release, in the same way I will acknowledge the possibility that I will spontaneously combust 2 seconds after posting this. It's just not going to happen, and you're doing nothing but setting yourself up for disappointment thinking it will, assuming you're not a shill who is deliberately trying to fool people into believing something that isn't true

And FEW is a different situation. First of all another musou reskin isn't on the level of Metroid Prime development wise. And there was a blackout period where Nintendo didn't want anyone talking about the Switch or its games (like SE got into trouble for mentioning DQ11). We're way past that so it isn't an excuse for why there was nothing to show for MP4/Pokemon

>You mean Switch games specifically?
Switch and non-Switch.

>Games like Beyond Good and Evil 2 only had a trailer to show, sure, but that's not nothing
Except it is, especially when devs have nothing to do with trailers. A lot of that shit gets outsourced to animation studios that only do cinematics. All you're really saying is that Nintendo was too cheap to pay someone to disguise the fact that they didn't want to show their games yet, and that's true.

>Name a AAA game that you think is coming out in 2018 that there's been nothing to show for it other than a name drop, so that I can laugh at you
Not 2018, but the newest CoD didn't show anything until a few months ago. Same for Destiny 2. Battlefield 1 in 2016. Stretching a little bit, but Resident Evil 7 was announced in Jun 2016 and released in January.

Running theme, companies are consistently showing off their games months before release.

I've read that Prime 4 development is actually fairly fair along and that the team only narrowly missed having a gameplay teaser ready for E3.

>Running theme, companies are consistently showing off their games months before release.
Fallout 4 hype made lots of companies reevaluate the "12 month PR cycle" that dominated last gen. Showing a game and saying "You can play this in 6 months" does a lot more than drip-feeding tidbits over a year.

I read Pikmin 4 was almost done 3 years ago

Christmas is going to be fucking crazy for parents and anons going on a switch spree, ps4 has nothing, xbox has the xonex but, come on, everyone is gonna get the cheaper and cooler switch with a great lineup of botw, mk8, splat tim 2, pokken tournament dx, super mario oddesy, arms and maybe monster hunter or skyrim, but whatever, switch is already getting good sales, holidays will ignite that shit, maybe not PS2 or Wii kind of lit, but lit


I wasn't trying to claim Prime 4 will be out anytime soon, only that there is apparently a lot more than a logo that's already been developed for the game.

Pikmin is Miyamoto's baby. If he decides to change shit, then anything can happen.

Ps4 doesn't need to do anything other than dropping price to 199 again with horizon like they did uncharted bundles last year did with uncharted

Also gran tusimo is releasing

It will win easily except japan

> Smash Bros
> Pokemon
> Splatoon
> Big name 3D Mario Game

all on the same system. Calm down user, it's going to be fine. The Switch's specs is fine for the amount of developer support it has and how scalable engines are.

It will last, no doubt.

I have two normie friends who would never be seen with a 3ds or 'toy' who bought a Switch because they
-thought it looked cool
-heard zelda was like skyrim
-heard that fifa was coming to it and want to play that on the go

So normies are responding, and Mario and Pokemon are coming. Nintendo has never had a failed handheld, which is ultimately what this is. And the early success in Japan means that all the mid-tier devs there who were on Vita will come over, so it'll get all the weeb games in a year or two.

It'll be a huge success, 60-90 mil sold I reckon, more if they produce some kind of handheld only switch mini at some point.

In the public eye, this is the first new "Nintendo" since the Wii and the DS. Of course it will continue to sell well.

>scramble the button labels randomly

>It'll be a huge success, 60-90 mil sold I reckon
The DS and Wii sold 255 million combined. How is a device that combines Nintendo's home and handheld platforms selling 60-90 million a huge success? It sounds like a monumental failure. 60 million wouldn't even beat the 3DS and the 3DS will become Nintendo's worst selling handheld to date.

>potentially 90 mil units is a failure
Fucking what? How much should it sell to be successful?

Wii u and 3ds combined is 84 million. Of switch replacing both than it should do more. Since Wii u was failure and 3ds underperformed for handheld

It's a consolidation of their 2 markets. Shouldn't it sell at least as well as them combined? The 3DS and Wii U are Nintendo's worst selling handheld and home console (respectively), yet together they still managed 80 million. 60 million would be a 20% decrease, but that is the general trend for Nintendo

People keep saying this, but PS4 is at peak sales in the US this year. When you look at console sales, they normally sell more slowly in the first year and peak three to four years in, so it's really harder for a four-month-old console to outsell a three and a half-year-old one. If you compare with how PS4 and Xbox One sold in their first July instead, Switch outsold them by even more.

Switch launched with games. PS4 had no games. It's not just a meme, it's literally true

Switch will have high initial demand, but the same drones will buy it as did the Wii U. It's already dropped rapidly, the scalping market has tanked

>The DS and Wii sold 255 million combined. How is a device that combines Nintendo's home and handheld platforms selling 60-90 million a huge success?
1. A lot of that 255 million is shared, as in people owned both. People aren't going to own 2 Switches unless one breaks.

2. That market is gone. You can judge the Switch by those standards. Example. Brain Age was one of the best selling consoles software during that time. When Nintendo tried it again with the 3DS, it barely sold. Why? Because similar software exists everywhere now.

>People aren't going to own 2 Switches unless one breaks.
I think you underestimate the lack discipline Nintendofags suffer from.

What data is there to say that Switch is dropping rapidly? Its sales have been increasing over the past few months. The scalper market's weakening because the supply situation is getting better. Nobody's going to go and pay scalper prices if they can find it at retail price. That's a good thing.

People aren't going to own two switches, any more than people owned two DSs or two Wiis

>I think you underestimate the lack discipline Nintendofags suffer from.
Except the other fanbase are better conditioned to buy multiple consoles due to shoddy durability (PS2 & Xbox 360). I mean think about how many times people had to rebuy those things.

By less than 1000 units. Still 6.5 million behind the PS4 this year alone.

Beaverton here, I don't know where this guy is that switches have been sitting on shelves in stock for weeks, but it sure as shit ain't here.
I only got mine recently because gamestop selling them in bundles with a game and other merch killing the profitability of scalping them back off, and those are selling out online too, just not instantly to scalpers.

>the supply situation is getting better
Much better. To the extent that I question if demand hasn't dropped. August will be the first month where we can't blame supply constraints for what the numbers are. That's a good thing, because there finally won't be any excuses for why they're low

>Once that hype dies down, what will the system have going for it that the Wii U objectively didn't also provide?

no really, thats it

it will be nintendo's only console for the moment so it will be getting all their games, no secondary system to support and cannibalize sales

>August will be the first month where we can't blame supply constraints for what the numbers are.
Depends on the region. Like Japan and Western US are still getting crushed. And that's before the Splatoon bundle starts popping up.

Other fanbases will buy a second version to replace a damaged one. Nintendo fans will buy a second one to "support Nintendo" and "have a backup." Seriously, go look at the comments section of Nintendo fan sites.
>I can't wait until more are in stock I don't want to take my home Switch on the train
>This console deserves to succeed I think I'll buy another one so I can MP with friends when they come over
etc. etc.

>Much better. To the extent that I question if demand hasn't dropped.
They're probably ramping up production of switch systems to 11.9 for the holiday seasons.
It sounds weird to say that in the dead middle of summer, but christmas is only about four months away.

And even then it's still selling out in most places right now.

>"have a backup."
That's just piratefags. They don't count.

>It sounds weird to say that in the dead middle of summer, but christmas is only about four months away.
Only if you have never worked retail. Stores are starting to get their holiday shit now.

That's a whole lot of made up bullshit you slinging there user.

Leaked numbers say it was by 5,000 units. If you compare Switch's sales this July to PS4 or Xbox sales in July of any year prior, they're still higher, so you can't really spin it by pointing out that PS4 and Xbox are however many years old. Switch had the highest July sales of any console in this generation so far.

If you're talking about US numbers for this year, PS4's totaling 1,997,000 so far, and Switch is totaling 1,794,000, putting PS4 about 203,000 ahead. That's counting in two months PS4 had to sell before Switch launched. That's a gap that could close in time depending on how the rest of the year goes.

>And that's before the Splatoon bundle starts popping up.
It was available for pre-order for 21 hours. Amazon had stock of grays the very same day for 9 hours

Stores around me all have stock at this very moment. I realize this is anecdotal but whatever. The supply/demand situation is totally different right now than it was a few months ago. Whether that's because demand has dropped or supply has increased dramatically, who really knows. A combination of both is the most sensible answer

>this fucking delusion
Age of PS4 and Xbone is totally relevant to this discussion. They were moving more units when they were 5 months old than they are now. Also having the highest July sales doesn't matter for shit when you launched in May and the others launched in November. You're not comparing apples to oranges here, you're comparing apples to screwdrivers because screwdrivers make apples look tasty.

Congrats, you clearly don't live in the listed regions.

PS4's US monthly sales were 199,000 when it was 5 months old. Xbox One's were 115,000. PS4 sells more than it did then. Xbox One sells a little less. Both still lower than Switch's 222,000 in July.

I imagine you got your Switch at launch, so have you actually checked stores lately? And by check I mean ask if they have any Switches. Best Buy actually doesn't stock theirs on the shelves. They keep them behind the counter at customer service.

I've been looking at those but it's such a scam, christ. I'd even take $380 for zelda and the season pass, but $420? An extra $40 for some shitty skin/decal and a game literally fucking no one has even heard of? Somehow the other bundles are even worse.

My only hope is amazon getting another shipment or something. Is just the console and a game so much to ask?

>I imagine you got your Switch at launch
Months after.

>have you actually checked stores lately?
I work in retail, so yes. I'm telling you, its a regional thing. Some regions are getting crushed while others have some in stock for now. Like I had to get mine off of Amazon Prime Now where it popped for a 2 hour window. I can check right now and they have zero.

Just within the past week, retailers have started getting restocks on the Switch.

>I can check right now and they have zero.
Online retail is always the last place to get consistent stock, because they're the easiest scalping target. Don't even need to be at the computer, they have bots that buy them. Regardless, that's another reason. Amazon's stock was up for a *long time* just the other day, and Nintendo and Amazon don't have a great relationship, so you know Amazon isn't getting that many units compared to the other ones

Some places are bound to be understocked but it seems the exception rather than the rule

>Some places are bound to be understocked but it seems the exception rather than the rule
Sales data says otherwise.


Well mine was 400$ and came with splatoon 2, a carrying case (cant say I care too much, but it is a portable system and I wouldn't want to just dump it in my bag so its not a wasted 20$) and an improved comfort grip with better contours and rubber grips on the bottom of the handles.

the official nintendo splatoon 2 bundle coming is pretty much the same thing just without the better comfort grip and no decals on the case and grip.

I feel I came out on top.

Tigard here. Hey tron-user :3

The current gamestop bundles all just have something thrown in to drive up the cost, right now. There is a splat2n bundle and it also comes with MK8, which is nice, but it's $464 because not only does it include the splatoon carrying case, but also two racing wheels for MK8. I don't want the carrying case or the wheels, certainly not for an extra $44.

For comparison, I got my ps4, which came with a game, for $300 flat. I'm already getting fucked here, nintendo, it doesn't need to get even worse. Though I guess it does, because if they released a $300 with a game bundle they'd lose out pretty hard since there aren't that many as it is.

>buttblasted autists still clinging to the hope switch will fail
keep reaching for that rainbow

The bundles are really to compete with scalpers. Scalpers sell for around the same price and all you get is the console. They figure people will pay the same price to get the console and some things, because things are better than no-things

Considering scalping prices are dropping below where you can make any profit, I think it's pretty much over though

When it only hits 45 million you'll say "that's still respectable" even though it will lead to Nintendo's inevitable exit of the hardware business in the next 2-3 generations. What's worse is that it was only accomplished by completely screwing over Wii U owners. That's not something they can do again with the Switch 2

Just take a listen to this monstrosity

>Nintendo's inevitable exit of the hardware business

>covering Tom Sawyer
When will the "Rush is good" meme die?

At the end of the day, all they're doing is making more expensive, less capable smart phones, and it's not even their primary source of profit. Push will come to shove and they will eventually be making games primarily on devices that they do not produce. I'm not saying it'll be the PS4. I'm not even saying it'll be the PS5 or the PS6. Hell, Sony itself might bow out of console manufacturing before Nintendo does. But it's going to happen, as sure as you're going to one day die

There are smartphones that are more gaming-capable than the Switch, but less expensive? Where do I find them?

Don't put words into my mouth, mongoloid. I said more capable. The amount of things you can do with a smart phone is almost limitless. All you can do with a dedicated video game device is play video games, and Nintendo has actually gone out of its way to make this problem 100 times worse. Switch may not be a phone, but that doesn't mean it can't be a standard tablet and do all the things that one can do. Only they're so terrified of piracy that they've removed all but the most vital features. You can't even save your game on the fucking cart anymore.

The deep irony is despite their best efforts to gimp the device, it's still been hacked wide open and anyone with enough patience to wait on FW 3.0.0 or below is guaranteed to have a fully functional CFW one day

But I digress. While phones might not yet be at the level of the Switch, they will be soon, and diminishing returns is approached much more quickly on devices with such small screens, where few people will be able to notice the difference between 720p and a resolution 4x that

Portability is their ace in the hole and they're being completely outstaged by not Sega, Sony or MS, but Apple and Google

It's a dedicated gaming device. Playing games is all it really needs to be able to do, and it's the best at doing what it does at its price point. Why try and make a product that tries to do what Apple and Google are already doing better when they could make a product that focuses on what they're best at, something that you don't get with Apple and Google's devices?