Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree it was #4theplayers?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree it was #4theplayers?
inb4 ur just poor
It's 10 fucking dollars more! God
Don't you mean
Now I see why they had that ps4 themed gay pride parade. You gotta do some virtue signaling for the press before you turn around and fuck your consumer base barebone in the ass.
Reminder that there are sonyfaggots on Sup Forums and neogaf who are defending this out of brand loyalty
Only reason sony won't do is cause PlayStation players have to make a Xbox Live account to crossplay
Only for minecraft. Not for third party games like ark or rocket league.
remember shitposter kun
Every time.
No, the only reason Sony won't do it is because they're the top dog this gen in terms of raw sales and they want to keep a closed ecosystem as a selling point for the system (i.e. if you want to play with your PS4-having friends you better fucking buy a PS4)
MS would have done the same shit last gen if it were broached. Corporations act in their interests, we shouldn't defend them for it.
actually, it's more like
>anons in high school were poor as fuck then
>now they grew up and got jobs and have disposable income and don't mind paying relatively small fees
So you are just going to ignore that you have to log in to xbox live on Switch for minecraft crossplay?
Sony won't do it because there winning right now. They have no incentive to do it and only lose money by allowing it. There are a massive amount of normalfags who bought a PS4 because there friends own one and thats the only way to play with them.
As this user said Thats only Minecraft an IP which Microsoft owns.
>Current state of console wars is literally Sony vs. everyone else
You guys are just making it worse for yourselves in the long run.
that shows nintendo and sony fans defending paid online
it makes more sense for you too call me a mircocock or pcbro but ok
I'd argue that it's for it rather than against it. MS is doing what it feels it can with its chokehold on minecraft, a benefit it doesn't have with third party devs. You don't need to register a Live account for, say, Rocket League.
Meanwhile, Sony is defending a general prohibition on cross-play, which is even worse than cross-play with hurdles (hurdles which only exist, by the way, on an MS-owned IP)
If they increase the prices again without adding more features, I will drop them and make the full commitment to turning my toaster into a machine that can play more than indie pixel shit.
none of it is ok
it's bad when sony does it it's bad when nintendo does it also bad if mircosoft does it
One game that Microsoft owns not allowing crossplay does not explain why there is no crossplay with games like Rocket League which are crossplay on Switch/Xbone/PC without an XBL account.
>Implying there aren't multiple threads made every hour shitting on Nintendo
Literally cry fucking harder. Everyone hates your pathetic fanbase, and you have no one to blame but yourselves.
Switch is beating the dogshit out of phony and they had No problem allowing it.
>Sony is defending a general prohibition on cross-play
No it depends on the implementation.
Don't mind the flame-baity nature of this image but it is actually true that you can play crossplay on these BY Sony's own allowance of it.
Sony isn't against it as a stance.
Continue to get fucked by your corporate overlords user.
The Switch is doing well but is on the upswing where it needs every selling point it can. Sony is generally the established top dog by volume and benefits the most from prospective consumers having to join their system to play with their friends.
I have a Switch. I just finished a round of Rainmaker. That doesn't change the fact that cross-play is a plus for the switch while Sony considers it a minus for their sales.
Yes, but the difference is that Sony is defending its closedness from it while Nintendo and MS are starting to embrace it, albeit for self-serving reasons.
So we can agree that Sony is not doing Cross-play with other consoles for understandable reasons.
They are only doing crossplay with PC where the game won't be imbalanced it would seem.
Sorry, forgot the quote I was going to include from an interview with Jim Ryan (the same guy who claimed "who would [want]" backwards compatibility on the implication that older games are shit)
> Unfortunately it's a commercial discussion between ourselves and other stakeholders, and I'm not going to get into the detail of that on this particular instance. And I can see your eyes rolling.
In laymans terms, he's saying that investors don't want to hear that there's one less reason to buy a PS4 because any system can play with your PS4-having friends.
>Everyone hates your pathetic fanbase
Only like 2-3 toddlers on this shit board hate ''the fanbase''. Personally, I'm not even a fanboy, I just love video games. I bought an Xbox 360 recently and I have a mid range PC that can play some new games plus emulate. Shitendo literally has nothing interesting to offer, their consoles are garbage and their games are garbage. You're an idiot if you actually gave money for a shitty console that has literally NOTHING but 1 rehash of a rehash. And a bad one at that.
The Switch really does not overlap with the other consoles the way the PS4/Xbone do. It has its own niche with the whole portable thing and does not share a massive amount of multiplats like the PS4/Xbone do. The dudebro CoD, FIFA audience is also probably not interested in the least bit in the switch.
>Understandable reasons
Sure. Money as a motivation is understandable.
Doesn't make it noble. They're doing it to fuck you, same as MS was the first to fuck players out of money for online gaming, same as Sony previously fucked players out of money for extra control ports because another 2 were too fucking "expensive" to put in the PS4, and same as Nintendo fucked Europe via price-fixing in the 90s and early 2000s.
No corporation is your friend. You can have a favorite console and not defend its makers shitty business decisions.
Thank goodness I live in the land of the free
more like sonnygers just like xbots are too poor to afford a console that launch at $700.
Sorry, meant the PS2 for the Sony reply. I hoped this would be obvious for anyone who needed a multitap, but with the kiddies these days you can never be too careful.
>They're doing it to fuck you
Can't get behind this. To fuck me? Nah. To protect their platform? Yes.
The more they can invest in their platform the better for me.
Why the fuck are fanboys even here. It's the same shit but more expensive. There are no new features that come with the new price. How is this defendable in any way?
>Sony should take more of my money for no good reason except a sense of the "greater good"
Lol ok, be sure to buy Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered next yesr.
Wtf are you talking about? We are talking about crossplay here you fucking retard.
>paying to use the internet that you already pay for
It's the same basic idea, don't defend shitty business practices because you like a given system the most.
If you trust a company so much that you think them taking another ten bucks a year from you will make the games better, might as well donate more, you fucking retard.
Sony can make a good console at points, that doesn't change the fact that some of their business practices have been downright anti-consumer and that their consoles have first and foremost consistently been optical media vehicles to help the rest of the company do better properly.
Nintendo and MS do shitty stuff too as I've evidenced, but I figured since you're on the Sony knob specifically you needed more detail.
lmao, look at this poor PCbro. Maybe if you didn't just pirate everything like some third-world nigger, or actually got a job instead of some autism allowance from mommy and daddy, you'd learn the joys of spending hard-earned money.
Anti consumer is just a buzzword it seems, since besides paid online, I can't think of one anti consumer thing about Sony that nintendo and microsoft doesn't do 10 times worse
They're selling a cheap console with great games that I want to play
There's no always online, I can sell my games and my system anytime and so on
There's no content locked behind fucking toys
Crossplay is on for some games, but since when is fucking crossplay something not extremely rare?
it's even worse, they are paying to have access to online features from games that don't even use Sony servers in the first place.
Do you know what anti consumer means? They've been untrustworthy since the PSN hack and let hackers use consumer credit cards and personal info
Yup just a buzzword
That's not something they wanted to happen you mental case
>They're selling a cheap console with great games that I want to play
Last gen, $599
>There's no always online, I can sell my games and my system anytime and so on
MS tried to do this and this is the major reason Sony took such a strong lead this gen due to early momentum, but don't dare imagine they wouldn't have done the same coming out of last gen if the 360 didn't do so much better overall on profitability (the PS3 was a lifetime loser)
>There's no content locked behind fucking toys
Mostly because Sony doesn't really own first party titles, and amiibo content tends to be less significant (not that I give a shit, I still think Amiibos are anti-consumer and write NFC tags to get the content instead)
>Crossplay is on for some games, but since when is fucking crossplay something not extremely rare?
With consoles homogenizing and online play becoming simpler, it's becoming increasingly feasible, and Sony is the primary party holding it back.
>It's the same basic idea, don't defend shitty business practices because you like a given system the most.
This is solely based on installbase you retard. If you are going to limit your own system by sharing the installbase then the 'investments' will come through a way shittier avenue.
>If you trust a company so much that you think them taking another ten bucks a year from you will make the games better, might as well donate more, you fucking retard.
Wtf are you even talking about. I never talked about anything like that. If i get a better product then i will choose that option. If you don't think that way then you are the one to blame for why games are shit.
>some of their business practices have been downright anti-consumer
Anti-consumer in what way exactly? Anti-consumer for you because you are an advanced electronics user who could spin up your own operating system to use the hardware however you want? Or anti-consumer in the sense that you as a consumer have to spend more money to do mundane things.
If you are talking about the second one then enlighten me as to what exactly you are talking about then. Doesn't sound like cross-play to me.
>Nintendo and MS do shitty stuff too as I've evidenced, but I figured since you're on the Sony knob specifically you needed more detail.
What a productive post. How about you spit out the bitter shit you have in your mouth and stay on topic/stay intellectually honest.
>Own a PS4
>Honestly feel embarrassed to own it because the fanbase is absolutely irredeemably cancerous
>Sup Forums honestly feels like browsing NeoGAF at times
playstation has some of the most crossplatform games though
>The ironing
>Wtf are you even talking about. I never talked about anything like that. If i get a better product then i will choose that option. If you don't think that way then you are the one to blame for why games are shit.
Gonna throw your own words back at you, assuming you're the same poster through the chain.
>Can't get behind this. To fuck me? Nah. To protect their platform? Yes.
>The more they can invest in their platform the better for me.
I.e. the more money Sony has the better the platform is for you, so you're totally fine with paying more for online.
>Last gen, $599
That was pro consumer they lost money with every sale of the PS3
They were ambitious, not anti consumer, that's pro consumer if anything
Also they dropped the price fast, losing even more money
About crossplay, where's the source on any of that?
Crossplay being easy (sounds like bullshit) and that Sony is holding it back?
By having the most crossplay games supported?
No, no, don't you know that Sup Forums is NintendoGAF you stupid idi*t? If you're not sucking Sony's dick 100% time while simultaneously bashing everything else, it's obviously because you're just an immature manchild that just can't get over Nintendo and its children's toys.
holy fuck, BTFO
No you said that Sony is limiting cross-play to "fuck me".
That was the statement i couldn't get behind.
You are saying that the intent behind limiting it is to fuck the consumer. This is the most unproductive stance to take on this as there is literally no platformholder who would want to fuck their consumer for no other reason than fucking them.
You are using your words wrong.
>That was pro consumer they lost money with every sale of the PS3
Only because they screwed the pooch with the cell, a project that basically subsidized IBM research.
Also, the PS3 was a loss leader because they mistakenly thought they could sell blu-rays for $50-$06 a pop, which they quickly found they couldn't.
If they didn't try to cram the PS3 full of gimmicky bullshit like the Blu-ray player (which largely didn't matter because most consumers didn't have a good enough TV for blu-ray over the gen and didn't matter for games because most games didn't use enough space to necessitate it) the system could have been better and cheaper.
>A thread posted later in the day has faster posts because more people are around than one made in the morning
>100 post difference
Wow, you sure showed me. Next you're going to say that sales don't matter in Japan unless you want to post about that one week where PS4 beat Switch because of Dragon Quest where Japan totally matters now that it fits my agenda.
>sonygros are so deluded that they're unironically defending this
Not you specifically, they're trying to fuck players who might, say, prefer the Xbone's controller or hardware, but will have to "put up" with buying a PS4 if they want to play with their friends who already own PS4s.
Whereas MS/Nintendo/PC, you can buy what you like and play with people who buy what they like, no restrictions.
nintendo's online is like half of what their old price was lmao
you guys said sony is more anti consumer than nintendo and mircosoft now we are trying to prove you wrong
One wasn't fragrant flame warring and got deleted while the Sup Forumstendogaf shitfest toddler thread was blatant and fragrant fanboy falseflag shitflinging that managed to hit bump limit and got archived.
>paying for online
ps4 has the most crossplatform games
vita has more crossplatform than xbox
and nintendo only has one
>Sales threads
>Not fragrant flame warring
>b-but WE'RE the victims!
Thanks for reassuring my previous statement of how owning a PS4 is embarrassing when I know fags like you own it too.
Crossplatform between what? In-ecosystem doesn't really count that much, if I own an Xbone I don't care if the Vita and PS4 can crossplay with each other.
This place is so nintendogaf it's getting pathetic
These people fucking think it's impressive that Zelda, the biggest series ever, barely outsold a brand new IP (horizon zero dawn)
They're really delusional
Pretty sure that one guy who said that only said it regarding cross-platform play, which is true.
Not to say it's not a smart move, because it is. But it's anti-consumer because it entirely benefits them and does nothing for you, the end user.
Or maybe Sony deems those products insufficient in quality to be used on the platform?
One thing is certain and that is that your subjective opinion on what is and isn't up to Sony's standard is nothing but your own opinion and not objective fact.
Let me guess you are also one of those retards who think there should be no exclusive games in the industry because it is anti-consumer right?
>>This place is so nintendogaf it's getting pathetic
Sup Forums hasn't been NintendoGAF in years, cry harder you pathetic drone.
Maybe you fuckers should have pushed and meme'd HZD as a Zelda killer if you faggots wanted to actually get people interested and discuss it.
They raised prices in Europe because prices in the US were raised a few months ago.
>Sonygros whining about being called out on their bullshit when they're the most cancerous console fanbase
>Post sales numbers without saying anything about any products
Same as
>toddler logic
It's not anti consumer
That's like saying everygame not having a mutliplayer mode is anti consumer, just because you decided that's the norm
people did say it was gonna be the zelda killer but most of that was flaseflagging
but playstation users can play with pc players
more than nintendo and xbox combined
When the game is created with the capability for cross platform play, and Sony blocks it on their console, it is anti-consumer.
Are you brain damaged, or just that deluded?
>w-we've always been braindead drones
I'm well aware, but nintendobabies used to just post about their kids games, now they're so triggered by sony it's all they do
It ruins this board and every thread boils down to talking about Sony
How is my experience hurt by not having crossplay? Is the game worse? And again, ps4 has the most crossplay games
>Someone says that they feel embarrassed to own a PS4 because of drones
>Proceed to sperg out and post retarded shit
>i-i'm the good guy though...
Time to sell my PS4 for a Switch, since the online will be $30 cheaper. Only online shit I even care for on ps4 is overwatch, and that's not a good game
I don't even know why I'm paying for this. I don't play multiplayer games. I guess it mostly pays for itself when I buy games in sales.
>We don't actually ruin threads, everyone else does!
Yeah, uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile in Monster Hunter threads, for every 1 anti-Sony comment there is, there's about 15 anti-Nintendo posts, as well as multiple Nintendo wojaks.
You really are just that deluded, eh?
>let in millions of muslims
>be surprised when your currency turns to shit.
yeah, it pays for itself if you're going to get something on sale anyways
I was going to get GTA V+gws card because it was on sale and turned out I would save more by getting 1 month of plus than the 1 month cost
I'm going to need some background information here
>Someone says PS4 drones are the worst fanbase
>Post average nintendo fan shit that goes way beyond any example of anything a PS4 drone would ever post
It's $60 a year in the US
>>that goes way beyond any example of anything a PS4 drone would ever post
Post 1 (one) example.
boycott plus user
>Thread about Sony being bad
>Turns into people trying to scapegoat Nintendo
Just another Sony thread I guess.
>Wanting to do anything with Xgroids
Fuck that
nobody is scapegoating
we are proving people wrong about sony being anti consumer when it comes to crossplatform
sony has the more crossplatform titles with pc than xbox nintendo only has 1 minecraft
>Any of that shit even remotely comparable
You should take a peak at again you retard.