White day coming out in 3 days

>white day coming out in 3 days
>no threads
>no hype

what the fuck

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and why should i care?

Is this a remake? I don't think White Day was ever that popular. Just a good horror game.

>indie survival horror

I'll wait for reviews to even begin to care

It's a tumblr meme, who cares

how much will it cost on release?

gas yourself

It wasn't well known, but it had a cult following.

are you fucking retarded? how is this related to tumblr

Because it recreates one of the best horror games made in the history of vidya


start from 28:40. It has subtle horror and atmosphere that isn't present in today's games


He man?

Will it still have invincible janitors? I only got through a bit of night one before I quit. Is the updated version any good?

Never seen a whole playthrough because I'm an omega pussy when it comes to horror, and so is every other LP'er. I might pick this up though if it turns out to be a good remake.

how different is it to your weekly/monthy walking simulator with jumpscares doe?

I do remember parts of this game utterly fucking with me. The hanging chick getting closer, the sudden face by the door, that creepy laughter the janitor had. There were a lot of great moments, I'll give you that much.
I'd rather see more stuff from the devs, not just a remake, that might fuck what made the original good.

good point actually. I hope to see much more than the original in this game + quality of life improvements

Meh, it's going to be hard to impress me after playing the Silent Hill games.

>white day
>more than 1 night
>taking place at night at all

Fucking dropped.

I'm a huge bitch when it comes to horror. Hope its good, maybe I'll watch a playthrough online if so.

is this a walking simulator?

>game lets you kill monster
that's not scary

>you must run away
it's a walking simulator

you just can't win with Sup Forums

give it a try you fucking faggot. refund if it's not your thing

i played it for review

its ltierally the same game as the remake that game out on ios/android earlier in the year, just slightly better graphically.

it was probably good in 2001 but its kind of lackluster held up to 2017 standards

theres apparently new gameplay if you get the best ending on hard but i couldnt be bothered

>forced stealth game

maybe when it's on sale i guess

ew no

Because i'm a huge fucking pussy and hate spooky games.

>linking to screaming lets play trash

>give it a try you fucking faggot. refund if it's not your thing
OK, I will give it try in 3 years when the price drops 5 or below.

Watched a trailer, looks like shit.

>one of the best horror games made in the history of vidya

l o l

>give a man restaurant food

>kind of lackluster held up to 2017 standards

What are the standards for a horror game in 2017?


>I judge my games based on trailer scripted moments with dubstep in the background and killstreak montages
you must be 18 to post here

>talking about meme horror games
Its not 2008 anymore
Pewdiepie rarely covers horror games anymore, so pewdiepie bait isnt going to work

>dubstep in the background and killstreak montages

But none of that was in the trailer.

And sorry your favorite game is shit.

>2017 horror standards
>convoluted story
>jump scares
>loud music
>meme locker hiding
not even him but I don't want horror games to be made using 2017 standards

>he actualy fucking said it


>I can't understand obvious exaggeration
>I missed the point that user was telling me not to judge based on trailers
again, you must be 18 to post here

That was the standard of Resident Evil 1.

I didn't miss the point, your point was stupid.

Shit game.

not just as a horror game but also as a game in general

short, small area, most of the good scares are cryptically hidden so you wont see them without following a guide

very simplistic choice system

deliver of scares isnt that great

janitor isnt scary just makes the backtracking and errand-running annoying

>that fucking tree boss cackling all throughout the beginning section of the game no matter where you are in that area

I wonder if they bring that bucket back in the remake.

no need to hide your embarrassment user

why does it look like a ps1 game

That looks like the kinda thing I would tentatively buy if it were 80%+ off on steam then forget to ever install and play

funny how all those things are more true of white day than modern horror games

also "jumpscare" is such a vague blanket term to refer to nearly any sort of scare and just dismissing them entrely without thinking about their effect or implementation is not very smart

I remember that shit. that bucket was loud

resi evil is another genre of horror, where it's based on the thrill of inventory management of killing enemies with the last bullet

>jump scares

Literally in every horror game ever made since 1989.

Oh fuck no. I had this game installed for like 3 years and I never got around to playing it and now it's coming to Steam? That makes me mad.

I watched some walkthroughs and it doesn't seem like it.
>straightforward story with mystery elements
>none of that bullshit rock music in the background whenever something chases you
>no locking hiding
>minimal scripting where 100+ different high school ghost legends cycle through the game making playthroughs different for encounters
It looks decent. I'll prob get it because I need something better than that POS outlast 2

>mobile gamer
neck yourself and get out of this board

I'm excited for it. I'm a huge fan of Asian horror movies and I'm always up for more games with that aesthetic.

That is one of the problems of talking about horror.
Horror is a theme, not a genre. There is horror games in every genre. You can have a horror RTS, horror action game, horror story focused walking simulator, horror dating sim, horror card game.

Horror is a theme, not a genre. Unlike movies where Horror is mostly fixed due to the static nature of the media, in video games, horror is really just a theme that should enhance the gameplay.

I think what you are complaining about are First Person Adventure Horror Games like Slender or Firewatch or for example. Maybe FPS Horror games like Alien or F.E.A.R or Bioshock, Dead Space too?

>I have not played good horror games
pewdiepie, plz

Not really, some horror games do not have jump scares. Firewatch for example has no jump scares and is still an horror thriller walking simulator.

Na, you're intentionally listing good horror games that combine fun gameplay with an immersive atmosphere and situational thrill. I mean the lazy design that is clogging up the steam market with using the cheapest way to raise someone's heart rate without putting any effort into building a convincing world with genius situations where you can feel the genuine terror of the protagonist

Jump scare is a pretty common tropes, but saying that all of them do is false. Just like horror movies, jump scares are a cheap way to fake your movie being scary, when most of the time, it's like a 3 yo waking you up screaming in your ears.

I can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me

>le jump scares are bad meme

They're only bad if that's all the game consists of.

A well placed jump scare is the pay off to lots of tension building. Many games have pulled off great jump scares while also maintaining a tense and suspenseful atmosphere.

I was naming famous examples in specific genres.

Take PREY 2017 for example. It's a FPS horror game with no hiding, no jump scares and that focus on paranoia of chairs being aliens.

I'm agreeing that most good horror games do not rely on jump scares for horror, but I'm disagreeing that all good horror games dont have jump scares. Bioshock has a couple of jump scares and still manage a great atmosphere. Even F.EA.R has jump scares and is still regarded as the best Horror FPS to date.

Debating on grabbing the PS4 version since it's a budget release. Nearly every PS2 era horror game is worth minimum $30 used these days, with the "asian horror" games like Kuon being fucking impossible to find


Here's a perfect example of a jumpscare utilized properly in the context of the game (which has very few if any besides this one).

Sounds like a "fun" "game".

Jump scares should be anticipated and not delivered. Do 2 jump scares. First one hit, second one create a pattern in the mind of person. Then, when you want to make a scene scarier, you can recreate the pattern and then not deliver, creating the tense atmosphere you want. The player is actually scared of nothing and that can amplify the horror atmosphere of the game.

For example, in Batman : Arkham Knight, you jump around the city with a hook all the time. But at some point in the story, Man Bat appear just when you were to see the top of the building, creating a big jump scare. He does that twice in the game or until you beat the quest. Same for Joker.


What the fuck are you talking about you crazy shit

>non scripted puzzles

what's the problem?

10/10 taste user, you can also say System Shock 2 for an even BETTER horror game.

Arkham Asylum had one of the best scares ever because it actually made you think that your monitor or GPU fucking died at that moment

concentrate on the scene and not the faggot you faggot

I bought it at release and played it 2 years after and it worked fine on my 4 year old gaming pc on medium/high.

It felt much better than Arkham Origins.

I've literally never heard of this game

the original is pretty good I dunno about this but some reviews have been pretty shit apparently


a horror game where you cannot fight back in any way other than hiding is fucking stupid and stops being scary really quick, scares become annoyances and annoyances become tedium which is not fun at all, which is why the alien game bombed, it's the same shit all over and the only interesting part where the robots you could actually fight with

same reason why reident evil is so good, you run from monsters you do not know until you learn how to deal with them and it's badass killing time with a giant shotgun, being a kawaii uguu faggot kills the mood

I do not understand the meaning of this reaction face meme. Please post a more popular or clear one so I can be insulted correctly.

Thank you,



>tfw I'll never be an east asian teenager

reread again you dumbass

Was that a greentext a quote from your let's player faggot's video? Sorry, I didn't get the reference because I'm not a 12-year old

where can I see the reviews?

I like both models. I loved Amnesia : The Dark Descent because I felt scared of the monster.

I'm gonna get it, don't really know shit about it other than it's a Korean horror game that's kinda old and dated but apparently pretty good.

>survival horror

OP how much did you get paid to post this on Sup Forums?

thanks for proving my point faggot

I played it years ago, don't know if I'll ever play it again. Y=The jamitor is just so fucking annoying

Sell me on it

He is implying that the game is broken and has visual glitches/incompatibility with most GPU on PC. Which it did at launch.

And I said that after 2 years, the game ran fine without issues.

The fact that you can defend yourself removes all tension from a horror game. Nothing is scary anymore because you know you can kill it in some way

the solution to puzzles are randomized each play through like a code for a door or where you find certain things
the original did this to some extent
famitsu score
>White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (PS4) – 7/6/6/8 [27/40]

>He is implying that the game is broken and has visual glitches/incompatibility with most GPU on PC. Which it did at launch.

I'm beginning to believe you haven't played the game.

At least link to someone like Manly that respects the genre and shuts up during tense moments.

>trying to figure out what the fuck to do with the tree boss
Fuck that

no dumbass
he is talking about this: youtube.com/watch?v=-YEaRloNP4s which is part of the actual game and made pretty much every player shit their pants

you cant even tell the difference between Arkham ASYLUM and Arkham KNIGHT

you have played dreadout? The concept is similar that you are in a giant area with many combinations of legends and spooky spooky ghosts that come out at random parts of the story. Obviously you're not going to see all of them in one playthrough, and it's been said by the developers that in hard mode, instead of just increasing arbitrary stats like speed, ect. they are adding in scarier ghosts


dunno, famitsu ranks horror games badly

You just had to spoonfeed him.

lmao at this retard

I did though. 100% it, all riddler riddles. I do not know what you are talking about from the top of my head.

Ah, yeah I was assuming he was talking about Arkham Knight. Pardon my misreading of the post and thank you for posting a video of the said "jump scare"

>shit nigger, I have never heard of many before but I'm sure as hell going to check him out

Never played it but I watched someone from Sup Forums stream the original version and then an LP of the iOS version. The original seemed kind of... mediocre. Streamer got stuck on that part with the tree bitch laughing and I just ended up closing it out because the constant "HOOO HOOO HAHAHA HOOOOOOOOOOO HOO HOO HOO HAHAHAHA" was annoying as fuck. The iOS version seemed to fix that and seemed a lot better all around although the character models looked like they were straight out of The Sims which seemed a little odd. If this ends up being better than that I could see it being really great

Is the Janitor as annoying again?
Also, I'm a little worried about the artstyle. It looks a bit too cartoony for my taste

>yeah I was assuming he was talking about Arkham Knight
he literally said ARKHAM ASYLUM in his first post you humungous retard kek

Fuck off

>newfriend r/gamers just out themselves now
Is summer finally ending?