I bought pic related during the Capcom sale. It'll be my first time playing it

I bought pic related during the Capcom sale. It'll be my first time playing it.

Do I play it with M+KB or controller? I've heard controller is better since the game's combat and encounters were designed with it in mind, and that M+KB makes it too easy

These controls are fucking awful.

How did people play this shit?

I'd say M+KB since it's your first time and you'll no doubt struggle to get used to the movement controls.

Just make sure to go into mouse settings and change the aiming to modern.


Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

Pretty awesome game, 20/20 atmosphere, spanish village with infected crazy zombies.

Good replay value, at the end you have like a mafia outfit and Ashley is dressed like a real little slut. You get handcannons and crazy assault rifles. Plus you gotta upgrade your weapons and it's pretty fun upgrading them to have each one at 100% power.

The controls will be dated, be prepared.

Controller. The KB+M controls for RE4 are trash.

>playing re4 with keyboard and mouse

Controller, easily. Also, it's one of my favorite games of all time. Only game outside of RoR I can always go back to and have a fucking blast.

I've been playing it recently using M+K. Make sure you change the controls in the menu to "modern". You can use flawless widescreen to increase the field of view. Although it make things easier if you do it.

I'll give you a helpful tip user. Before you get on the boat go to the edge of the dock and shoot the fishes they're essentially free health

Is the issue aiming with the mouse or the keyboard in general? I got used to it just fine.

im playing on classic mopde and a mouse, it has no acceleration and i like it

wrong they're just fine - they sucked in the original pc release which had no mouse aiming
source: played the shit out of the gcn/ps2 version for a decade before buying the steam version

>how did many, many, many people play one of the most popular games of all time

Fucking babby, you new kids want everything to play the same, either FPS or TPS one style and thats it

>you'll no doubt struggle to get used to the movement controls

>ported to PC not once but twice
>both ports are horrendous garbage
if anyone knows a fix for the windows 10 blackscreen glitch I'm all for it

Works for me :^)

The steam port is far from "horrendous garbage" mongoloid.

And yes I'm aware of the frame rate related oddities and they are so negligible they aren't worth mentioning.

I played through it recently on KB+M and it was just fine the QTE's can be a bit awkward though. That was also my first replay of it in about 10 years since I had last on the gamecube. Just try both and see which one you like better.

Also listen to this user its pretty helpful for the upcoming section afterwards.

>game is survival horror, so the aiming in the control makes up to the sense of difficulty to aiming under pressure
>if you're in a KB+M, you just run in full speed headshoting everyone without giving a flying fuck, killing the atmosphere of fear the game tries to pass on

>the frame rate related oddities and they are so negligible they aren't worth mentioning.

But ye did

Controller only

Well, let's face it, the game was not built for PC or KB+M. Hardly the games fault that it was never designed around it.