Are gaming keyboards a meme?

Are gaming keyboards a meme?

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Not sure.

Tap tap tap

The only nice thing about some of them are the lit keys.
If you don't play in complete darkness you can just go for a normal office keyboard.

yes and that's mainly because they still include a fucking keypad when literally no games make extensive use of digit inputs. Just make yourself a favor and buy a keypad less keyboard, and while you're at it, buy yourself some vertical mouse as well as your regular mouse.

Gaming keyboards? Yes
Mechanical keyboards? No

No keyboard is really better for gaming. So if you're going mechanical you might as well go for a clickety clack because that does make typing nicer.

So what's so great about mechanical keyboards?

i want something thats higher quality than my blackweb $20 walmart wireless keyboard. but i dont want something gay and GAMER looking like ops picture. rec me some shit anons

I used to be really anal about a numberpad, even only buying laptops with one. After many years, I finally realized that I only use them to type in credit card info which is typically saved anyway, thrusters for GMod which I haven't played in about a decade and you can easily rebind them to something else, and typing in a door code in Deus Ex. The extra space is way more worth it.