So the crew hated her because they were all gay?

So the crew hated her because they were all gay?

>only has tits
>no ass
>DAMAGED goods
>weird fucking dr seuss face with no chin

don't have to be gay to think quiet is unattractive

I don't remember this cutscene.

found the gay

spotted another one

its censored in America

You had to spend a lot of time in an outhouse or just out in the wild without returning to Mother Base. Eventually you'd be covered in flies and attract guards from your smell. If you have Quiet you shower with her in first person.

they were jealous that she was getting all the attention.

No it's because modern men no longer desire big breasts

Is she drowning?

Everybody's gay for big boss.

She almost took out the boss, who is their hero and far better than any of them in combat, of course they are uneasy about the literal human weapon they have "locked" in a completely inadequate cage.

Yep. It's an allegory of modern sexless Japan, where no one has kids and everyone is an incel

Huh? No it isn't.

>idol poster everywhere
>2d idol poster
Really makes your gears moving, isnt it?

They had 0 reason to trust her. Honestly, Big Medic was an idiot for trusting her.

The more you knew about her the more you had even less of a reason to trust her
>was sent to kill you at the hospital
>got severely wounded and had a vendetta
>carried vocal chord parasite
>the very first time you meet her she attacks you

I'd be pretty pissy too if some bitch who looks like she spent about, what, 30 hours max with a rifle can out do me because of 'muh super special snowflake powers'
At least Venom and BB earned their skills, can't expect that from a filthy woman,

I would, I could
In her box
I would, I could
With a FOX

Wtf is idol

she might have tried to wedge out dudes' teeth out more than once for all we know

Huh? She tried to kill Big Medic

But user, the greatest soldier of all time was a woman.

fuckin based japs

The Boss was an extremely dumb and contrived plot point and is only praised by complete retards


He's meming you brah, Eurofags have TV thats full of sex and nudity, and American TV is more censored when it comes to that stuff. However Euros can't look at Swastikas lol

>Gets beaten by a man

Sounds like shes Irish.

good for you burgerian

>theres that one scene where Quiet Breaks one of the soilders jaws for peeping while she was sunbathing nude
>Boss had to hold her down to prevent her from killing the soilder
Its not that they're gay its that they're afraid to end up like poor paco did

>that one scene where Quiet Breaks one of the soilders jaws for peeping while she was sunbathing nude
What? I don't remember anything like that.

I remember the scene where she tries to cut the guy's tongue out because she knows he has the wolbachia.

Thanks, dude, gotta love being free and not having your government telling you that you can't look at certain symbols

*Germans can't look at Swastikas
Everyone from Ukraine to the UK can have as many Nazi meme symbols in their games as they want, it's just that Germany banned swastikas for obvious reasons nobody should have to explain to you.

>she wasn't chico at the end
>we didn't even get adult chico anyway
what a dissapointment, the clues and motivations all fit together amazingly
Sup Forums made a better story for quiet than kojima

no, she was the greatest patriot and third best soldier of all time

No I do need it explained, what are they worried about? A revival of Nazi Germany? Even if that did happen, it's the job of the government to let the people take over when they are ready for changes to be made

yeah one of the guards peeps on her. bad day for that guy

Death Stranding will be a weird as fuck game

I never understood why she just decided to randomly join you.

Get that hag out of the showers, this is real sexy right here.

That's that brown bags were invented for.

the same reason why there are no true lesbians.

>that lesbian pedo enjoying it

She killed our comrades you piece of shit

And she's a 0/10 compared to Sniper Wolf

What are you talking about, user?

Does that thing look heterosexual to you?

There are no women in that webm.

Oh shit...thats some kinda twink ain't it? I haven't gotten that far apparently