>battlefront two wont have any GOOD playable characters
>no sav'age oppress, no ventress, no cad bane
>will have shitty as fuck movie faggot heros like bobba and jango for no reason other than casuals circle jerking those terible bounty hunters.
Battlefront two wont have any GOOD playable characters
>sav'age oppress
>sav'age oppress
is this seriously a character's name. this is a joke name you give to a parody character, not something people should ever be asked to take seriously
Jesus Christ, thank you for reminding me that the prequels had a character called SAVAGE OPRESS. Also, Elan Sleazebaggano.
God DAMN bald girls make me fucking hard
>buuuh huuuh I want more first trilogy dick sucking,I can't get enough of that generic cape shit tier characters
get fucked,prequel trilogy has a better expanded universe,deal with it or go back to the other battlefronts
still better than faggot kylo renn.
he is in clone wars series.
ahh hell yeah, i want to throat fuck ventress so bad.
How the fuck does explaining shit make a film better? Nobody asked for midichlorians.
But Battlefront 2 had an excellent campaign based on the prequel era and both relished in the Clone vs Droid dynamic
>I'd rather have an deus ex machina on the dark
it's just a interpretation of the force you faggot,the rule of two is a god blessing upon this series and you know it
I don't think you know what deus ex machina means.
There are some good ideas, bad ideas and good ideas that were underdeveloped to the point it is laughable
Post more bald sluts
>Watching cartoons
You can hear her in the newest trailer you mongoloid. Same with Anakin.
>Anakin is skisofrenic and her whole presence is just obiwan pulling his leg
Explain Rebels then.
God I wish that clone trooper was me
To die with an raging erection
>We have a bunch of interesting bounty hunters that could've been used
>LOL nope lets put Boba Fett
Thank fuck they are making a space battle only game modes,It was really lame having to finally get in a tie fighter on the first one just to get immediately shot down over a single guided rocket
Did anyone else laugh when they saw Yoda in the cockpit of the ship?
>tfw best bounty hunter never ever
I watched TCW so i was already familiar with Yoda piloting a ship
They have V-Wings but no V-19s? They even have the shitty Y-wing prototypes
jesus just imagine her gagging on your cock with tears running down her face, smearing her makeup
The Clone War era was the height of the Y-wing use. Rebels literally had to steal scraps of already-outdated-and-old ships to use them in the OT era. That's why they don't have the full-cover armor in the OT.
V-wings canonically share an engine (sound) with TIE Fighters, so that's one less thing the devs had to bother with.
>No Captain Rex , Commander Cody , or Commander Fordo heroes
why even add clone wars
>the abandoned plot where she and Quinlan Vos have an affair
Really curious how that would've turned if they animated it
The cartoons were a mistake
>W-wouldn't it be cool if all this stuff happened that ultimately has no impact since it'll never be referenced or even mentioned in the movies? Heh-heh
>So Anakin gets a Palawan. Haha but don't worry she'll conviently disappear before he kills those fucking children ;)
>Dude what if we like gave the clones their own personalities and stuff only for them to go back to being just worthless bodies in the movies
Go back to circlejerking in Sup Forums, faggot.
They made a book out of it, it's Dark Disciple
And yet they did stuff better than the movies, like showing the corruption of the Republic and the dark side brewing inside of Anakin.
>Dude what if we like gave the clones their own personalities and stuff only for them to go back to being just worthless bodies in the movies
The clones barely get any screen time where they aren't fighting, user.
>another movie-only fag
If you want a expanded universe where it actually feels like big events that affect the movie universe happens,read the legends book.They actually do a good job in making a behind the scenes stuff that are happening with the events of the movies.
The animation is made so we can actually watch cool shit happening,is for kids to get hooked in SW,calm down nigger
>a licensed game might be disappointing
>CGI series is bad!!!
Get a load of this guy
I'm just saying that some of the events of the prequels are made better with the Clone Wars. Anakin's downfall makes more sense, for example.
Remember the PS2 era where we had the occasional diamond of a licensed game? Also Star Wars generally has a high standard of games
That's because Lucas Arts was a good studio. Wasn't until The Force Unleashed that their quality tanked
>the force unleashed
The "lol his robot companion is programmed to kill him" gag got old fast, and just felt like a low rent HK47 knockoff
> Wont have any obscure characters K like because I always make an effort to dislike what is popular and find the most obscure characters to like so I can be a faggot
I know, it really ruffles my jimmies they won't include HK-47!
HK-47 doesn't exist in canon anymore.
I know! It's so unfair, lol xd sorry I'm so random
Yet Clone wars was so popular that even after it got cancelled it did better then what ever the movies shit out especially the new ones, and Rebels.
If anything Clone Wars was the Magnum opas of Star Wars
You know what's amusing? Disney bought Star Wars in 2012. THREE new games were announced in 2013. Now it's 2017, and literally only of them surfaced. The other two seemingly disappeared - there is barely any mention of them.
>sav'age oppress
How did they get away with it?
>That navel
I always hated the implementation of heroes in battlefront, I just want it to be a star wars military game with troopers only.
Clone wars took the prequels and then did everything better.
>Anakin isn't a petty manchild and is a pretty cool guy
>Obiwan actually has a personality
>The clones are important characters rather than just a pile of bodies in battles
Too bad it can never redeem them.
>titanium whoite pussy lips
>gray clit and nips
Developing triple A games takes time and SW is only getting a single AAA title a year, with mobile/smaller games sprinkled in between. Visceral SW is coming next year and Respawn's is coming in 2019
The CGI series was the best thing that came out of starwars after the original trilogy besides some of the games.
The only way they could have been better is if the target market were older
>Savage Oppress
Jesus fucking christ how disgusting. What's next? Some guy called Ima Gun Di?
The only one with fishy development is Viscerals. We knew they we're working on it since 2013 yet NOTHING has surfaced. We just learned of Respawn's game last year.
And Jar Jar became a likeable character.
My theory is that Visceral scrapped it when they brought Amy Hennig over and restarted the entire thing
Why is she so perfect?
Also she is in the new battlefront game.
>Boba Fett will be voiced by based Temuera
>Clones will be voiced by Dee Bradley Baker
>even though they are LITERALLY the same person
She got on board pretty quick, but that is a possibility
He's also Darth Maul's brother. No, I'm not kidding
>pretending Savage Opress is worse than Maul, Greivous, or even Kylo Ren
Star wars has stupid names, guys.
Keep in mind that Lucas himself wanted someone named Darth Icky, also sadly not a joke.
You have Sam Witwer to thank for that. He's the one who asked for them to hire Dee Bradley Baker because it would resonate better with the people who watched TCW in his opinion
>No crazy what if scenarios like CIS vs Rebel Alliance, First Order vs Empire, Republic vs Empire
Unlike a silly and non threatening name like Count Dooku?
He's the one that came up with Opress too
He's not wrong desu, even in Republic Commando the only one Morrison voices is Boss.
It's a best of both case habing Baker voice the clones and Morrison voice Jango and Boba
>tfw no Jake the Muss special character
That was his daughter, actually.
You know your genetics have a tiny influence on your voice, right? It's all environmental.
You'll be murdered first by the crazy movie reenacters for even thinking of that.
They blew a blood vessel at just the thought of rey facing darth maul.
If you had droids fighting the rebel alliance every battlefront 2 video would be downvoted into oblivion with news articles fanning the flame.
What's the pun behind Kylo Ren?
Or maybe some guy called Darth Sidious.
Nothing. It just sounds dumb. Much like Count Dooku
kill or rend
Difference with that was that battle took place in a story mission on Naboo.
I'm talking about like a custom game. Kinda like hero mode in the old battlefront 2
Or Darth Bane?
he was a big guy in sith history
You're an edgy guy
cad bane
Is it Sith tradition to have such campy names?
Original Assaj was better.
Its not a story mission? the story takes place between 4 and 7.
It's also not the original assault on theed since that didn't have republic clones.
So unless having empire and rebels on theed triggers someone like a reenactor the battle isn't canon and even if it was thats the point of messing around.
Heroes in the prequel trilogy
>Anakin Skywalker (White male)
>Obi-Wan Kenobi (White male)
>Padme Amidala (White female)
>Captain Panaka (Black male)
>Qui-Gon Jinn (White male)
>Jar Jar Binks (Alien male)
>Mace Windu (Black male)
>Yoda (Alien male)
Villains in the prequel trilogy
>Nute Gunray (Alien male)
>Darth Maul (Alien male)
>Zam Wessel (White female)
>Count Dooku (White male)
>Darth Sidious (White male)
>Jango Fett (New Zealand male)
>General Grievous (Cyborg/alien male)
A good ensemble of characters that isn't defined by their race, gender, or even their species.
Now let's look at Nu-Star Wars.
Heroes in Disney Star Wars
>Rey (White female)
>Finn (Black male)
>Poe Dameron (Latino male)
>Jyn Erso (White female)
>Iden Versio (Brown female)
Villains in Disney Star Wars
>Kylo Ren (White male)
>Snoke (White male)
>Captain Phasma (White female)
>General Hux (White male
>Director Krennic (White male)
>3/5 heroes in Disney Star Wars are female
>3/5 heroes in Disney Star Wars are brown
>4/5 villains in Disney Star Wars are male
>All villains in Disney Star Wars are white
Starting to see the pattern (((they))) have set for us? It really makes you think...
I Don't get why they put all the effort recycling assets for the unwanted and God awful Nu-trilogy for Nu-Battlefront instead of putting all the supposed work on making Clone Wars Shit, they Don't even have Droidekas at launch for fuck sakes. Much less add characters we want, how the fuck do these hacks continue to make games?
Where's the chinks from Rogue One?
Iden Versio isn't a hero, shes a villian.
The book that came out made that pretty obvious.
Now take your bullshit somewhere else.
Poe is white.
Its called branding, once you have that its pretty hard not to sell a product.
But how come Normies can see that Destiny 2 is the same exact shitty fucking game yet Nu-Battlefront 2, also the same fucking game but with smoke and mirrors not met with the same negative feedback? The fake classes and fake squad are enough to fool them?
Did you play the alpha and the 2015?
If you did you'd know you were bullshitting yourself. Other than that it was content.
and yet tons of people are still going to play destiny 2 proving my point?
By dialing the EVIL SITHLYNESS to 14. It works in Warhammer and it works for him.