this is the only good board left
enjoy it while it lasts
This is the only good board left
I have bad news for you.
Sup Forums's far better for its topic of discussion. Unlike Sup Forums they actually discourage newfag retards ruining the board with trash memes.
this. Sup Forums is the only fucking board that discourages newfags from posting. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are so fucking bad because none of you faggots EVER call reddit out and create an atmosphere of lurking before posting or you'll get shit on. Fuck Sup Forums
lol this board died 4 years ago.
Its now just neverending game fights, e-celeb, bait threads, and ocassional porn and music threads.
The splinter boards were a mistake.
/vg/ didn't need to happen, we just needed more moderation on Sup Forums.
>none of you faggots EVER call reddit out
You're a lying nigger and you know it. Every thread is reddit this, reddit that, reddit spacing, reddit logic.
That's beacuse the mods are butthurt redditors and try to ban things that we use to call out reddit
you can't say "hi r*ddit" or "go back to r*ddit"
"hi r*ddit" used to get posted all the time till the butthurt mods added it to the spam filter
What kind of person truly believes this is a good board? I'm honestly asking, you need just one hour at this board to realize how terrible bad it is.
That's not said in a derogatory way, that's just a friendly reminder from other Redditors to disguise your Reddit ways while posting on Reddit-lite. If it was identical to normal Reddit then where's the thrill?
>2ch has a Sony containment board
>Sup Forums doesn't
>Sup Forums
I've been here for almost a decade now and I can tell you it's been shit for the biggest part of that time.
Fucking this. Sup Forums hasn't been good in at least 6 years, if not more. OP is a newfag.
What if I told you they aren't the problem?
Newfags are most likely edgy kids who find in Sup Forums a place to talk all the stupid shit they want and hate all they want. People like them don't belong in reddit.
I blame Sup Forums
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>b-but Sup Forums is a containment board!
>without it Sup Forums shit would get posted all over the site!
Seriously, when's that shithole finally getting deleted?
pol, Gamergate, r/TheDonald and Trump winning were the nails in the coffin that destroyed Sup Forums beyond repair.
I come here less and less and it bums me out because I've had some good times hanging out on Sup Forums.
you forgot about the fappening
This is the most reddit post on this board.
This is what I was thinking.
>Sup Forums
>let alone better than Sup Forums
If it's so bad then why don't you leave?
>tfw the mods just ruined Sup Forums
Sup Forums is probably still full of crunchyroll or kissanime streaming retards, im never going back
I don't understand the "worst board" reputation Sup Forums has everywhere. From the multiple boards I frequent especially Sup Forums is lightyears further down the shitter.
Only because it moves quickly and mostly stays on topic and people are passionate and interested.
This place is still incredibly casual and full of cross-boarders and r/videogame highschooler types that bring the overall quality down a peg.
That said, the sad thing is that Sup Forums and Sup Forums really are the last bastions of decent board culture on this site since things started going downhill.
I give it another year before its unreadable for anyone that isn't fresh off of a twitter hyperlink.
>implying there's anything wrong with streaming as long as you don't give them money
Only people who say they watch streams do it to piss people off, saying you stream invalidates what ever your saying on Sup Forums
/jp/ used to be to Sup Forums what Sup Forums is to Sup Forums.
Too bad moot had a vendetta and hired the most autistic janny possible.
>le pol bogey mann
but /his/ still exists
You need normalfag comments just to keep a good volume of chatter going. Not necessarily for quality, just quantity, give the oldfags something to bitch at
>why don't you leave?
You can't just leave this place.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the only boards left that resemble Sup Forums of old
>le casuals are bad meme
>Sup Forumsredditers are this delusional
>Used to shitpost because it was fun
>Don't even enjoy shitposting anymore because literally every thread devolves into it anyway
To be honest the only truly good non-redditified board left is /f/
This board has just become an extension of Sup Forums just like the rest of Sup Forums.
Moot was an idiot for bringing upon this cancer and not letting the news board die.
I completely forgot about that, why was that bad?
Sup Forums doesn't exist anymore.
it's /polt_d/ now.
You mean the Sup Forums of "old" (2007-2009).
It's always fun until you're the victim
>try to post about video games
>get spammed by Sup Forums bots trying to shill the WHITE MASTER RACE meme
>they all play games made by non-whites anyway (inb4 japan are le honorary aryans)
True, but you also need a robust and strict board-culture to compensate and that doesn't work if people are outnumbered by shitposters and newfags.
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Maybe if this was still 2012. Sup Forums got reddit colonized ages ago, back when baneposting was new.
Sup Forums has been on a downward spiral since redditors thought it would be cool to jump in on the Trump memes after the primaries so they could act like the cool kids. Its untenable these days.
those with only topical interest, I don't mean "casual" gamers
There are a few good boards left, Sup Forums is definitely not one of them. It's the worst.
Why can't Sup Forums stop spoon feeding? Why can't Sup Forums tell newshits to lurk moar?
Just further prove that FGC is fucking cancer and all fightan threads should be an immediate range ban.
>tfw my friend went full Sup Forums and I can't stand him anymore but he's one of my only friends
>literally anything he talks about has to be related to "SJWS GETTING COMPLETELY DESTROYED" or Donald Trump
There is no way I'm the only one who has this problem.
>implying there's anything wrong with streaming
there is no implication, bitrate costs bandwidth, they will lower it to save those costs no matter where it comes from
Because that shit is elitism cancer
Sup Forums hasn't been good since 2014 when moot banned goobergate and this place was flooded with tumblr fags, this entire sites basically gone to shit.
Get better friends.
Spoon feeding is the only thing that keeps a culture alive, without it every new member tries to start their own direction instead of integrating
this used to be true, but Sup Forums is compromised.
>Sup Forums
>good board
Wrong, but in some ways yes. The sheer speed and size of Sup Forums keeps it from stagnating by overmoderation.
Sup Forums is overmoderated hot garbage full of oldfag LARPing redditors and tumblrinas like you. Everyone good left/was banned after the Accelspammer era.
>poltard gets triggered by someone making fun of his safe space so he has to post a stale meme to feel better
Yup, it was only a matter of time.
>tfw Sup Forums died today
Sup Forums is bad by moot-era standards, so people still don't shut up about it. Its a lot like the /jp/ in that its stayed almost the same while the rest of the site has been declining in quality.
The irony is that simply "not getting worse" as in /jp/ and Sup Forums's case has caused them to rise to the top of the lists but the old meme still persists.
I can't think of a single board that I would consider "good" in terms of all the metrics of population, bump speed, culture, ect other than maybe /k/.
worst boards are
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Every other board stays on topic with a bit of tards here and there
Sup Forums is getting as bad as Sup Forums these days
You may want to take a closer look.
>he doesn't know Sup Forums is full of newfags trying way too hard to fit in
There's still /bant/ and [s4s]
Honestly, this board is better than /vr/. You think sharing your opinion on Sup Forums is bad? Try that board. Saying the Sega Saturn is good will get you a bunch of autists REEEEEEing about how horrible it is and how much better PS1 is than every other system in existence.
I stopped going to Sup Forums when they banned sadpanda threads
typically you're that friend that is the first one he kills when he goes on a shooting spree, or you join him.
Stop being a fucking down syndrome and move on.
Oops, I thought you/he was posting that nu-male image towards me because I talked shit about Sup Forums so I didn't even bother enlarging the image.
>staying on topic
>implying that matters if your board is almost dead and there isn't enough people to keep the culture afloat or relevant
Sup Forums is good for Dragon Ball Super discussion. Not much else though
why do the right-wing nu males look smellier?
Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums
It's what attracts outside individuals to come shitpost on other boards, thinking that every board is welcoming to shitty political bait.
Only thing is that telling a Sup Forumstard to gb2/b/ is fine and dandy, while telling a Sup Forumstard to gb2/pol/ is met with more resilient retards.
>caring about your friends means you have down syndrome
sure thing faggot
Sup Forums is somehow more Reddit than Sup Forums
is there a better way to identify mongoloids than this?
except it happens in Sup Forums and not there
Objective worst boards on Sup Forums rankings
1. Sup Forums
2. Sup Forums
3. Sup Forums
4. Sup Forums
5. attention whore magnets like /r9k/ and /vg/
Honorable mention to /asp/ for being a glorified WWE worshipping shitfest and drowning out all other discussion of actual alternative sports.
did you even fucking read?
>Sup Forums
>ever good
>Anthony Fantano
>being a rightist
it's because of all those alpha male hormones
I watched Sup Forums go from a super slow board with actual niche film discussion to absolute debauchery and degeneracy. What a miserable place it is. Even /ck/ took a hit with /r9k/ expats
Sup Forums never got that bad.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are two of the greatest boards on this site
fuck off hothead/jew
Sup Forums is good if you want to circlejerk over your waifu.
For anything else, its useless.
it's banter you ninny
quality of quantity my fedora tipper
Sup Forums is what a true reddit infestation looks like
This right here, I love /an/ but its fucking DEAD. Shit the offtopic /an/ threads on Sup Forums are some of the best stuff on Sup Forums.
>south park gif
drink bleach
To be fair its hard to self moderate when your board is so big, them again they do act like literal shills whenever they are going through their weekly personal army moments
you have brain damage
Spoonfeeding is fine sometimes, like when its untranslated chinese porn
thanks :)
Sup Forums never got so bad it needed a sticky to fix it lmao
/out/ is the last bastion of comfy on this site.
Containment boards:
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>/jp/ (newfags pretending to be oldfags)