You have about a month left.
>I can't wait anymore
If only there was some sort of good fan-made remake of Metroid 2 to tide you over.
A few. From what I've heard from people who have played it and disregarding the """politics""" surrounding the game, it's supposed to be really good, so I'm excited too. I'm also excited to see more Prime. It's nice to remember that the whole world isn't Sup Forums and that the overwhelming negativity here isn't really representative of anything.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Been wanting another 2D Metroid for a while. Prime 4 is probably the one I'm most anxious for, but it seems so far away that it's hard for me to hype it up right now. I wish we had some footage.
Is Prime 4 even being developed by Retro Studios?
>It's nice to remember that the whole world isn't Sup Forums
You should always think this way.
I already played it. Maybe I'll just start up Super or Zero Mission again.
Super would help.
No, they're putting together a new team for it in-house and have said that they're aiming for a Prime 1 feel, which is more than enough for me.
Well hopefully the SHUUT isn't too terrible.
So Retro was serious when they said no more Prime. Shit.
Well I hope they go for the same feel. I'm worried there won't be the kind of atmosphere that Retro was able to create in Prime.
Yeah, it's been a long time since I last played it, too long in fact.
I'm sure it'll be great, MercurySteam are renowned for their quality products on the 3DS.
the what?
how good are the nips at making first person shooters
Nah, the SCHUT will be more than acceptable, I'm sure.
It's definitely going to be difficult to recreate the atmosphere that 1 & 2 and even parts of 3 had, but I'll wait until we see footage that says otherwise to start worrying. Too many things in this world to worry about all of them.
I'm ready to see what Retro's working on, too.
I doubt they'll all be nips. In-house doesn't mean exclusively NoJ.
I'd be worried if people weren't saying it feels exactly like it should and that it's like playing an old 2D Metroid with 3D graphics, but you're welcome to concern shill more if it pleases you.
Yeah you're right. I'm honestly just happy that we're even getting a Metroid Prime 4, and that Nintendo intends to make it like Prime 1. Probably a good idea to make a new studio for this. Bring in some fresh blood
Honestly, all signs point to it being a good Metroid game. I get the same feeling from this one as I did Sonic Mania. I just know we're getting something special here.
Retro Studios weren't big shot developers either before working with Nintendo.
In fact, Metroid Prime (which was originally just a generic action adventure game before being scrapped and using the resourced to build a Metroid game) was their only successful developed game of the many projects they were working on when they first started working with Nintendo.
>MS meme
They're only co-developers, and mostly just code monkeys.
I pre-ordered it but having not played a metroid game ever, I'll probably get frustrated at the difficulty put it away and never touch it again. Like how I did with azure striker gunvolt.
It's going to be retard babby tier difficulty. This is modern Nintendo we're talking about, motherfucker.
It's just Metroid user, I promise you it won't be a problem for you. Super was relatively comfortable in terms of difficulty, same with the Primes. Sure, you're going to be challenged, but it's not going to be Contra hard.
Just relax and enjoy the ride
No but it's still being directed by Tanabe
>muh Color Splash
>muh FedForce
The fact that he was behind the original trilogy outweighs the bad. I have confidence.
Have you seen any of the demos?
Everyone who's tried to play it has died at least a few times to the Metroid boss fights.
Once you get suit upgrades and energy tanks, the games become much easier to manage.
Why don't you try playing one to get ready for it?
The entire 2D Metroid line is easily emulatable.
>Super was relatively comfortable in terms of difficulty
It's pretty much impossible to die in Super honestly, only part I would call challenging would be the second Ridley fight but it's still a great game.
Reminder that difficulty and quality are not correlated.
I'mokaywiththis. Every developer has their slip ups, but if they have a genuinely good history then I have confidence in them.
is Tanabe the one who said the fanfiction (Other M) was canon while Prime 1-3 weren't?
>The fact that he was behind the original trilogy
He was just a producer, Pacini directed all three games.
Everybody forgets that FedForce was the way it was due to higher ups trying to be coy with testing the waters after Other M, and that Miyamoto is behind everything wrong with Color Splash
Nah, Sakamoto said that. He still has a hand in Samus Returns but it seems like he's had a turnaround in mentality after Other M had such backlash so let's hope
Yeah, I think Sakamoto finally came back to his senses. Hoping we get Super era Sakamoto back, he needs to regain his original mojo.
>32 posts
>9 unique posters
>Only Metroid thread in months that hasn't devolved into shitposting after then posts
I'm all 34 posts.
No, I am.
Sakamoto never actually said that either, he just said he wasn't taking the Prime games into consideration when writing Other M.
He's gone on the record to say it would be a cop-out to make the Prime games non-canon or even gaiden titles.
OP here, I'm responding to a lot of the posts on here.
The moral of the story is, a smaller crowd leads to less shitposting.
What do you guys think about the new Aeon powers. I think they'll be useful for easing in newcomers.
To be honest, I haven't really given them much thought. Remind me what they are again. Isn't there one that allows you to replenish health or something?
Extra powers like revealing map tiles or a shield bubble.
I like the idea of map tiles being revealed, that would cut down on some of the frustration. I mean, we can do shit like download maps, so why the fuck not?
The demos are all played by "journalists" who only play games for work and are awful.
They sound like hand-holding for casuals.
Handholding. Good thing it's optional.
didn't retro make turok?
One more month, my dude.
In Sakamoto's dev diary on Samus Returns, after he explained what the Metroid series is, I realized he was back to his senses.
Don't jinx it