ITT: Things that made you drop a game.
ITT: Things that made you drop a game
I saw that yesterday shortly before I quit playing for good.
that gender symbol they use doesn't even make sense
it's like they're proud of being mentally malformed
Helpful reminder from the furry infestation days.
First furries now are gays/trannies/tumblr-fags
I just want to play games w/out haveing these idiots on my face
I still report their asses tho.
why aren't you a gay furry yet Sup Forums
Redpill me why people want to be "nonbinary"
They're everywhere. Why haven't you dropped that game you like yet, user?
the options in my report menu are little different from the ones in that webm, is that from the european version or something?
Don't 50% of those freaks kill themselves by the age of 30?