Realistically speaking
What are the chances of Bloodborne coming to PC?
Let's not forget that former PS exclusives like Valkyria Chronicles have come to the PC before and FF7 Remake is also confirmed for PC
Realistically speaking
What are the chances of Bloodborne coming to PC?
Let's not forget that former PS exclusives like Valkyria Chronicles have come to the PC before and FF7 Remake is also confirmed for PC
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Pretty sure sony owns the IP, so 0%
Absolutely 0. Sony funded and co-developed it.
what part of "never ever" you dont get?
What's the chance of Mario coming to PS4 realistically?
We already had PC neckbeards ruin Souls discussion. We don't need comfy Bloodborne discussion ruined as well.
100%. There is no way there won't be a ps4 emulator.
>watch some boss fights on youtube
>players seem to go through 20 healing syringes every fight as they get pummeled by spastic bosses jumping everywhere
were they not that good or is getting hit a lot just expected?