You wake up one day as Shiki. What do you do?

You wake up one day as Shiki. What do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

I look at my own boobs.

Eat seafood.

Rape the maids.

>veiny scythe thing


Kill Servants.

Cut servant's lines

have a headache

R A P E. T H E. M A I D S.

Destroy the concept of chairs.

Kill thots

Which Shiki are we talking about? Also Tsukihime remake and Melty Blood HD when?

Fuck cat
Melty HD came out last month.

Enjoy my time as the best C-Moon character

Go hunt down Kouma

UNIST is fun, but it isn't Melty.

I agree C-Nanaya is the best

Rape maids.
Rape priest
Pat sisters head
Pet cat
Rape cat

Impregnate Akiha

Rape the maido

I remember this guy being posted back in the original post neo Sup Forums newfag 2010 days, and I remember how he jokingly beat Power Man. Although where is he from? Looks like from some fighting game, but what is it about and how is he powerful?

Newfag leave forever

He's from a VN about rape. Also vampires.

Panic because I'm suddenly someone else and also because the Nasuverse is circling the drain at mach speed and will presumably keep getting worse.

He crushes your skull. Bad ending.

Original newfag you cock eating piece of shit cum drinking and brewing bitch. Eat shit nigger time may fuck with my mind but I still remember how to call out on motherfuckers trying to start shit.
Really? There was no fighting game adaption? Must be thinking about some other vamp fighting game then or maybe some fan project. What was the vn's name?

Is it even possible to be this retarded?

Is it even possible to stop taking loads in your mouth when you put on that blonde wig?

Waste the Tohno fortune on mobile games.

flower of thanatos

>come into thread wating for this post
>it's the first one

Find Nasu

Literally the only correct answer.

Kill the period of time between now and the release of the remake of Tsukihime so that we get it right now, which would also lift the embargo on using Tsukihime characters in other games and franchises.

After that, I'd spend the rest of the day on a nice date with Arcueid and then fall asleep with her at the end.

Rape the chair.

You forgot to kill Fate.

He's in the fighting game Melty Blood, which is based off the VN series that he's from originally.

Wake up Dp and become banana shiki

That was the original plan I had, but then Nasu probably wouldn't have been able to keep writing since he'd have to get a "real" job to make money.

>Kill the period of time between now and the release of the remake of Tsukihime
Great, we're all grandpas now. Thanks asshole.

Ahh yes that's what it was. Thanks user. I'll be sure to play the original vn then.

thats an oldie anons

Go find a vampire so I can get a boner I guess


Fight the Titans

Make that fucking chair disappear.

>implying the remake will be finished in our lifetime


Kill SHIKI and Shiki and shiki and SHIKI that is not the first SHIKI

can shiki kill servants

no, nasu hates tsukihime and said some bs how he couldn't comprehend the servants


but can shiki serve killvants


But can servant kill Shikis?

Depends on the servant and which Shiki

Nuh-uh homofag, put SHIKI first and we are golden


I once had a dream where I was having se with Hisui and Kohaku while Akiha watches.

Best dream ever.

Why didn't you get Akiha to join?

Because I don't do washing boards

>Kill the period of time between now and the release of the remake of Tsukihime
>he wants to wait until the heat death of the universe
Oh lord my sides it fucking hurts why has God forsaken us?

Is Shiki stronger than Shiki?

the remake looks like it sucks though


Anyone have the gif where Leo tongue rapes Shiki?

But what about 「Shiki」

「 」> 「Shiki」

The Shikis fight in Ryougi's story mode from Actress Again was hype as fuck.
>we never get this animated

Can Shiki kill Kumagawa?

Fate is such garbage

Of all the type moon females, for some reason I can never fap to shiki.

She looks too much like a dude.

Kumagawa is a faggot and Medaka Box is fucking awful the entire way. Prove me wrong faggots.

Find a mirror and end myself. If I was a 5 foot nothing weener I'd have no reason to live,

Fuck Arc until I drop dead.

It's better than type-shit

I agree but that's not much of an accomplishment.

I hate this stupid Mary Sue.


She can use her eyes without putting strain on herself and is a master at fighting so probably. Also Void Shiki is OP

Man fuck Nasu power levels
>Root Shiki is literally God and can easily just completely destroy reality and all of creation and recreate it
>b-but she can't kill a servant
>muh speed/strength/whatever the fuck when it doesn't matter because Root Shiki is literally omnipotent and knows everything that is going to happen so she can just make the event not happen
>backtrack later and say Root Shiki is 2nd most powerful nasuverse character behind Arc

Can I fuck Miyako and Eltnum?

Well, there's a yuri doujin with Mikiya's sister.

Can Shiki kill The King?

impregnate Arcueid

Fate is garbage what else is new?

Shiki isn't from Fate which is probably why Nasu doesn't want her to win against Fate shit

He's the absolute most generic looking protagonist ever made

Well, Nasu added Beasts now and they're on top of the food chain. Aristotles arent even the most dangerous things anymore.

Wait 5 more years and I'm sure Nasu will add another donutsteal faggot

Nasu's such a fucking hack. Trying to make a powerlevel above an omnipotent reality creating/destroying capital G God is fucking stupid and never works out well

They're all the same shit really, shitty Mary Sues/Gary Stu self-inserts galore with mediocre art and bad h-scenes.

Kara no Kyoukai isn't like Fate. It didn't get a VN it has no H scenes and Root Shiki didn't really appear at all in the main story. It's pretty much the best thing Nasu wrote with the best animated adaptation it could have possibly got

What I liked about KnK was that it was more detective story with some fights thrown in. Sure it was boring for some, but I found the loldeep dialog and mindfuckery to be nice. The whole mystery behind Araya's apartment complex was pretty interesting.

Early TM works were like this too, before Nasu decided that fans only cared for the powerlevel bullshit.

Yeah F/SN was the start of the downfall but it really went into free fall with F/HA. Nasu just devolved into power level and waifu pandering with 100 copies of Saber because that's what makes the yen come flowing in