Can we get more ports of this?

Email konami or something

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That game fucking sucked ass though

Only if you had no friends to play with. You didn't play it alone of course.


You can emulate it on PC with RPCS3. No online, though.


also, isn't Konami the second coming of Hitler at the moment? I mean, besides the new Bomberman game we got on Switch

anyone want to play some on ps3?

its been a long ass time, but I should at least still have my gear

I'm going to bed, but add me up if you have Steam

if I recall correctly I'd be up for farming hard Astarte for those miser rings, or running other chapters if you need them (I'd run them because money ups the miser rings damage)

No thanks, I dislike your people

idorts, or, may Allah forgive me for uttering these words, Soma players?

I mostly use Soma myself, just for the skull.

I mean latinos.

there is nobody left there adequately familiar enough with the game to port it over cheaply

ah, I see, I forget I'm in Brazil at times

if you ever become desperate enough to ignore your bias, keep in mind that in Harmony of Despair high ping is pratically irrelevant (as long as the connection is stable) because hit detection/etc is all client side

I'm down, but not tonight

Scorpion2051 is my PSN. Fuck you, my little brother made it years ago.

Just message me a date and time.

Alucard/Richterfag here

Got Valmanway +1

How powerful does your rig need to be to run it? I don't know shit about PS3 emulation.


probably not that much because CVHD seems to be really fucking light to run
now, from my knowledge, emulators are usually heavy on the CPU side, so provide you've got an i5 at least, on at least 4ghz, and your GPU isn't ass, you should probably be able to run it, maybe even with a weaker CPU

the power of 2 Valmanways+2 miser rings
it's fun, but it makes Soma so far above everyone else, fuck, though it's hardly an issue so long as you play the game with people you're talking to, so you can set up games without Soma, or everyone being Soma, or use Soma to farm a chapter that's annoying for you

Could this concept work well with a Megaman game?

No because there's no loot in megaman

If you email Konami and they happen to read it, they'll make a pachinko version of it.

Don't bother.

It's because the team that made the game is gone. Same reason why the DS games or SOTN isn't on steam

This game was basically made to be a steam sale game but Konami are too retarded and put it on consoles where digital only co op games die completely in a few weeks

>Soma And His Sidekicks: Dracula's Grind
It was only good for the first hours with friends until you 1st beat the game. The real question is why there's still never been any Castlevania Legacy Collection.

Holy shit, actually decided to check online to see if anyone was on and someone is.

This. It would take a month to port and would probably sell gangbusters just because it's CV and we have gotten nothing since the abominations that were... er... those 3D shits tha- LoS, right, that game.

I'd sure appreciate some co-op CV, I had a blast with this game on the 3shitty.

>tfw nobody played Survival

Was it fun? I never got to check it out


Survival was just the most efficient grinding method for non-Somas.

>the Valmanway+2 Soma not knowing how to dodge
>the one Soma who falls behind
>the two players trying to exploit the Water of Life glitch that gives both players one
>the Soma players getting ready to exploit the puppet glitch to skip most of the map

I miss this so much.

>TFW no indie dev making a clone of HoD

I don't care if it looks like shit as long as it has online multiplayer, huge maps and 8 players.

>the two players trying to exploit the Water of Life glitch that gives both players one

Ive done this but with 4 players at once. Wish it worked with boss chests ;^(

At this point, if they made an official version of Serio's fighting game I would buy it for $60. That's how fucking much I miss the series.

Does anyone on ps3 want to play now
