Single player Chinese games?

Hello Sup Forums I am learning Chinese, and have been interested in playing a video game recently. I do not game a lot, so I would prefer it be single player with a nice storyline!

Is there somewhere I can look that has a list of Chinese single player games or does anyone have any recommendations?


Other urls found in this thread:

Shameless bump

I see I can set to Chinese on steam, but if anyone has any suggestions for games that came out of China please do say

someone post the screen cap




If you work, don't learn Chinese. Your employer will exploit it and send you to China.


>I am learning Chinese
Anyone got the China screen cap?

Wouldn't it be easier to find a game with Chinese localization?

Dio sama!


I never know if her pictures are legit or shops.

she fell for the Starting strength for beginners meme

I'm genetically chink and I dont even know how to speak ching chong

The truth can surprise you...

Do you faggots have any experience with china or do you just blindly follow other people's claims?
China is a big country and working in it does not necessarily mean you'll get fucked in the ass, it all depends where you're going.

I am also learning Chinese and I play wow in chinese now. Be sure to pick a game you are familiar with otherwise it's going to be a nightmare

I do not. I only personally know some Chinese girls but that's about it.

MSGO isn't single player, but I remember they had a regular Chinamanese version and one for Taiwanese.

what is you opinion on Chinese girls?

EVERY cheater in any Battlefield game has a chinese username. It's fucked.

See somebody damage hacking, check their name. Cao Dong Wang or some shit like that. Like clockwork.

I'll stop giving squints the stink eye when they stop emptying servers, thanks.


My experience has only been with 2 that came to the US just to study in my university. They're pretty smart when you get past the accent. From the ones I talked to at least they seemed more traditionally minded when it came to dating and stuff. We talked mostly just cultural-exchange type stuff, me asking about life in China and them talking about it. The Chinese woman driving stereotype applied to them so I found that pretty funny. I don't know how they are in bed as I didn't pull moves on them as I'm not into Chinese girls.

Interesting. I agree that most of them still have a traditional mindset and it can be very hard to approach them unless you are chinese which is a damn shame because I love shy chinese girls. Those from hong-kong, taiwan or outside china are completely different though.

>only continental chinese speak mandarin
the amount of replies of that bait just makes me lose hope on this fucking site.

>dont take everything they say at face value
>promises arent backed by anything with the chinese
>expect to be lied to a lot
>its not illegal if you dont get caught
the culture is really different user

cantonese is a thing user

How come she hulked out instead of being cute?



>drinking the chinese boypiss cool-aid

there are better ways to waste you time, user.

built like a brick shithouse

blocks your path


Really guys

and this... is to go beyond

I like her better strong.


do it dad

This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.

are these real?