How do we fix Sup Forums?
How do we fix Sup Forums?
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We don't?
Ban phoneposters and any mobile discussion.
More threads about things I like and can actually contribute in.
found the phoneless virgin
Instaban all Sup Forums immigrants
There's nothing to fix on Sup Forums
Sup Forums being a terrible board is a weird meme. It gets spammed with horseshit like porn and Sup Forums stuff now and then but that's easily dealt with. I don't even see as much horrible waifu garbage compared to other spots
ban anybody who outright states theit intentions are to shitup the board
>Sup Forums IS JUST Sup Forums EITH VIDYA BRO
Banning shitposting "meta" threads
Ban everything I don't like.
But seriously range ban BR and contain nintendies onto another board. The smaller this place is, the healthier it is. It's like a giant orgy of shitposting right now.
Mod cn't fix Sup Forums. We can. Call out all newfag shit like Sup Forums does, but Sup Forums is too fast so I dont know if its gonna work
Found the underage who plays gacha games on the way to school.
>Sup Forums
>doing anything right
Ban anyone who wants mobile posting banned
This thread was approved by big boss himself
>Sup Forums being a terrible board is a weird meme
It's flooded with underage and people are more interested in shitting on vidya they did not even play than actually having discussions. This board is really fucked up right now.
Ban e-celebs and
>Ban phoneposters
Any thread that's posted once a day or more needs to be sent to /vg/.
Sonic threads, new vegas threads, drawfag threads (why are these allowed anyway).
The worst thing about this place is the lack of original content, just cyclical shitposting the same shit.
More lolis.
>Ban phoneposters
Literally impossible you underage fuck
>destroy Sup Forums culture
Fuck off with your worthless opinion
>t. underage Sup Forumsfugee
>It gets spammed with horseshit like porn and Sup Forums stuff now and then but that's easily dealt with
Except it isn't being dealt with. Not right away anyways. Blatant off-topic threads tend to stay up past bump limit and come dangerously close to archiving before mods step in to delete the thread. By the time the thread's finally deleted, the damage has already been done.
The example is bad but the point still stands.
ban e-celeb threads
ban kotaku posters
ban SJWs
That's not Sup Forums culture, it's just shitposting
Oh look how fanny we're pretending new vegas is good again, haha, did anything change about it yet? No, it's still shit, that's the joke.
Over and over
For years
And it was never funny or interesting or worth discussing in any way.
It's only posted to start flamewars, that shit shouldn't be allowed.
No, you fucking retard. You can't ban phoneposters because there's no identifier that an IP address is for a mobile device. Unless all the wireless carriers give's Sup Forums a list of all their IP's related to mobile devices, they can't be banned.
Sup Forums is supposed to be a board for videogames enthusiasts and hardcore gamers, and yet at any given time it is possible to see multiple threads about Nintendo, a company infamous in the sector for being the one that most widely caters to the taste of casual and occasional gamers.
Now, I don't see any threads on Sup Forums about series like Modern Family or Grey's Anatomy, despite both being some of the most popular TV series airing, and that's because the userbase is mature enough to either not watch those programs clearly aimed at a completely different audience than the film enthusiasts who browse it, or to realize that discussing them is out of place in a site dedicated to enthusiasts of particular interests like Sup Forums is.
On the other hand, Nintendo threads plague Sup Forums constantly, and are some of the worst threads on the board in the matter of quality of posts. This, of course reflects the immature and non-internet-savy nature of the average Nintendo fan, which is not and could ever not be a videogames enthusiasts, so these threads pose an actual nuisance to the actual hardcore gamers that wished to discuss their hobby with likeminded individuals on Sup Forums. They are also known falseflagggers, shitposters and general console warriors, further decreasing the quality of content on the board.
My proposal to solve this issue, which is arguably one of the root causes for the current state of Sup Forums, is to ban any user that mentions anything related to Nintendo, be it games, consoles or IPs. I'm sure that the quality of the board would increase tremendously, as the moderation makes clear that Nintendo fans are not welcome on Sup Forums, driving them away from the userbase in a permanent manner, thus removing the main source of bad content on the board.
Feel free to discuss how long the ban should be, I advocate a 3 days ban for first offenders and then a permanent ban for repeat offenders.
And yet every single one of your "hiro approved meta threads" gets deleted
>taking Sup Forums seriously
The whole point of Sup Forums is to shitpost. If you want actual discussion, take your ass back home to reddit
>hardcore gamers
This is just sad
Yeah circlejerking, virtue signaling, and following the hivemind is discussion.
Isn't that just the result of shitty mods though?
Stop hiring jackass janitors.
>delet phoneposting
>all off-topic threads (ex.donald trump threads) will result in a one month ban than the usual one days to a week
>vidya draw thread, or any other thread that is every single day is moved to /vg/
>however, threads only on weekends are permitted, but any on the regular weekdays are deleted and OP is banned for a week
>threads that will obviously chain and go into new threads will be permitted to have 5 threads per week, in the span of 3 days or less
>OP can be the only tripfag in the thread
Better discussion than on Sup Forums, buddy
Ban any overwatch or Nintendo threads
it's because they happen almost every day
this desu
just replace flags with id's
Remove this shit.
Ban anyone who complains about anime or "weebs", they're giant fucking newfags that refuse to assimilate into Sup Forums's culture
>remove video games
Waifu posting has jackshit to do with video games retard
So you want to ban OT threads but you also want flags. If you want a dead website there are plenty of other chans out there
>ban anything i dont like
but they already did it
Turn Sup Forums into a whitelist-only board. To get in, you have to submit evidence that you are good at video games. This can be a high ranking on competitive leaderboards, a speedrun with a good time, a difficult challenge run [ie. knife-only in RE games], or other proof that you're not a casual.
Discussion of consoles and console games is banned. AAA games may only have one thread up at any given time, no more dozens of Overwatch threads.
>characters from a video game are not video games
What did he mean by this?
Protip to fix literally any board:
range ban canadians
that's it
100% agreed. This should be implemented on all boards, not just Sup Forums. Mobile posters actively drag down the quality of the website.
Get rid of all the current mods and janitors
I've seen them leave porn threads up for hours but delete actual video game discussion more often than not these days
>ot threads
Shit, I meant blatant shitposting like SMEEGLEBORF posting
>he wasn't there for april fool's best day
And then just ban leaves.
Mobile posters account for 80% of all posts, retard. We're here and we're not going away
Back to weebshitter. No one wants you here.
Why did moot give the board over to the yakuza? It's been complete shit ever since.
>t. canadian
If anyone needs to be contained, it's Sonyshitters
Be honest: is there anyone that comes here for anything other than shitposting?
Anime image board you dumb nigger.
nice bait faggot
I'm posting from my phone right now
Go to Twitter or Instagram for your braindead shitposts. Literally nobody wants you here.
is this a real natural underwater structure?
Not at anime board. Go back to your designated containment board.
Fuck off retard, you know damn well there is next to no game discussion in any nepshit thread, same for senran kagura, DoA, and various other /e/shit threads
Posting Sup Forums shit should get you banned.
i mostly use it to check out the latest vidya shitstorms. watching something fall to pieces through the eyes of Sup Forums is always good fun.
I know this is bait, but i gives me a good excuse to post these
>it's not discussion because I say it's not
This is from a Florida company @reefchicks on instagram. This is a bizarro cyphastraea that they allowed to encrust on a sculpted surface. They call it "Bizarro Girl". Check them out if you have a chance. They've got some beautiful pieces of coral.
By deleting this useless thread. And stop using that pic for a free pass.
1 paid full-time moderator
Delete political bait threads that just end up about how the Third Reich didn du nutin.
I guess that's why anime threads are deleted huh?
Merge it with Sup Forums for a week 3 times every year, but keep it unannounced to when.
All the undesirables will leave Sup Forums and many won't come back. Sup Forums is a good 40% Sup Forums anyway so its not like that much will change.
Mature userbase and moderation. This thread isn't going to be productive with the people currently in it.
You can't fix Sup Forums because Sup Forums hates itself. It will always be bad since no one really cares enough to make it good. That's Sup Forums culture.
This will never stop being relevant.
Anime is permitted on all boards, and always has been.
You know every single board other than Sup Forums uses as an insult to newfags, right? Don't try to play all mighty when this is the worst board in Sup Forums after Sup Forums and post-r/T_D Sup Forums.
This is an anime website and you should kill yourself.
remove spoiler images
make board NSFW
if you disagree you haven't been posting before 2008
Sup Forums is one the worst boards right along with us though
Oh boy I can't wait to hear all the on topic conversation that will follow that
>OP can be the only tripfag in the thread
What? When have tripsfags been a problem in the last 7 years?
>vidya draw thread removed
Why even? And why to fucking /vg/ and not /i/?
t. newfag who only browses Sup Forums
Talk about video games.
anime discussions get deleted because they belong in Sup Forums, not because weebs aren't welcome.
this, at least force them into read only mode
fuck phoneposters
Get rid of all the off-topic threads or threads that are only just barely videogame related. You would think this would be the number 1 enforced rule but apparently it's not.
Have to get mod approval to use the name field, or at least tripcodes
They undid it.
Unironically it isn't.
I agree that thread IDs and making Sup Forums NSFW are good ideas.
I like spoiler images and text simply because they allow for more ways to have a little fun.
Less moderation. I'm sick of video game threads being deleted.
>You can't ban phoneposters because there's no identifier that an IP address is for a mobile device
thats not how they track your device retard, it would be quite simple to implement and we need to do so with haste to be rid of your idiocy
>How do we fix Sup Forums?
By deleting it
just filter them
Just for pictures and looking for specific games. For example, Baldur's Gate/Arcanum/cRPG in general threads since those games are old and made before cancer times. Even if cancer try to spread their disease (Siege of Dragonspear) they dont have too much support in there. Same with other older games also clean from the infection like Thief, Deus Ex or graphic adventures; or some too niche from cucks to infect like Ace Attorney, JRPG and every japanese niche game.
Years ago I will say news but since shills and ... let's say some group of people just post direct links to polygon or kotaku don't even bother with those.
I'm impressed this thread hasn't started autosaging yet