"Hey user, I see you finally got your mic up. What's up dude?"

>"Hey user, I see you finally got your mic up. What's up dude?"
>"Nothing much. You."

Other urls found in this thread:


I like to talk on mic in games, but my english is really bad so whenever i talk people start saying "what?" 1 by 1.

I don't use a mic because people will treat me differently. Only only a few games where it's really useful.

>tfw 26 and my voice still cracks

I sound like my characters look, like a gruff dwarf. It's not intentional but it fits

>Everyone thinks Im a normal guy
>moan and finger myself
>everyone gets rock hard and asks for my number
Idk why this happens

>Join a group
>Having fun
>Never speak just because I never really want to
>Make a friend
>Play together basically every day
>He convinces me to join his Discord
>Figure why the hell not
>Talk to his friends
>They are all REALLY interested in me
>Kinda creeped out but whatever just figure they are all recluses that dont make new friends easy
>They all hop on voice
>I do to
>Say "Hey, whats up."
>Dead fucking silence
>Friend private messages me "Did you just talk"
>He flips fucking shit yelling at me
>Apparently he thought I was a girl
>This was him showing off his "girlfriend" to his mates
>Chat fucking explodes
>Get banned
>Friend blocks me

This has happened three separate times in my life.

When I still played Destiny this was usually the only fun part of doing the weekly raid runs. Joining a group of randos and everyone always comments on how deep my voice is. Usually it is entertaining, occasionally it is annoying.

>that one kid obviously trying to make their voice lower than it really is

You weren't that kid, right Sup Forums?

>Hey user, so you finally joined voice?
>Y-yeah I guess.

I'm the guy that does this.

>voice sounds like a 12 year old in my head
>actual voice is deep and manly

Feels good mane

Stop playing as girls and saying gay stuff and you will avoid this. Stop flirting with guys.

>playing vidya
>some random autists join
>clearly some guy with a voicebox
>nerds fawning over "her"


You claim they were friends but they were led to believe you were in a relationship with them, regardless of what they assumed your sex was.

What the fuck sort of manipulation are you performing on these innocent virgins?

>Tfw your voice is deep as fuck but, really airy so you sound like a fat cunt

>saying gay stuff and you will avoid this. Stop flirting with guys.

That's the the thing I dont. I'm not there to find love I'm there to play a fucking game. I just play and somehow this happens.

>What the fuck sort of manipulation are you performing on these innocent virgins?
Nothing. As above I dont really do anything. More often than not I just play solo. I just happen to bump into people and we get to talking. The last one was in GW2. I noticed a downed player on the minimap went over killed the mobs and resed him. We played together in the area doing the missions and he added me as a friend. All I want or expect is a gaming buddy. That's it.

>two guildies fighting in discord
>rip ass into the mic for 45 straight seconds
>everyone is too scared to start shit afterwards

>live in america all my life
>online american friends still ask me where my accent is from

>join a discord to try and chat with people so I can try and break myself of my shut in ways
>notice people are posting selfes in one of the chats
>show one of myself
>tfw 24 and no one online seems to believe you

>everyone tells me I have a voice for radio and enjoy my Sonic impressions
Maybe I'm working the wrong job

I was surprised when this one happened to me, I thought I sounded pretty normal.

>jump into voice
>"Holy shit a real girl"
>not a girl but follows this
>they ask me to say stuff
>8 goes mute, obviously fapping
>current day
>They still ask me to do stuff for them
>several asked to be my bf
I don't have the balls to tell them I am a 28y/o skinny white guy and hopefully god can forgive me.


Now that you have gained their trust (and kept it for a while now), you can start asking them for in game items and money. Godspeed user

>people tell me to cheer up because they think i'm either mad at them or depressed about something

I can't do This, these guys has full on autistim. Instead I have tried to encourage them to wash their rooms and remove dust from their consoles. It works and they love to show me their clean rooms

Well, at least you're trying to help them.
That makes you a decent person in a way.

>Don't sound my age
>Friends and strangers like my voice because it's unique/entertaining
>never know if i should be bothered by that or satisfied, since no one ever gives a reason why they say that

send a vocaroo saying the gorilla warfare copy pasta

Thank you. I try to hide my creepiness

>get on mic
>"holy shit he has a voice"
>"wow you deep"




Afraid to get recognized

whats the problem?

>hey dude get on mic
>alright man just a second
>talk about vidya and other shit

I feel sorry for you shitheads with a fucked up voicebox

>get on mic
>my sexy accent drives girls wild

>Voice extremely deep
>I just tell one liners and consistently make people laugh

This is an okay feeling.

>do an internet radio show for a vidya community
>" user, your voice is sexy! "
>fast forward 6 months
>fucking her in Daytona in a beach front suite
>much crazy later and heartbreak follows

Never talk to hot vidya chicks, they're certifiable.

>TFW sound extremely feminine and get called a woman 100% over the phone/mic, and even sometimes IRL despite looking masculine

What kind of kitter is that

nah, the unique/entertaining bit is when i'm in my comfort zone and i'm full of life not reading some pasta for someone on Sup Forums. outside of that i just sound mildly fruity and passive

What happened user? You can't just say heartbreak without a story.

>i like cats
>i like flowers
>looked like a girl when i was little (rised by girls all my life)
all the time i had to say "im a dude actually" in games people allways thinking im a girl using girl or male character did not matter ,allways the same shit.

Good thing i got fat 3years ago and now i sound like a dude but some people still tells me "what do you need missy" when i go to a shop

my friend met a pretty hot girl online, he introduced our group to her and she instantly gave shit to two of the 8 of us for not sounding right to her like she instantly whipped out 8 inches of crazy and smacked it on the table

Typical case of a smug internet meming though guy who sounds like a weak bitch in person. Be embarrassed.

She turned out to be quite the narcissist. Not much to tell.

>I don't want a relationship since we are long distance
>with some guy a couple weeks later
>still says " I love you " on the phone
>complains about her boyfriend and her life to me
>gets nostalgic about the time we did have together, however briefly
>never goes but doesn't stay

I finally flipped my shit and cut her out of my life. I was 19, and stupid. Thankfully, I hadn't pulled up stakes to go be with her like I originally planned, or I would have suffered a lot more.

Now I'm 28, and really don't give a fuck about a bitch.

You sound like an ultra autismo or asian

>guy suddenly talks to me in finnish
>"user what languange are talking in"
>says that I had a finnish english accent so he thought I was finnish
>"user im asian"

Shut the fuck up.

>bunch of eurofags in a friends discord said i sounded like some celebrity
>deny the claim outright, theres no way i sound like anybody famous
>forgot celebs name so i cant double check with anybody else

>play only with friends (real friends people you don't IRL are not your friends)
>nothing weird ever happens
Is that so hard?

>make friend on overwatch
>message each other regularly about random shit for a month or so
>end up playing with their friend group
>they all start talking in voice
>first friend was a girl the whole time

>get on mic
>Can't pronounce words with U in it because of my accent (butcher, push)
>Friends from USA always repeat those words to mock me
I just avoid saying them lately I can't get them right it's really annoying

>user you have a funny accent where are you from?
>I'm from Japan actually
>What, really?
>They laugh as they spout anime words in mic chat

What's worse, being a manlet or having a really high voice? I feel like the latter is worse desu

That shit has happened once in my favour and eventually lead to me losing my virginity.

I still play with her. She's pretty chill.

got a chuckle out of me

what the fuck would you expect someone you've never seen and barely know anything about to sound like?

A lot of people used to say I sounded like OwnagePranks years ago when I used to go on Stickam when I was 14ish

nice meta


>tfw growing up and no one told me I was pronouncing the letter s wrong
>To this day if I'm not thinking about it I sound like Sean Connery when I talk

I guess it could've turned out worse

Something isn't right here

Depends on what tier of manlet. I'm 5'9" and I'd rather stay 5'9" than grow 4 inches and go up an octave.

>the people doing it are philipino and chinese.

no fuckin way

So annoying. Does it piss you off?

Moshi moshi? :3

you seem pretty cool user
wanna play some games?

>hate normal voice
>shit's fucked so mic has feedback and I can hear myself a second after I talk
>wind up just doing goofy voices when appropriate and using text for everything else

I learned to stop using a mic after playing Halo 3 with Sup Forums.

>Hey user, talk on the mic
>"Okay fine.."
>"Yeah, why?"
>Things are still cool
>Then one day
>Hey bro, are those rumors true? Ha ha
>"About what?"
>You know with black guys and their dongs ha ha!
>"I mean I'm 8 inches but it's just a silly myth"
>Get creepy subtle messages about wanting to see it

This is why I stopped using mics

I was raised by women too but im not a gigantic faggot like you, weird

i bet you wear skinny jeans and shit

Post dick

can you post it?

That sounds shitty man
I'd hate to be the target for dudes with an insecurity fetish or woman who can only find dicklets

why boner

>with Sup Forums

Really, playing Halo 3 period would eventually lead one to not want to use their mic or even play online vidya anymore

>join MLG solo
>get a jumping in place deranker on The Pit
>well, whatever, I'll slay until we lose
>pick up sniper on s1
>teammate betrays me for the sniper
>betray him back
>he spends the rest of the match keeping me one shot, but never killing me so that I can't kick him


>be good team player
>calling out weapon spawns and enemy players
>holding my zone, getting shots across map for assists etc
>but maybe not slaying the hardest for whatever reason
>lone wolf teammate who isn't speaking or attempting to coordinate
>pretty good slayer, but very few assists and quite a few deaths as well
>only plugs in mic at the end of a close loss to blame you specifically for the team losing
>despite the fact that he made no attempt to give me intel that would improve my situational awareness

Halo 3, if you were tryharding, was one of the most infuriating games ever.

Leave them before they make you do it.

>turns on mic
>h-hi guys..
>You have been disconnected from the server.
>Reason: kicked and banned

>t. Trap

>Be Australian
>Friends find my accent cute

>from Texas
>Everyone shouts out Howdy and high noon
You're lucky


I have one of the thickest aussie accents and when I traveled to the US, people were going fucking wild. I'm a below average guy but scored a couple of times there.


>join discord with friends i've known for years
>they always make fun of me and say my voice is very feminine
>often got confused for my mother on the phone in my late teens

>join discord recently and start talking in chat
>dude wtf how old are you
>22 why
>dude you sound like you're 30 wtf
I don't know what to believe anymore. I'm getting conflicting stories and its making me self conscious.

Your mic might be shit

you should stop playing video games old fart

so this is the power of the girl (male) . . . whoa . . .

who /typicalwhiteguyvoice/ here?

You must reply to this post if you sound like a suburban yuppie

you know maybe thats it.

>have a fat tongue
>sounds like I'm juggling balls in my mouth when I speak
just kill me now

>have really deep normal voice
>but go months without talking at all so when i finally speak i sound like a dying rat

sissy white boys.

>talk in mic
>"ooh my god your voice is so hot! what do you look like? put a pic up!"

No, no, just let me enjoy the illusion that a girl would think I'm attractive for a few more minutes


>join voice chat
>get complimented on how smooth my voice sounds, am often told I have a "radio voice"

>accidentally hear a recording of my voice for the first time
>nearly throw up because of how wrong it sounds

>Thought I talked normally all my life minus talking pretty quick at random times
>one day while playing with a online friend
>Hey user say that word again?
>Social lounge?
>Holy shit you have a lisp user I never noticed
>what the fuck
>proceeds to tell our other friends
God damn it