Are there any games that use the uncanny valley to make you scared?
Are there any games that use the uncanny valley to make you scared?
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How long until this derails into a /x/ thread like last time?
what are you talking about? Iwas just wondering what games use the uncanny valley to make you scared. I totally don't want this to devolve into an /x/ thread that post cool and creepy shit, unlike the real /x/.
Please post cool shit. I missed last thread.
Also, P.T.
I've never had an uncanny valley feeling
This pic makes me very uncomfortable
Uncharted 4 gave me that vibe sometimes, the game looks fucking gorgeous but characters can still do that magnetism slide thing.
Delete this fucking picture you cocksucker
not vidya, but those MMD 3d models trigger my uncanny valley
let's get these out of the way.
I'm not buying Skyrim, Todd
fucking, kek.
I'll leave this here
>continue down unnamed road. Then, in 300 feet, turn off your headlights.
[Sarcastic] I downloaded Skyrim and never paid a cent.
That isn't uncanny valley, it barely looks passable. Force better memes.
Nice Amnesia screenshot
Is that a robot?
jesus fucking christ she is legit horrifying
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Fuck you user
I always hated the background music, trying too hard to spook
You keep posting this thread and getting shit responses.
The more I look at it the more unsettling it gets. I just noticed how freakishly long its hands are and that it seems to have a lazy eye.
Why did you remind me of this?
This is strange, but sometimes games with 60fps are off putting to me when it comes to enemy movements. Mainly human enemies.
Anyone going to post some actually scary or creepy shit? None of this is doing anything for me.
There is nothing creepy in this, it's just cool (I am an artsy person)
try this.
>Stefan Molyneux in the related videos
Truly horrifying.
I didn't even see that. Fucking terrifying.
>big ass annotations on the video to keep you from pausing it
Nice touch
>open gif
>recognize it before it can load
no ty
I've heard about that experiment before. Really interesting.
So wants to click this gif for me?
ghost with bloody upside down face rapidly moves towards the "camera"
it's stupid
bloody anime guy flies at your face
>wonder what gif is
>think it's a video of a dog jumping on the street
>hover over without thinking
>realize what it is just as it's too late
>face hits me
>chills down neck
>mfw I did this just the other day
Fool me once...
Isn't this the screamer commercial?
Do these actually bother people?
Without sound, screamers are laughable.
is that from that book pdf thing where it plays animations when you get to the spooky parts?
>Are there any games that use the uncanny valley to make you scared?
w-what the hell is this?
Are there any good channels for cataloging spooky shit? Top5s and Top15s are fucking garbage.
Seconded so hard. I found this guys much more visually terrifying than the alien, although they're somewhat easier to deal with.
>when you think the flamethrower will save you
Looks like someone took the face positioner to Francis
I've heard of this video and I never had any desire to see it for myself. So much for that.
Have graphics gone too far?
I hate boobs
>cuts and then pans around to the swinging chain
yeah, ok, seems believable
Ruined by the shitty shoop
WHO was in the HORTON mine?
How is this image uncanny?
what is that?
>tfw the guy who did Shaye died
Jesus Christ, reminds me of that anime mask from Killer 7.
You could literally put anything outside of a dark exterior window and it will look spooky. Just knowing that you can barely see outside while anything outside can see you super well puts you on edge.
I always liked it because it kinda worked at that. But now that I think about it, the video might have been more effective without, or maybe even with some recording noise instead.
Why did I go here right before bed
Don't you like spooks?
Because you're a stupid fucking pussy, just like half the people in this thread.
it's fake.
This shit got me good back in the day. I cannot fathom that some people had to endure that on fucking TV (along with like 3 other versions).
Imagine yourself as a little shithead watching TV at midnight. I'd just fucking die on the spot.
what serial killer is this?
Reading this alone in dark barracks room.
it's probably facial reconstruction to try to identify a nameless dead person, not a wanted poster
the manikins in nocturne can be pretty creepy
>Name the creepiest real life horror stories you have heard of
I'm looking for missing people. Weird murders. Creepy stories in real life
Forgot the classic
WHAT THE FUGG He fucking kissed it
look up the slenderman stabbing
happened in my hometown lol
I'll always remember one of these played on tv when I was like 14. Thing is, I live in New Zealand and these drinks from the ad aren't for sale here, nor was it played during one of those "World's weirdest commercial" shows or whatever. Saw it during an adbreak while watching The Ripping Friends. It was the one with the golfer and just as he's about to swing his club some goober appears upside down screaming his head off. Scared the living shit out of me and I didn't sleep all night. Always wondered if someone at the tv station purposely put it during their adbreak as a joke.
The uncanny valley is really interesting. Although a video game will never give you that feeling because the whole point of it is that you see something in real life that your brain tells you is not actually human.
Maybe it's some sort of defense mechanism. That fear and disgust you feel really is unique any feelings i've ever felt.
i don't understand the ending desu
is that all there is?
The androids in Alien Isolation
UrbEx is pretty creepy sometimes
should have blasted him pow pow
This post made the OP picture a little more bearable
"Disappearance of Zebb Quinn"
Fuck facial reconstructions.
Post more spoops
The clicking sound made my body jerk in rhythm with it when I first read that fucking comic
>Maybe it's some sort of defense mechanism
It's triggered by primal instincts forcing us to differentiate between other humans and things that are disguising themselves as humans. When something looks mostly human but not quite enough, it naturally puts us on edge.