It was better when he played games alone with his kazoo.

Why. I tried watching one and the FUCKING STUPID's just pewdiepie




ha ha funny scream with furfags



more shilled than game grumps at this point

b-but guys! They're all gay furries that browse Sup Forums just like us! /ourguys/!

These guys get it.




Happy Halloween everyone!

But seriously though, why bother making this thread? It's just gonna get deleted by mods in a few minutes anyway. These never last long.

I love oneyplays tho.


Stupid dog, yer making me gay!

Why would it get deleted? This promotes talk of e-celebs.

Post Jon Grumps shouldn't exist. They need to just stop.


i see these threads go to 300+ replies almost every time. every time i think Sup Forums cant get worse it some how does.
i cant even tell the difference between these threads and the youtube comment section


good boys

Me son
My boy

The one responsible for killing egoraptor and replacing him with Arin Crapson.

my husband where

come home for scare

dont post pics of my gf

need more rat watson in bideos

stoooop... I give you my consent

You know when I heard she had put on weight I thought it was just Sup Forums's ironically high standards at play but Jesus fuck.

Would you rather big car?
Or stinky guitar?


Best boys
Bless Joolian's glass eyes
Bless Ding Dang's two year life span

gross pictures of people are hilarious

i'm glad someone else is playing Bloodborne instead of Oney. The Dark Souls videos were painful. You'd think someone who apparently knows the game by heart would unequip the second weapon and shield that he's not using instead of whining that he can't dodge anything when fat rolling and slow-mo running.

keep noidposting


oh shit when did Arin get a tattoo

lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

>content creator gets girlfriend
>his content becomes worse
>eventually shoehorns his girlfriend into content

Why does this happen?

lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best haha

lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best haha

I genuinely don't understand why these people are shilled here so often. Some of the other heavily shilled Youtube memers, I can almost see why people watch them, but these people LITERALLY do nothing but shitty Simpson/Family Guy/Rick and Morty impressions, say nonsensical made up words words, or make up songs with said nonsensical words. That's all the comedy. Full stop.

lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favoritr haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best haha

>NL thread gets canned after 10 minutes
>50/50 shot if a kotaku/polygon thread lasts more than 20 minutes
>these threads almost always hit bump limit
I don't fucking get it

They're voices are done in a different way though. They just kinda do stupid voices but the shit they say is funnier. PewDiePie talked in a constant stupid voice and said unfunny things.

ding dong?

every person that watches any let's player is this kid for all eternity

I love the one with the guy who makes what he thinks is a really clever derisive post but just looks like huge faggot instead.

thanks mobile-poster

that was the funniest thing I read all day

I see this fag e-celeb posted here everyday. Finally decided to watch a video, and it was constant stupid voices. This is even worse then pewdiepie.
Why the fuck does this get shilled here? I can only see kids laughing at this kind of shit humor.


Sup Forums is filled with kids that thinks watching someone play videogames is equal to playing the videogame yourself.


Is this someones house?

not video games

None of the oney guys are funny

is that dingdong

no its oneyplays

Why don't these fags finish games?

because you're going to watch anyway because you're 9

I'm in my mid 30s

>people actually watch oney plays
You're supposed to listen to it. Most of the humour is audio. I will say though that ding dong is bretty good at games though. I don't get frustrated by terrible gameplay like most other channels.

because they aren't Let's Players.


it's basically a constant podcast with gameplay as a pretense.
no one actually gives a shit about fags playing games which is why they never finish them.

I never watch LPs or streams or any of that garbage, Oneyplays is the only one I watch because it's literally just some fags talking about old cartoons and games.

>they rarely make simpson jokes anymore
Jdub jokes sprinkled in are nice though.

they probably don't want to over do it, especially after woah.

The simpson jokes aren't funny imo.


Oh yeah he's balding, right?


Shut up you tasteless faggot
Fucking Woah only became a meme because of crash game release being around the time Oney made a funny on Twitter. Fucking games journalists got wind and it went full normie when behind the meme saw a kotaku article
Even they hate it.


no the animation someone did with his voice is what made it big.
his original recording did not have a huge impact.

That's so funny to me to imagine all the stupid flash animations and silly voices in the channel are done by a balding irishman

no he's right. they aren't.

That's a man right?

>not liking Oney

Fucking summerfags.

wtf do dingdong and julian even look like in real life


nobody knows how the dong looks

dingdong looks a lot like the alien irl with his bald head

>Sup Forums is so retarded now they don't know what post ironic humour is

Ding Dong looks like Oney but with longer hair.

I agree. I thought "well, it must be something decent, as Sup Forums likes to shit on the channels that just scream and makes noises. It's just the same shit.

bloodborne is going to be a very meh series isn't it

Jesus is there ANYTHING vidya related from youtube you faggots actually fucking like?

I donno what are your video game related Youtube videos?








You know why Dingdong likes the character he's using in Rayman so much? Because he looks like a big sack he could fit his own body inside of.

>chinese cartoons

>they literally say "haha i like it when the man scream and make the funny noise" in the video
fucking brainlets.

Funny man saying fuck is pretty funny when there's good timing to it

What a shame he'll make no money thanks to the new Youtube censorship bot. Don#'t sware please, Coca-cola wouldn't like it if you did.

