casual filters
Casual filters
Thats like half-way through the game user. Remix 3 was fucking horrific when I was playing the game.
>What?! I keep getting shot and I don't know where it's coming from!!
nigga all of Rhythm Heaven is a casual filter
I let my musician friend play my DS and he couldn't beat the first minigame
You are fucking wrong and the level design isn't fun.
Fallout 2 tutorial.
Well you also need gamer reactions
That was the only song that I managed to hit every single beat on and still failed to get a superb rating.
It took accuracy beyond just hitting the beats to get the medal.
This is especially crucial in Megamix's "Fuck you, get that Rainbow or fuck off" mentality
For some reason I found Megamix's Lockstep harder than the original. I can perfect the original but something just felt off in Megamix.
>not knowing the "1+2+3+4+" rhythm
i wanna give up on the game , but can't
i want to get to the lockstep level , it's a must
still at the spaceship level shooting those ufos
>Not Moai Doo-Wop 2
Its all about the off-beat you dumdum
so is it safe to say that megamix is actually the hardest to perfect?
I know
Just listen to Viva La Vida over and over again until you get it
Even now I can go back to both Locksteps 1 and 2 and get a Superb. Hell I even reached Perfect status for them in my file.
Fucking tempo, getting a perfect on this one is a nightmare
>Not Moai Doo-Wop 2
I'm pretty sure that was one of the few I never managed to get a superb rating on, let alone perfect.
Nobody likes Coldplay
Fucking this. Static doesn't have enough raid days to aurally get into the heart of this one too so learning is slow
Flockstep was better
Why filter them twice?
It's not difficult or even that long really, but casuals will get bored so fucking quick. But even before that they'll get turned off by the controls.