Why can't this comeback? If it had the budget of a modern AAA game, it would GOTD at least

Why can't this comeback? If it had the budget of a modern AAA game, it would GOTD at least.

Just think about it.
>108 individual characters, each with their own quests, development, and significant contribution to the HQ
>Fucking amazing base building, a feel of actual progress and accomplishment
>Real time combat with many different playable characters, skills, magics, and strategies
>Actually secret secrets. You could have a difficult time finding secrets because of actual difficulty, not 'lol, punch a miscolored wall'.
>A MMO that has the base building, guilds with 108 slots and even bigger bases, epic raids and dungeons, and great team play.

Can't you just imagine it?

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>Why can't this comeback?
Because it's a video game and Konami doesn't make those anymore.

Yeah. Doesn't mean we will ever get it, so stop making me sad.


>tfw the original creator disappeared off the face of the Earth

Wtf really? What happened?

A lot of ex-videogame industry people get involved with other facets of technology if they leave. For example, Megaman's creator, Akira Kitamura, is some kind of microchip mogul now.

Voice actors alone would destroy the budget, but it would be nice, 1 is still my fav, 2 is incredibly good also but 1 has that charm to it.


seriously I wouldn't trust Konami to touch the franchise at this point, better to let it stay dead

Didn't the Original Creator dude or dudes have a major fallout in the middle of suikoden 3's development? Hence the plot stalling and all new suikoden games afterwards being prequels.

So, they have had Cat Kobolds, and Dog Kobolds. Do you think they would add in Scaled Kobolds at some point?

I wouldn't either. Would rather the rights be sold to a different company that could do it justice.

And what company would you want to make it then?

>inb4 Capcom, Ubisoft, or Bethesda

Careful what you wish for.

I know one of the writers went on to make Shadow of Memories because she left the dev team.
Then there were issues with S3 and after that I think it was a new team.

there isn't a single company that could do it justice. think trails in the sky amount of dialogue but suikoden plotline to do it justice -- no way thats gonna happen, modern tech is too cost prohibitive.

Well, that was quick

Maybe. Wouldn't count on it, but maybe.

>Konami revive Suikoden
>it's a fucking pachinko where you have to obtain all 108 character for jackpot

>I now remember that Suikoden is a Konami franchise

I swear to God, if you fucking jinxed it, if that is what it was reduced to, I would go fucking Apeshit.

>budget of a modern AAA game
>108 individual characters
not gonna happen bucko


I am so sorry user.

>Wanting to play as an elevator enthusiast, NEETs that grow mushrooms and mint, or any of the characters with a crippling gambling addiction.

No one said they all had to be playable.

Suikoden games have terrible writing. Better stay dead.

Still, great games. I bet you like final fantasy.


Loved the hell outta the franchise, but present!Konami would fuck everything up about it. And I don't think there's a company out there that has what it takes to continue the series and maintain the charm it had.

Sad to say, it's probably best it stay dead.


AAA would never happen. OG Suikoden was a cheap game, running sprites when they were out of fashion and obviously unfinished too. The closer the franchise got to being big budget - the more voice acting, cutscenes, attempts to foist in gameplay mechanics or their own sake - the more it sucked.

But someday someone will buy the license off Konami on the cheap.

Xseed can

That MMO idea is actually fun.

You need members to join you because each member expands the castle. Different classes/builds add different castle features and you're always trying to attract good players / prove yourself in competition with great guilds.

suikoden V has proper good gameplay imo, the problem is that the series creator is gone so people pick it up wanting more suikoden plotline and get a prequel story to the first game instead. The games should be building up to Harmonia and suiko world war.

Suikoden V to me is just a high polish fangame. Stuff like the formations, the extra affinity levels for elements, or the special skills are just someone who's afraid of removing shit from the classic formula and just tacks on extras which are totally unnecessary. You could completely ignore all of that stuff and clear the game without sweating. Same with the plot, it's just beats from the originals remixed.

I guess that's what the hardcore wanted after the previous two games, but it didn't save the series.

>Why can't this comeback?
People didn't buy Suikoden 5

>Complains about writing
>You sure like Final fantasy

What did mean by this?

They should do a full remake of the first one. Pretty sprites, still 2D because 3D RPGs are too expensive. Release it multiplatform + phones.

Clean up some shit like the rock paper scissors battles, roulette room and characters who are just recolours. If it's halfway decent they'll build massive hype for an SII remake since that game's still got a great reputation. Once people have got a two game strong savefile they can remake SIII as a 2D game with carryover data and make originals from there on.

Not a bad idea. Upvoted.

What? Suikoden 1 and 2 only developed a few characters over the course of the story, and that was the bare minimum for the lucky ones

What I liked was when the characters who didn't matter got developed in another game. It's about the only thing SV got right - giving you context for dudes in another game so you can enjoy snippets of them in the game that doesn't waste time developing them. If you give everyone development you kill the pace and wind up like Trails.

you say that like the series didn't turn to shit after 2

Suikoden got monkey pawed a long time ago when this game got released

Wasn't there also a PSP game that was so bad it didn't even get translated?

>a ton of individual characters, each with their own quests, development, and significant contribution to the HQ
>Fucking amazing base building, a feel of actual progress and accomplishment
>combat with many different playable characters, skills, magics, and strategies
>Actually secret secrets. You could have a difficult time finding secrets because of actual difficulty, not 'lol, punch a miscolored wall'.

Because Suikoden V was the most expensive game from the series to be produced, but sold like half of Suikoden 4. Also the Main story in now directionless without the series creator, evident with the way Suikoden III shit the fan almost at the end.
On the other hand the spin off games kind sold okay, but now Konami isn't focusing on video games anymore.

Oh my god fuck off. Trails is so terrible it's like I am reading a bloated piece of light novel trash.

So, it's Suikoden

You wish it was Falcomfag

The main writer left Konami during the development of Suikoden III, probably why the story and world building wasn't nearly as great on the later games.

Yeah, I agree. But this is wishful thinking. Take all the positives the games had, bolster them, and fix problems they have had in the past.

I played TiTS and it was the dullest,most slow paced cliched between genki girl estelle and "nothing persunel" joshua JRPG ever

Like i seriously have no idea why there are so many of these games and why they have all these fans that act like it's the best thing ever

I heard that Hikusaak or Yuber supposed to be the final antagonist for the series. Is it true?

Yuber is just some useless dark Knight. I doubt he is anything important to the series. Who is Hikusaak?

Ys was the only good thing Falcom made and they ruined in by turning them into not Trails

Really though... suikoden 1 and 2 actually dramatic deaths and 2 especially without the 108 star ending was an emotional trip for the second half of the game, going from "absolute evil badguy villain" to making the defeat of your enemies in the very end feel more like a tragedy than a victory. Fucking fantastic job really (again without the 108 star ending and not knowing how to save you know who. Trails is entertaining and has good worldbuilding but it handles all the characters with kid gloves most of the time.

Konami and Capcom have no interest in making good games anymore and they will never sell their IPs.

Hikusaak is the leader of Harmonia -- essentially the Holy Roman Empire of Suikoden, who has the Circle Rune. He's a huge mystery but a few recurring characters have a special relationship with him. He wants to gather the true runes but why, unknown.

Trails is nowhere near as good as the best Suikoden games.

Heck I'd even argue that Suikoden 4 is better than any Trails game.

There's lots of speculation as to whether Hikusaak is the master of the True Circle Rune or if he's merely being used by it -- I believe lore states that the runes can or do exist as semi-sentient or full sentient beings, at least the 27(?) True Runes.

Because Trails fans probably haven't played that much jrpg or watched anime in their life.

I don't get the trails hate, it accomplishes what it sets out to do i think. It's not as dark as it could be but it's great to have npcs that actually act like shit is happening in the game, with all their changing dialogue.

There's no hate. They're mediocre games overhyped by their fanbase.

The obnoxious fanbase. Games themselves are what I expect with anime shit.

Oh fuck why did you have to remind me of that user

Not really -- they're only "overhyped" because they are literally the only jrpg filling the 50+hr jrpg turn based niche. Name a modern JRPG with turn based combat, world building and more than 50+ hours of content besides trails. Until you can, it's all we've got to scratch that itch.

>Name a modern JRPG with turn based combat, world building and more than 50+ hours of content besides trails. Until you can, it's all we've got to scratch that itch.

Have you been living under a rock?

>tfw ps2 was the last hurrah for several jrpg devs.

the large cast was one of its weak points. anway, I don't see why this should get a pass if CC doesn't for having a fraction that size. most characters in suikoden games are turds.

Well? What's the latest "fantasy" jrpg with turn based combat and 50+ hours of content and world building? Tell the class -- I want to play more of them so don't hold back.

>"world building"

Blabbering on about the world doesn't make a game good. Most of the dialogue in the Trails series is filler. The writers thinks that more text = better.

They have never heard of
>brevity is the soul of wit


The large cast was cool because they would offer your warband benefits in your base or in your army -- plus it's fun to find characters that own -- pleasant surprises. Like finding Georg Prime or Pesmerga etc.

Why, Pokemon of course.

The large cast works because they're what makes it make sense for you to have your own castle occupied with more than a hundred people.

If you only have a cast of like 8 characters you'd be fine with just a shed. There's nothing quite like walking through your Suikoden 2 castle at max level and seeing all the characters you've picked up along the way.

What's worst is that I don't give a damn about the conflict, let alone the characters the MC meets.

>the large cast was one of its weak points

It set it apart from other jrpgs, gave you a great reason to explore, created replayability, gave a sense of building an army, players would be pretty much guaranteed to be able to build a party of 6 characters (which is a higher number than most jrpgs) which they all liked, etc.

You don't need to focus your character development on all of them.

Disagree my man, you hear a lot about different parts of the world as you play thru trails in the sky, and then more about the world in cold steel etc. the world and it's factions serve a purpose for the player and the plot.

Everytime Falcom games get mentioned jrpg threads go to shit. I just want my Suikoden nostalgia thread.

Soul Eater or Bright Shield?

>tfw you finally get teleportation and elevators recruited.
>also merchants
Good fucking Feel.


I was more invested in the characters and story of Valkyria Chronicles after 1h than I was after 50h of Cold Steel.

While the gameplay is competent I seriously couldn't care less about the characters, their world or their struggles.

The Bright Shield Rune has less of an awful fate attached to it I guess so I'd go with that, if you mean which one would I want to have.

Soul Eater rules though just for how breezy it made the combat in that game. So game-wise I'd go with that.

Was bright shield and black sword 2 parts of 1 whole rune or were they both seperate true runes?

If seperate, soul eater is the king.

That your a faggot. Stop wasting peoples time

Bright Shield since the only curse of getting it is going into eternal conflict with the owner of the Black Sword Rune.

>seeing your castle/hombase grow
>the song also changes from

This series really knows how to get the chemicals in my brain going.

Yeah I guess being forced to kill your bff isn't quite as bad as having everyone close to you get Final Destination'd. I guess Soul Eater gives you eternal youth as well so you get to live foreveralone.

Gotta argue to keep it alive bruh, trails is fine and most can agree is middle of the line generic but it's nice to have. Like a comfort food for old jrpg players, okay?

we're gonna have to kidnap the suikoden creator/writer and force him to finish the series if we want closure im afraid.

Soul Eater is by far the more powerful, but you sure as hell don't want it if you value friendship.

Could be worse though, you could have the Rune of Punishment

Is there any other game that does HQ building as well as the Suikoden series?

>Was bright shield and black sword 2 parts of 1 whole rune or were they both seperate true runes?

They were 1 rune.

>tfw barely win rock paper scissors war battle early on
>next r / p / s war battle after several recruits win with authority

Fuck yeah...

All the true runes give you immortality if I remember right, and the Bright Shield rune doesn't necessarily mean you'll have to kill your friend. None of the people we actually know about who got it did that.

The Soul Eater Rune though yeah it's just a fucking curse. The Punishment Rune from 4 is probably awful too, but once Lazlo mastered it I think it was just 100% a good thing for him.

I was so addicted to this shit as a kid.

Not a falling out as much as the main person behind the scenario and overlying plot of Suikoden randomly calling it quits to pursue their own projects

I still have faith in Camelot. Dark Dawn wasn't as good as the first two GS games, but it was hardly an atrocity.

uh anons....


1 Rune. There's a few True Runes that were split iirc, like Leknaats and Windys


If you have all 108 stars in 4, you get to use the Rune of Punishment without being punished.

>All the true runes give you immortality if I remember right
Yeah I just looked that up. It's been a long time since I played suiko but I might emulate and go through 1/2/3 again because of this thread. I forgot how awesome they are, even with 3's problems.
Also Chris >>> Hugo

What was your gambling theme? I always put this shit on when I had to play, it never let me down:


True runes can be removed but i forgot what it takes -- suikoden 3 dealt with that subject i think? I just remember a certain asshole mage failing.