Game has really good combat

>Game has really good combat.
>Battles only last seconds because enemies either kill you too quickly, or they die too quickly. There's no in-between.
Who the fuck thought changing Tales battle system to revolve around elements and status effects was a good idea?
I may as well go play Xillia 2 for the hundredth time.

Turn up the difficulty you mongoloid

I'm on Chaos you faggot on NG+.

>"Kingdom Hearts Spam Triangle and Heal" Tales Edition

Edna is cute!

Xillia 2's combat was perfect, dude. The only thing I'd change is give everyone an individual overlimit bar instead of one single party wide one.

I want Edna to step on me.

Honestly I found that the combat was trying to go for way too much. The way characters move and feel in battle might as well be on par with a senran kagura game or something. Found myself just dodging battles for most of the game.

>The way characters move and feel in battle might as well be on par with a senran kagura game or something.
It's really damn flashy for a Tales game, and not as fluid to control. The requirements for mystic ares are really weird and half the party can pull out their break soul whenever they want, and the other half need the perfect situation set up to be able to use theirs.
Then there's Rokuro, where you will likely only see his 3rd break soul once in a blue moon if all enemies decide to target him and him alone. They could have fixed that by including taunts.

Just discovered Laphi's pretty good in combat.

>ranged attacks when enemies are at a distance
>stun AoE melee when they get in his face
>frequent half-damage buff
>occasional nuke

His 3rd mystic is indignation, that's all I needed to know to start using him.

Though I haven't really thought to try it until now, if there was a way to do a sort of dash cancel or something then I'd feel just a bit better about the combat.

I'd say my biggest problem is that even though the combat is pretty basic, they have way too many seemingly convoluted bits tacked on top of it. Like we have elements, artes styles, debuffs, weird mystic artes rules/perks, apparently position weaknesses (maybe, I haven't noticed any real stonewall until that one wall monster tutorial), debuffs are tied to elements (kinda knitt picking that one) and the need to keep bringing up new tutorials even after 20 hours in.

If it wasn't so easy to just hit and run and zerk out when their health is low, then maybe a lot of this stuff would matter more.

That's pretty much my hangup on the game, that and the placement of collectibles totally make it feel like it's trying to stretch game time. Having to circle each room once each room totally turns an hour place time into nearly 2 hours I think.
If anything, I'm more put off than upset. I like the game over all but if anyone ever praises the fighting more than an example of "good tales gameplay", then I'm going to do a hard eye roll.

>Beat Milla and Jude at level 60 on Chaos
>still can't beat the EX dungeon
Timelimits were a mistake

the ex dungeon is typically what i hear most about in regards to complaints, is it really that bad?

>they have way too many seemingly convoluted bits tacked on top of it. Like we have elements, artes styles, debuffs, weird mystic artes rules/perks, apparently position weaknesses (maybe, I haven't noticed any real stonewall until that one wall monster tutorial), debuffs are tied to elements (kinda knitt picking that one
Oh absolutely, this is by far my biggest issue with the game. You can't use mystic artes if an enemy isn't stunned by the attack leading into it, and considering enemies can just shrug off their stun periods of you accidentally hit them with an element or monster type affinity they're resistant to, they punish you hardcore.
I'm switching back and forth from Tales of the Abyss and Berseria right now (replaying both) and Abyss's combat is very simplistic but a hundred times more fun and you will always feel in control. Hard fights are hard because the enemies hit hard and have lots of HP, but you'll never feel like the character you're controlling is completely useless, unlike Berseria where if a character doesn't have a specific affinity or element on many of their attacks they may as well sit the battle out.

My first playthrough of Berseria was a slog too because of the soul system. I hated SC in Zestiria and I hate Souls even more here because you can permanently restrict yourself to only using 1-2 artes and being completely unable to contribute to a fight if you don't get any stuns with those attacks. You run out of "stamina" obscenely fast too.

It's like an entirely different team is creating these games now after Xillia 2. I swear that game hit gold with it's battle system and I fear we won't have one as good as that again.
Drop down the difficulty for regular battles, then raise them back up for the boss. That's what I did. Then every subsequent run through I just pour the Katz full of souls and skip to the bosses.

>Then there's Rokuro, where you will likely only see his 3rd break soul once in a blue moon
What? Enemies usually turn to you after you stun them. So once you get your first BS. Just start guarding and stun the enemy. Now wait for their attack and get your second and third BS.

Time limits on certain battles. Timelimits are the worst crime a stats based battle system can have.

>Drop down the difficulty for regular battles
My autism can't handle that. I'll probably just drop the game here. Unless there is something harder in the game than Milla/Jude?

>What? Enemies usually turn to you after you stun them.
Yeah and then your teammates run up and stun them too. Don't act like you can pull out his breaksouls so easily.

>I hate Souls even more here because you can permanently restrict yourself to only using 1-2 artes and being completely unable to contribute to a fight if you don't get any stuns with those attacks. You run out of "stamina" obscenely fast too.
This wasn't a problem to me when I decided I want to control the whole party. I just switch to another character when I run out of Souls/BG. Put the AI on defensive and they'll collect whatever Souls you happen to get by dodging. Once the other characters have enough Souls, just change back to them. It also helps that BG can freely be converted to Souls. It's not that bad.

>Yeah and then your teammates run up and stun them too.
Not for me. I played my NG+ by skipping 99% of the encounters and having all characters on "Be Defensive". This meant that AI kept their distance at under 75% HP(which I needed because one shotting wasn't that uncommon). Instead I started learning party wide combos by switching people on the fly. You get more damage out of your characters than by just letting AI handle things AND you get to play all the characters. It's a win win-
So yes, I get Rokurous 3rd BS constantly on bosses if I get 5 Souls, or happen to get a stun from the first BS.

>Want to play through the Tales series
>The supposed best game is a PS exclusive

>Abyss combat
Yea I love doing only double digit damage on bosses on the highest difficulty.

>>The supposed best game is a PS exclusive
Well, yeah. If you like RPGs you get a playstation console.

>Really good combat

spam one button with an assigned weakness and occasionally press R2, great system theme

symphonia is on GC and PC tho

>Trying to play as Rokuro.
>He can't stun worth shit so once he uses a soul that's it, it's over for the rest of the battle.
how the fuck

I didn't know what the fuck I was doing in Berseria. Whoever decided to get rid of normal attacks and make everything artes needs to be shot.

>I didn't know what the fuck I was doing in Berseria.
Nobody does, the battlesystem is a convoluted mess and enemies (and ESPECIALLY bosses) will just randomly get up and walk out of your combos. I tried hitting bosses with strings exclusively with their weaknesses after guard charging to red and they still don't effect them other than slightly more damage done.
>Whoever decided to get rid of normal attacks and make everything artes needs to be shot.
Seriously, yes. One button should have been dedicated to normal, non-element attacks that are effective against everything but do small amounts of damage like every other Tales game. In this one, normal element can be resisted or very effective like it's any old element, so it's not exactly "normal" is it?

Nigga use the guard charge attacks (need the magicite) to increase your stun chances, i never hand any problems with rokurou stunning when i had that.

There's no magicite to increase stun chance, only to make guard charging faster.

is tales of xillia any good?

The first game is pretty lacklustre but the combat is fun, Xillia 2 is when things get really good. It re-uses a lot of areas and assets from the first game but it's forgivable with the improvements.

>tfw playing as Velvet
>battle ends

Damn right

After getting her 3rd break soul, I always start the battle by going rage mode and wasting just enough time to make her go EXTRA rage mode. I always try to pull off Impulse Desire no matter what.

there is one that gets a red glow and allows you to easily guard break.

No shit, I'm on NG+. I still can't land stuns worth shit with Rokuro on late game enemies and bosses.

I started playing Bearseria a few days ago and I dunno if I'm just waaaay too used to the old system but I am absolutely hating free run is the default with no way to turn it off and attacks being on all face buttons instead of the stick direction.
Been playing for 10 hours now on the highest difficulty I can (hard so far) and it feels like 99% of it I have been mashing a single button with the occasional R2 and everything just dies, the only thing I even need to think about how to play is against those optional bosses so far.

On higher difficulties you really need to master the combat (which becomes a chore). I'm on Chaos mode in NG+ and everything's piss easy until my auto invulnerability wears off and I get every single status effect in the game simultaneously from all attacks, enemies stun me in a single strike several times until I'm down to 1 soul per character and stun chances drop down the shitter.
So far I either end the battle extremely quickly and easily, or the battle lasts longer than 30 seconds and I die. I've killed all the bosses in a single combo so far.

Keep playing, the more red hunts you complete, the more difficulties you can unlock. Eventually you can unlock the hardest battles, where mini-bosses will show up and wreck your team.

>Not having a PS4 as your default console
What exactly do you normally play JRPGs on?

I love how whenever I voice a complaint on Sup Forums there's always that guy who assumes I've played like 10 minutes of the game.
I'm on NG+ chaos difficulty bro. Quit jumping to conclusions.


Berseria is alright but honestly there way too much fucking "currency" in battle you have to keep track of.
"Need this much BG to do this."
"Need a combo of this number or higher to do this."
"Need this many souls to perform this action."
Then they go and give you mystics and break souls that have a description like

"Perform a combo of 8 or higher, with 4 or more souls while santa clause is in your house and your father is visiting you as a ghost. Must have less than 4 toes. Costs 9 BG."

It's like they don't want you to use those artes.