What went wrong with DOW3...

What went wrong with DOW3? Relic knew the fanbase hated DOW2 and wanted Relic to return to its original roots of the first DOW. They wanted a DOW that took a step FORWARD with better graphic engine, more customization, progressive and rewarding gameplay while staying true and loyal to the Warhammer 40k lore. We wanted a DOW that emulated the tabletop game with hundreds and thousands of unique customizable units and factions all with weakness and strengths. We wanted a DOW that challenged Starcraft 2 and other generic RTS while retaining the best elements of classical RTS with its own unique environments and new styles to explore. Instead DOW3 turned out to be nothing more then a hybrid MOBA-arcade game that only caters to new players while spitting on the faces of loyal 40k fans and the Warhammer franchise. This game is not only a disappoint to the millions of Warhammer fanbase but an attack on the franchise and turning into nothing more then a money-grabbing scheme.

Fuck you Relic.

Other urls found in this thread:


>the fanbase hated DOW2
Fuck you, DoWshitter. A proper DoW2-like RTT game would have outsold any RTS garbage. You wanted a WoW-like RTS? You got it with DoW3. Shut your whore mouth and lay in the bed you've made, DoW3 is exactly the game you've asked for and exactly the game you deserve.

Personally, I boicotted DoW3 the moment they said they're going to make it a RTS game, not RTT. Fuck RTS shitters and fuck their dead, putrid gook clicker of a genre.

>You wanted a WoW-like RTS
*DoW-like RTS

>Fuck you, DoWshitter
Great way to start an argument, alienate anyone you want to convince.

Why even post? Seriously. No one is going to take you seriously, nothing you said is important to anyone but other people who already feel the same way in which case you're just parroting yourself.

You literally spend time in your limited life writing nothing to no one for no purpose.

I know what you're thinking
>b-but your post!
Is calling you out on your bullshit, and will inevitable change your mind because you know its more intelligent than yours.

>alienate anyone you want to convince.
But I don't want to convince you of anything, shitter, I'm here to laugh at you and remind you that it was the DoW1 shitters who asked for a RTS and RTS they received. People with actual brains aka DoW2 fans knew that the RTT formula was superior to the RTS one for WH40K games, but nobody listened to us. Now eat up the shit you've asked for, scum, and be glad that you've butchered the franchise forever.

Enjoy your shit game in a dead, anachronistic genre, it's exactly the game you deserve.

But you failed again.

Not only did you fail to convince anyone that anything different would be better, you used arguments that were illogical to support a proposition that only exists in your mind because it has the outcome you wanted. This product was nothing like what anyone asked for which is why it failed, had it been what people wanted it would be used. Even you with your reduced intellect can understand such a simple concept.

Again you said nothing to no one to no effect. And to which Ill give you no more replies since I can tell you're already come to my side and you're just attacking to save face.

Have a nice day, see you tomorrow where Ill know you'll be posting better posts since you realize I was right.

>The fanbase hated DoW2

No. RTS purists hated it, but Warhammer 40k fans loved it since it oozed everything that makes the universe enjoyable.

>This product was nothing like what anyone asked for
Wrong. It's a RTS, not a MOBA, because you control shitloads of units and build buildings, but a RTS. This is the game you've asked for, DoWshitter, you're excuses are pathetic. Eat up the shit you've ordered.

>convince anyone
The only thing I would want to convince RTS shitters of is killing themselves. No, I'm here purely to remind you that it was YOUR fault DoW3 turned out to be the trash it is and no one else's. You wanted a RTS? Enjoy it and stop making excuses.

Someone who enjoyed both DoW and DoW2.

DoW 3 is fucked up fundamentally trying to bridge the gap between the fanbases instead of actually putting thought into the fanbase that will buy their games, the Warhammer 40k fanbase.

DoW2 wasn't RTT....It was a RTS without the elements of base-building. I don't agree with everything OP said but lets face the facts; DoW3 was a huge disappointment because they took away certain elements such as cover, moral, suppression, destructible environment and .etc. DoW3 dumbed down in order to appease new players and those who just wanted a fast-paced RTS with unit massing and less macro-managements. In a sense Relic didn't betray the W40K fanbase, but they neglected the traditional RTT part because they believed 40k could've been integrated into RTS a lot better.

>trying to bridge the gap between the fanbases
AHAHAHA, you're fucking retarded. DoW3 was everything DoW2 was NOT:
>large scale armies with paper thin, expendable units
>retarded basebuilding that only detracts from tactical gameplay
>dumbed-down cover
>shit individual unit customization
>dogshit campaign

If anything, it tried to piss off the DoW2 fanbase as much as it could by throwing out everything good DoW2 had. Congratulations are in order, they've succeeded in pissing off half their fanbase. Burn in hell, DoWshitters, DOW3 is the game you deserve.

Hey, I enjoyed both games but since you are a total sperg for thinking anyone should deserve a bad game ever, I will call you a faggot.

>anyone should deserve a bad game ever
You've ruined the franchise forever by not realizing that any RTS game made nowadays would be a cancer-laden "competitive" gook clicker shitfest and by wanting DoW3 to be a RTS. YOU and your kind are responsible for this shitshow, no one else.

Again, I enjoyed both DoW 1 and DoW 2, meaning that I would've been fine either way. But no, they had to do RTS in the shittiest way possible instead of the reason people enjoyed DoW 1 which encapsulated why people love Warhammer 40k. Actually being glad a game is shit because of a perceived fanbase divide is fucking nuts.

1 and 2 are both good in different ways, the power core meta in 3 was really awful

without control victory turrets do nothing but slow the game down
escalation refund encourages building an overwhelming force because your opponent can always field an army, slowing the game down
elites are literally anti-strategy and on a timer, slowing the game down
there's no forfeit option, you have to wait 30 min for the game you lost in the first 5
generally poor VA and art style

i believe some of this has been fixed but nobody cared by that point

>waah why do i have to press buttons in order to interact with a computer system and play a videogame

Yeah it's pretty fucking sad, they only thing they fixed is adding a forfeit option lol.

DoW3 is flawed at it's core mechanics and cannot be saved unless they make massive changes to the game and let's all be real. Relic cant and wont do it.

RIP DoW franchise!

voice acting was even shittier than dow2 and also no german voice option


Stop assuming people hated dow2.

One of the core reasons as to why Relic didn't make DOW3 into RTT was because they feared it would imitate TW: Warhammer too much and Relic believed they should separate the 40k universe and the fantasy universe (which of course was a stupid idea). Relic believed the Warhammer fanboy were too stupid and arrogant for their own good.

>separate the 40k universe and the fantasy universe

No fucking way.

I shit you not Relic actually believed this. They believed 40k universe was a Starcraft-like emulation and the fantasy universe as WoW-like. Hence another problem with Relic: they were ignorant of the Warthammer lore and never bother to collaborate with the creators and experts of the lore.

>without control victory turrets do nothing but slow the game down
Wait what? isn't that the same shit with previous DoW?

base turrets are fine in DoW II because the base isn't the objective

Well they are retarded as shit.

As someone who has played exclusively 40k, even I can see the relationship it has with fantasy. Fuck.

>We wanted a DOW that emulated the tabletop game with hundreds and thousands of unique customizable units and factions all with weakness and strengths
Then you should have asked for something more akin to DoW2, the original wasn't anything like the tabletop

Am I the only one who unironically loved DoW2?

Does anyone want a 50% off DoW3 Steam code? I suspect not but there may be some poor sap in here.

No, I found the more focused campaign much more fun.

Oh you mean that turret, the one that one shots everything? Nah those shits are easily destroyed in the early game easily. Also you forgot that you can build DoW1 style turrets in the game now.

So since there really isn't going to be much actual discussion about DoW 3, I want to come out and say that I fucking hate facing Chaos Demons on the table top.

Granted, I play Necrons, but I fucking hate them.

>I can see the relationship it has with fantasy.
m8 the only relationship it has is the ork, Chaos and elves. Everything else is distinct in their own universe.

I don't like that there aren't defensive buildings in DoW3 and that some units are heavily limited

I mean in terms of balancing, gameplay and overall tone more than lore.

They are partly correct though.

GW made the Fantasy and 40k universes as separate reality bubbles that are only connected through the Chaos Gods, but they are not the same timelines, i.e. Fantasy will not go into 40k universe in the future.

Like I know that, there are too many contradictions to do so (Although Sigmar has fucked that up as well), but there is an overall tone and parallel that is interesting between the two of them.

>inb4 some tertiary fag cites info from old ass books that have been retconned to hell and back that he read about on 1d4chan to deny this

>Fantasy will not go into 40k universe in the future.
Especially not now that the original WHF world has gone boom.

>m8 the only relationship it has is the ork, Chaos and elves. Everything else is distinct in their own universe.
Relic didn't believe that. They saw Warhammer as nothing more then a pre-made video game idea. Even before the introduction of first DoW I remember reading a blog about how Relic promised to listen and stay true with the 40k universe. There were even old interviews with developers telling us that the future of DoW was basically the same as the table-top but with computer graphics. In the end it was all but a lie. Regardless the franchise is dead and this damage will never recover unless Relic abandons and some other developers decides to make a true 40k game. On a bright side, Warhammer fantasy is at least kept alive and somewhat true with the TW games.

Did it get released already?

What's wrong with it, I thought it'd be like DoW1 with graphics.

I think what this meant was relic didn't see the lore and characteristic of what Warhammer truly was and only saw Warhammer as a generic rpg fantasy story.

Its nothing like the first one except for the base building thing. The game is very dumbed down and it feels like a generic RTS rather then a RTT game with cover system, destructible environment and morale system .etc.

All they needed to do to make the greatest RTS game ever is substitute 40k units into Company of Heroes.

So they managed to completely miss the whole fucking point of what made dow good, suddenly I feel better about Relic losing the HW license.

That's because the game is made by a different group of people.

The only ones who remained are some voice actors and the director.

Don't forget the single multiplayer game mode and the campaign that felt like an overlong tutorial.

Did I mention how awful and inconsistent the storyline of the DoW? Hardly any elements from the actually lore were applied and the artificial creation of the Blood Raven chapter rather then exploring the other original chapters from the lore. Also Eldar-Ork alliances, Ork acting too humans, Chaos being too meak and un-chaos-like.



Why blame Relic for all this mess? Wasn't GW the one that ignorantly sold the fans out to Relic?

m8 the only defensive buildings in previous DoW games are turrets and fortified outpost. Both are in DoW3.

I don't think GW care about this anymore.

Well I have 1 answer for that. It's Relic.

They've been trying to "innovate" since the HW games. Whether the game turn good or bad, they don't fucking care.

GW doesnt care about the games. They only use them as ads for the tabletop.

It's entirely up to the dev itself to make a good game

All those fucks had to do was take Supreme Commander and give it a 40k skin.

That's not how you spell Company of Heroes.

CoH is just babby Men of War.

company of heroes is a reskin of dow1

And Men of War is just babby Sudden Strike.

Fuck, at this rate the DoW franchise would be better served in the hands of Russians. At least they know how to make good RTT games.

Yeah but DoW should be an RTS not RTT. Go away with your bullshit.

I'm a huge fan of the first game because it has Necrons and Dark Eldar. It's also my favorite game because it has traditional style RTS gameplay. Also loved the sync kills and voice acting.

When I first bought the game I was captivated by it because of the Necrons. I like their big pyramids and their green weapon effects. It was totally my favorite army.

I didn't like DoW2 so much. I found it kind of boring.

DoW3 had stupid shit like powercores and towers. It had stupid looking animations, like something out of a fucking cartoon style game. I hate the escalation system and I hate that there are no sync kills. I would have bought it if it had Necrons or Dark Eldar though, even IG.

Sure is, with all that cover mechanics. ;^)

dow1 had cover mechanics

coh is a dow1 reskin, obviously its more advanced because it was its successor.

>Yeah but DoW should be an RTS
Enjoying that DoW3?

People liked DoW II, but it did not have a fanbase as sizable as DoW I. Even today, Soulstorm is more users than DoW II or III, or more recent games like Eternal Crusade.

GW doesn't know how to handle its own license or what makes it appealing. They tried to suck all the comedy out, especially for the orkz who are traditionally the comedy relief/wild card to the Imperium and Eldar's straightman.
They focused on competitive multiplayer instead of just making it stupid fun. Sure balance is an issue but who the fuck plays DoW for competitive gameplay? I WANTED to play DoW II but I hate the perfectly mirrored maps, the dumb must-play-by meta, the control point system.

DoW III has a terrible fucking presentation. Characters blend in with the background, animations dont sync up with projectiles, animations sync up too much with the walk cycles, weird cartoony animations, all the voices and effects are terribly subdued, jumping terminator armour, terrible indicators for "cover", a MOBA-esque multiplayer mode. The fact they needed a constant outline for their units speaks volumes about the terrible design choices.

Will we ever get a guardsmen game?

no, not marketable enough. Enjoy your Primaris Marine game.

Did you ever get into the table top? Because that is how I discovered the necrons.

It could be like a dark souls game though. You'd have to choose a character type but they could make it work. Or another game like vermintide maybe and you're ordo xenos.

Quake 4.

The Surge feels like a spess mehreen game without the 40k license.

>Quake 4

Instead of a stroggification scene, maybe a scene where you are dragged through a chaos cult circle?

oh there's plenty of game concepts that could work, it just wont happen because GW are a bunch of fucking idiots that think only space marines are marketable.

I just wanted Soulstorm with better graphics and a proper campaign.

I actually really liked the surge. Needed more enemy variety but I liked it was a bit more forgiving than DaS in The Grind and you never had to wish on Random Number Jesus. But specifically I kinda want mass deployment of soldiers against a force they're barely prepared for. Possibly something like Gaunt's Ghosts where they're all good at what they do but occasionally have to fight against forces that are more suited to different kinds of forces.

>Instead of a stroggification scene
No. Stop, drop and roll.

Hey nerds I figured I'd let you all know that Cato sicarius is lost to the warp in the newest 40k canon.

The Surge feels like why the fuck am I using melee in the future, ever.

Quake 4 man, it's the closest I've played to IG.

Watch as they make an asspull as they always do with that.

Being a Necron fan in this universe is sometimes pain.

Because you're a construction worker and not an army men.

Yeah it was a little blurb and Calgar was quoted as saying something along the lines of not believing Cato to be dead until he sees it with his own eyes.


Being anything other than a Chaos player is pain. Except maybe Tau.

Primaris immortals wen

Didn't the space pope get assassinated some time ago?

Why would being a tau player be painful?

There is no maybe for it, it's either Tau, Chaos or bust.

Although after getting my ass handed to me by blood letters, I've now got myself Lich Guard to at least protect my Overlord.


Nevermind I'm a silly goose.

The character that no one liked and had no effect at all on expiration?
Inb4 hologram

No, that is lie. Great leader Aun'Va is most healthy and prosperous. Here, take this reciever and watch this broadcast of his latest speech.

You have hereby been banned from /tau/

That miniature was among the most fun I had paiting Tau


On a scale of 1 to 10, how difficult and how fun was he? Is there any you hated painting?

Ok? His rules suck as much as his character fluff. He was a waste of points but I will admit his paradox of duality rule was pretty neat back in the day.

How come a culexus assassin has any effect on the tau? Aren't they all blanks?


Look, he posted it again.

>great trailer
>shitty game

Why aren't there chaos Tau, then. In b4 farsight.

>people like Shitstorm
Remember when it didn't have mods and it was the worst game in the series?

>inb4 DoWfag replies Shit Crusade shill or some crap like that.