Shit you love in vidya
>You and the villain team up.
Shit you love in vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
>you control the villain
I think you meant ahegao as the filename for this image, unless it was intentional in which case good job making me respond.
Why is Captain Cold consistently so good despite different writers using him? Look at how shit Joker or Luthor can get, but Cold is generally solid
10/10 made me laugh twice
this is making my dick diamonds
Captain Cold's motivations are relatable, he has limits and a set of personal morals, and he holds a "fuck it" attitude that you see a lot in the real world.
>he doesnt get it
>beat game
>you unlock storyline where you play as a rival character who plays fairly differently from the main character and get to learn what he was up to
Gonna some names.