Circle is on the other side of the map

>circle is on the other side of the map
>no vehicles
>run to circle
>circle spawns on the other side of the map again
>circle spawns on the other side
>run in an open field
>get shot in the back by some guy who has given in to the blue zone
>or get shot running by someone lucky behind cover already in the circle

the first 3 circles are ok, the last circles are such horse shit. Feels completely luck based unless it's in an area that is full of cover, and not half mountain forest with buildings/half empty field.

You gotta learn how to move carefully--you move from one cover point to another.

Also, utilize ALT+look around.

I almost always make it in the top 10.

yes, that's the easy part. But you can't move cover to cover - if you get shot from the people you see because you HAVE TO MOVE out of the blue and there is no cover within 20m

Smoke grenades,

game of bluffing and risking than at that point isnt it? like, who's gonna move out of cover first? like a game of chicken kinda? who's gonna coward out first?

>Also, utilize ALT+look around.

didn't even know this existed. nice

I've gotten to #2 three times now, but have never got chicken dinner.
Please help Sup Forums, how do I win this game.

Yes, the game is very luck based.

No, they don't need to move out of cover. You do, or you die to the blue zone.

sometimes you just get fucked, but this happens less often if you're more proactive, you really don't want to move in with the circle as time runs out because you'll have fewer options if you see someone

Bring friends.

>>circle is on the other side of the map
>>no vehicles
don't spawn in the middle of nowhere, and as you run in, if it's really far away, keep roads in sight where cars spawn rather than just running in hills/an open field

doesn't help in solo

>get 1st in duos
>reward is equivalent to 2-3 kills and top 20 in solo

waste of time

>caring about points and not fun

Honestly the game would be a whole lot better without the shrinking blue circles that kill you. There has to be another way to discourage camping and to get people to congregate closer together.

ill stop caring about points when idiots stop paying me steambux for a chance at getting a generic piece of clothing that, more often than not, makes you more noticeable on the field.

>duos: 1/50, revives
>solo: 1/100, if you die you die

The best strategy would be to always land in the middle, that way if the circles spawn on the edge you're already half way there no matter where they are.

>There has to be another way to discourage camping and to get people to congregate closer together.
survival elements or PvE elements, with gradually fewer places to take shelter? but at that point it would be a different game

the middle's more populated and all the areas with decent loot there (like school) are notorious deathmatch hotspots

I don't have any

i understand the reasoning, but i still feel like there should be a tweak somewhere. i can work my dick off for a dinner in duos, or i can play solo by killing all the afks, driving to the center of the circle, and waiting for the sweet release of death. both give about the same reward.

Someone explain this to me. Zones of where you have to be change all the time and you have to go to them? I understand for campers and shit, but that just sounds retarded.

The zone you need to be inside to stay alive changes for everyone. It is random each game. Somewhere on the map appears a circle and it gets smaller and smaller every few minutes. If you're unlucky and are nowhere near it, then good luck. If you're already inside it then you can keep foraging no problem.

Stop playing bad games

>poor planning

After playing cities skylines that layout looks really shitty.