Why has the video game industry changed so much in just one decade? Pre-2007 vidya used to be much better

Why has the video game industry changed so much in just one decade? Pre-2007 vidya used to be much better.

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Name a succesful game with a gay black protagonist.

What game does this?

Mobile phones put more normalfags online so they could spread their terrible opinions.

Stop playing AAA garbage you fucking moron

You got the last point very wrong, it's sacrifice story and gameplay for the sake of art, people think pretty graphics solve all the problems in a game.

It does not. See Watch Dogs and Uncharted for reference.

Ok, so since everybody and there mother can tell this is a Sup Forums CIRCLEJERK/Bait thread.

How about we talk about some board games?! Since if you're in this thread you must be REALLY bored.

My favorite is Sorry.
>inb4 Monopolyfags

def jam
fight for NY

First you need to name at least FIVE games that do any of those things.

are there two?


Is there even one?

>sacrifice story and art for the sake of gameplay
You seem to have that wrong.
>sacrifice story, art, and gameplay for the sake of a agenda.

imagine the brain of a poltard holyshit

name 1 game and explain how its agenda sacrificed the gameplay

Life is always pretty fun to play, especially when someone ends up with a car full of kids, pulled nail artist and their luck just keeps spiraling down.

Listen, you turdgoblins, the fact this list was made at all means these things exist and are a mortal threat to our hobby.

Just take out the "successful" and those points would be correct.


This is the Chad of "Board Games". How many staceys do you invite over to your house to play this?

Xbox 360 brought western developers and western game design philosophy into the console gaming sphere and, with aggressive advertising, threw the based Japanese presence out. Hence why everything is politicized, QTE-based graphics over gameplay these days.

Chess motherfucka

I fucking WISH that last one was true.

It's usually gay OR black, rarely both.

more like how to make a bad game and them blame it's failure on massage oh knee

What type?

regular ol' chess.

Maybe 10 years ago just looks brighter since you weren't yet a Sup Forumstard who has to come up with exaggerations and fabrications to find something to get outraged and triggered about, OP.

GTA: San Andreas

You fucks gave Anita attention

How about Tamerlane/Timur chess? Version invented by a muslim Tamerlane Khan who killed 3,8 million people in the Middle-East, built towers out of clay and severed heads, had women fight in his armies and who also loved board games?


Fixed that for you.

Clue is stupid bullshit with a skill ceiling so low that you might as well be prone while playing. Risk is where it is at.

Superior board game here, all others please leave.





Apparently Jenga is becoming a thing at Evo.

They took the traditional audience for granted. And then move on knowing that people will eat shit regardless the smell.

Since always companies like Capcom or EA wanted a fastest cycle development so they can make smaller and shortest games to force you to buy the next one as soon as posible. For this reason, they also tried to kill or control modding scenes (EA since years ago; Bethesda/Valve these days).

Same with expansion that were too big and were reformulated in smaller "expansions" knows as DLCs to sell and sell every posible part of the game. To the point of cutting game content to satisfy the previous step, shorter cycles. This take years but eventually culminate in episodic games, early access, rush games with enormous day1-patchs

Another step was try to develop new ways to maximize profit with more powerful DRM systems (Starforce/limit installation/always online/on-disc dlcs) to minimize piracy. Ubisoft.

Some of those methods worked, others not so much but they were shaping the industry to continue to earn as much money as possible with the less effort possible. You can add trents like cloned fps, open world, the influence of mobile platforms, kickstarter, etc.

But years ago they had another idea. Since you are already squeezing your audience as much as possible the next logical step was to expand the playerbase like Nintendo did with the Wii catering non-traditional-gamers. And just like happened with Marvel in comics or TV/cinema industry as a whole. They thought they had an unexplored potential audience: Cancer.

>Sacrifice story and art for the sake of gameplay
You mean
What makes a fucking game fun?

You forgot the most important part, OP.

The main villain has to be a straight white man. They are everything wrong with today's society.

>cannot are not allowed
>sacrifice story and art for gameplay
what braindead lummox made this image?

This all existed 10 years ago. Are you forgetting brown n bloom shooters that all had short-haired women as major characters? If you believe this I assume you're underage and didn't pick up on this shit because you were a kid. Regardless, it doesn't matter remotely. Gameplay doesn't change based on the color of the MC in a first person shooter.

Has there ever been a gay male protagonist in a videogame?

Stop playing AAA trash

I do recall Link being gay but that might just be a rumor.

>The main villain has to be a straight white man
False. It can be a woman but only if she is righteous and everything she does is justified in some way. Of course, she can't suffer any consequences in the end because a woman cannot be wrong but still...

Nothing wrong with the last point though

>Sunset, Tacoma, Cibele, Mass Effect Andromeda failed

As loud as game journo's push certain 'ideologically compliant' games, they don't sell. Basically no game that is built on heavy pandering or put virtue signalling over gameplay has succeeded,

Those games where "you are the character" would count for you i guess.

Dragon Chess, of course

>How to make a good Nintendo/Sonic game in 2017
>Reminds losers they were happier in the 90's with lots of references

he could name something like gone home and depression quest, holy shit you MORON
this thread was stupid from the getgo for failing that last point, i'm calling a vote for having you ejected from this island

gone home is a shitty game regardless of the character's sexuality


Friendly reminder that "Bill Nye Saves The World" is nominated for an emmy for best writing

walking simulators arent games

its not even close to the time to nominate shows for emmys

Ok start listing all these successful games with gay main characters. And black characters. Oh and by the way, no create-a-character.

Youre playing the wrong vidya. So far theres been at least one super amazing game title per year. Yeah not as great as back in the early 2000s but theres a ton of stuff to play

the propaganda is forced and well-funded but SJW shit is notorious for generating no real income.

Games have been shit since 2007. And the reason they're shit have nothing to do with your boogieman violating your safespaces.


Watch Dogs 2?

How has this thread not been pruned yet



>gone home

Friendly reminder that Emil Pagliurilo's Fallout 3 won a Video Game Award for best writing.

seriously, name one game that does tis shit
and sacrificing story and art for the sake of gameplay is good, slogging through a dogshit game for the art and story is fucking dumb (90% of JRPGs do this shit)
watch dogs 2 actually has awful graphics but really solid gameplay, so bad reference.
mouse trap

Because the west has changed in the past decade, not for the better as you can tell.