I'm about to start Horizon Zero Dawn. Without spoiling, any tips for my playthrough? Are there any missable trophies?
I'm about to start Horizon Zero Dawn. Without spoiling, any tips for my playthrough? Are there any missable trophies?
Is this you?
And no there are no missable trophies
more feet
>speakers covering parts of the screen
>tiny ass speakers with no presence
>game is in some weird language
what a retarded image this is. would it have been hard to remove the vape from the image before snapping a pic?
post penis
They probably wanted you to see it
She doesn't have a penis, she's a girl.
absolutely disgusting
>caring about missable trophies
>implying girls can't have penis
>tfw no Russian Aloy gf
post dick
I don't know how to feel about kissable trophies. On one hand they suck because fuck that. On the other hand if I look them up and get them I feel accomplished and part of the cool kid club. Tough call. Probably better to not have them?
Also post feminine penis
screencapped XD epic thread
I posted it again, LOL!
haha include me in reddit screencap lmao
>some weird language
it's dutch you fucking american
>bootleg german
Dutch IS a weird fucking language.
calling dutch bootleg german is like calling an ape a bootleg human
they have the same origin they just developed differently
They can't user, only retarded mutants crafted by doctors.
Tits or gtfo damn hoe
fuck off then. gosh.
Women who smoke are 90% more likely to cheat. Back in my day i had slept with 3 woman, all whom smoked and had boyfriends at the time. Something about a lack of sellf respect for themselves. Steer clear Sup Forums.
Also op is probably loose.
what am I supposed to suck on?
>he renamed the image
sasuga OP
Cute. A cute!
Stfu tits or gtfo you dirty bitch. You must be new here. You get normal answers when you show ur tits
>google pic
>same pic in almost same thread two months ago
nice try retard
Wanna know how I can tell you're fresh from Sup Forums?
Damn. How come we never see any hot female PC players?
Really makes you think doesn't it?
there is one missable trophy: Always chose the heart dialogoue option. ALWAYS.
>hurdur someone reuses a pic.95% of Sup Forums are reposted OPs shilling for switch or some early access turd, but when a Sony game does it suddenly it's wrong? Nice discrimination, you fag.
nice try retard
Keave fucking AW
Sage + report
Where's the black man in OP's pic? Hello???
Get your tits out or gtfo you fucking whore
Idk this thread seems pretty positive
They don't have to take pictures cause they're all slutting it up on twitch.
But theyre not?
Fuck off retard girls can have penises its 2017
>same origin
*le tips fidora*
Aloy dies, is a robot and the big bad white guy is killed by the muslim goddess who dindu nuffin.Literally everything is the fault of the white male. You're welcome
This one has not played the game
Honestly, the only tip I can give is to take your time with it, remember to gather and persevere even when you get your ass handed to you by a bigass gundam-cat. Exploration wise, playing just the story will take you just around the edges of each area pretty much, if you want to get deep into the wilds, do it on your own, you'll see cool stuff
Kill yourselves faggots.
The all allies trophy maybe?
I don't think it's missable since you go back to before the last mission after ypu beat the game
Stop shilling this shit game.