Webm thread keep it vidya

webm thread keep it vidya

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That guy is fuckin dead.






This seriously look better then COD:WWII.

This looks like complete shit.

I was excited for a second when they made the announcment, COD 2 was my jam and we haven't had a AAA WW2 game in ages...and then I remembered it was modern call of duty and activision

are you mathacking DoI or is that just a test map

What game?

it's from an old ass gameplay open session devs were holding to test that map before it was complete. they were cool dudes to play with

pubg needs way fucking better map design that it's not even funny

having maps favor this pussy camping gameplay is absolute cancer

You're watching two terrible players try to kill each other, what do you expect?


>If the players don't play a specific way they shouldn't expect not to have a glitchy experience

You need to think before you type

Hey, I recognize that!
Is that Area 51..? The one with the dead bodies that get up and talk to you?



Why would a Yakuza bad ass have to go on an expensive as fuck sex chat room? Can't he just fuck all the girls that leech or work for he's syndicate?

day of infamy


Because the series does have humor, japanese humor.


Where was it glitchy?

Rubber Knife

He isn't a yakuza really. He is also a bit slow sometimes and isn't very good with technology either.



wow very cinematic

the actual reason is that you can't just blow up buildings and shoot through walls.
that's what happens to campers in real life. they get mortared.



Amazing, he somehow manages to miss every shot with the pistol.


i'd love to see fully destructible environments and shit but we all know with this current development process that there's no chance of anything like that until a year from now at minimum

Just so.

Also featuring Marilyn Manson of all people as a Grey Alien.

the destructible ultra shitshacks are at least a nod that they are willing to incorporate destructibility

>playing FPS with a controller
this hurts to watch




This was the grand finals of an official tournament. They no longer to a console tournament.


>tfw enemy AI has to be dumbed down/slowed because of controller input
>tfw people still play shooters on consoly
all of my why
i will never understand

is that how it feels to use the controller?


>enemy AI has to be dumbed down/slowed because of controller input
nice FUD

why would someone play FPS competitively with a controller




What the hell is the point?!

maybe you should delete yourself


rule of cool

got eem!!

He is still alive, so maybe he should've shot him twice before stabbing him.

Is this game out yet?

if you preorder it you can play episode 1 now, full game releases on halloween


First chapter is stealable, it's great.




Now show the one with Nvidia's response.


I'm more shocked that he has the reaction speed of a grandma

It's slowed down


nothing really, just made this webm for a fighting game thread.


God damn it why didn't I get it when it was on sale.



I fucking hate the ACOCK in this game, it's completely fucked.

By my eye that guy got shot like at least 5 times when he pulled out the second gun.

It used to be legit broken, the upper part of the chevron would be zeroed for 300m, should be the case for this webbum also
Has been fixed in one of the recent patchjes, though

I will never know why he decided to exit that vehicle, but alright

>DoI bro
I didn't think I'd see one on Sup Forums before /k/, but Sup Forums still surprises me sometimes

cause it's still horribly broken

pic unrelated


This hurts to watch

Running simulator confirmed

>play GTA games primarily as driving games
>try GTAO and witness how fucking bad everyone is at driving
I wish I had friends to play this shit with.

If anyone can, please post more Yakuza weebms.

as much as I enjoy playing it their map design was noticably worse than Insurgency, it's gotten better over time but there's still a lot of bad hardpoints and random dead ends and I'm worried about Sandstorm over it, especially since it's coming to consoles

hey guys this is spooky




I wish I could shoot through walls in this game.

>Not using the shortcut keys to heal



>Zombie master
fuck this was one of the best things to come out of source modding


Didn't want to mess it up, I died like that before, also fucked with the binds and wasn't sure which version I was on
