I'm fucking cursed

I'm fucking cursed.

>+SPD but -atk

A good chunk of my recent 5* have been -atk

i was going through a long slum of shit ivs, then they went nuetral, now i got +spd celica and tana

>playing gachashit
cursed with retardation yes

Not him, but I've been cursed with -attack/speed 5 star pulls since may.

When will it end?

>calls others retards whilst intentionally entering a thread he doesnt like


no idea really. rng gonna rng pray for IV rerolls

+ speed on her is more important than - attack. It's a damned armor unit that hits 40 speed with fury. Desperation/fury her, man, that's still a 48/40 spread before armor buff. Basically have an Anna that isn't made of paper

at least I'm entering threads I dont like for free

good job user, show those capitalists what-for

Summoner! Look at all these daily orbs you don't have!

pick one and kys you're self, kiddo

>IV rerolls
When will this meme end? It would be nice, but that's the last thing I can imagine these coins being for.

>Implying any of these cheapskates spent a dime
You sounds like somoene who got bad rolls

Don't knock me out of top 1000 before the AA week ends, please. Thanks.

>decide to get serious about the arena for once
>literally everyone uses some combination with at least two of Reinhardt, Hector, Azura and Ike

Wow how exciting.

I'm at a loss who I should be spending my feathers on.

I have a couple of 4* units with perfect IVs that I could promote to 5*:
>Est or Cordelia (but I already have 5* Catria)
>Nino (but I already have 5* Soren and Sonya)
>Cain (but I already have 5* Eldigan and Xander)
>Draug (I don't have an armor team to use him in, and it might be better to promote Zephiel even if I did?)
>Fir (literally why?)
My main options with imperfect IVs:
>get 5* Cecilia for horse meme team
>get 5* Cherche for flying meme team
>get 5* Palla for Ruby Sword+
>get 5* Barst for Brave Axe+
>get 5* Donnel for Brave Lance+
>get 5* Hana for Life and Death

The only one worth using feathers on is cordelia

W-will I make it

Yeah, I'm sick of it as well. I hope at least these people are actually having fun with their horse sluts and not doing it because the internet told them to. It's not so bad if the map isn't garbage, but both weeks have had 1 map where it's pretty difficult to deal with a horse + dancer team.



>any map where horse+dancer can reach the opposite side in one turn

This should be illegal. I mean sure, Reinhardt is OP meta flavor of the month and any good team needs a hard counter against him, I can somewhat accept that because at least countering him is entirely possible. But when he gets to ORKO one of your dudes for free before you've even had the time to make a single move, that's just bullshit of the highest order.

Fuck Fir.

I hate trying to get Red characters because all it leads to is getting a dozen more Firs.

Make a 4*+10 Fir!

Shouldn't she be /fit/ in her upper arms to be able to actually move those... well, they aren't even pauldrons on her, more like shields directly attached to her armour, kinda like what the Samurai did.

Also Paladin Amelia>General Amelia

Too late. I already sent all my First with non-perfect IVs to the feather mill, so now I only have 2 left.

Amelia is /fit/ as fuck.

Trainee Amelia > rest


Fucking autocorrect.

I will carry this burden.

Who are the notable units with extremely high defense in the meta now? Trying to decide between DA and Luna on some units.

Hector and Xander. I guess Ike has kind of high defense as well.

Most of the other high-Def characters aren't really used in the meta since it tends to be pretty mage-focused at the moment. Though in the really high-end PvP you get more dragon and armor units because of their superior BST.

>no Slaying Edge+
Is there a "Do it for Fir" edit yet?


How does she do in Arena or Chain Challenges?

Why Seal Def? Seems like a bit pointless on a glass cannon like that.

She's nice in arena because she boosts the score by a ton but she's nothing special in chain challenge.
It's a meme strat that lets her nuke someone on the second turn when she'll have glacies because thats the only way she can do damage. Vantage kills the fir but anything without it usually dies.

Was originally waiting for a +Atk Shanna to swap IVs for my +Spd one, but this doesn't look *too* bad for having no A skill yet.

>all those dead Desperations

I have two of these now. Got this one from my free roll on the blade banner.
What do i do with em'?

>being this assblasted
Better yet, most people don't spend a dime.

His Firesweep Lance combined with Drag Back can be used for some fun shenanigans in the right circumstances, where you get to hit an enemy and then get back out of range of their friends. I'd give him Death Blow to help him ORKO more units and roll with that.

For inheritance there's not much interesting you can do with him. You can give Firesweep Lance and Drag Back to another unit (for example a glass cannon like Cordelia) and basically do the same thing Roderick does, but I'm not sure if that's really such a good idea.

>Sperging out about how others spend their money
>Projecting your insecurities this hard

Thank goodness we have someone of your enlightened intelligence here to tell us ignorant sheeple that video games don't love us.

Surely, nobody with half a brain would spend their time on video games, especially when you could spend your time shitposting about video games on an anonymous imageboard instead!

He just kind of seems like a niche unit, i suppose. Shame i don't really have much use for that niche being filled.

What non-meta units do you like to use even though you might have better ones available?

Every sword user in the game except Xander

Ike and Ryoma are still pretty meta.

But yeah the sword dominance of early FEH is definitely dead.

I gave his lance to my Catria. It's alright.

I've spent about 200 of my saved up orbs on this banner and I still haven't gotten a single 5 star, let alone her.
I'd settle for a -atk +spd at this point.

>being unable to enjoy a casual phone game with free gambling because of your elitism
at least you still have your s1ck gamercr3d

Worth using? Been pretty inconsistent so far, maybe I'm not using her right
Any skills you can recommend for her?

If you usually run her with someone with Hone Speed, the commonly used Fury or Darting Blow/Desperation combo would do nicely.

Me too OP

Fury is pretty cool on her because it stacks with Rangarok. After that either heal her up (or run Renewal) to keep the pain train going or give her Desperation so she can turn that health loss into an offensive advantage.

Cursed playing a game with no content

I have a level 40 catria at 5 stars laying around, don't use her much due to having a better blue for my fly team. Maybe I'll give building her like yours a shot.


With all the daily quests, different arena types, and almost constant events, I'd be surprised if anyone but some obsessed NEETs actually gets around to all of it.

is a +atk -def iv any good on her?

if somebody wants to help


She's not going to be a tank anyway, and her unique weapon gives her a decent Defense boost, so -def isn't really a big deal on her.

The starter trio are always worth promoting, because it guarantees that you'll never be without an arena bonus unit.

Alright, I'll get her Fury. Either I'll look for something with Renewal too, or I'll invest into a healer aswell. Hope its worth it, I like Celica and apparently she's pretty high tier too

Thx kind user

Now I only need 60000 feathers, fuck

>Ryoma lacks the bulk Xander has while being outclassed by Camus as an offensive unit
>Ike has worse stats than Gray and misses out on Xander's superior bulk

There is no reason to use an offensive red when units such as Reinhardt, Doot/Linde, Camus, Effie, Azura, and Ephraim exist who all bring either even stronger offensive presence or have stronf offense with invalueble support assets. Bulky reds are the way to go right now.

What makes Xander so good is that he has 37 fucking defense which lets him ignore the main downside of quick reposte. He can take physical doubles all day long and gives zero shits about Ike's Heavy Blade because he can already Bonfire in one combat phase. He laughs at the likes of Klein, Bridelia and Kagero's attempts to KO him before distant counter goes off while still having enough attack to OHKO Nino. Boosting Xander's attack is considered overkill as his stats are so well distributed. This lets him focus on even more bulk from HP+5 and HP+3 seal for a titanic 52 HP.

>Tana +Spd -Atk
Should I build her as a tank? Spd/Def +2 and Vantage?

>go into arena
>get whale after whale after whale after whale
Swear to fucking god, man

Shouldn't you only be being paired against people with units slightly more invested than yours?

Eirika is still good as a buffbot for a infantry blade tome user

If you're at level 19/20 you get matched against faggots with perfect teams pretty much 75% of the time.

The problem is that the matching algorithm doesn't (and realistically speaking probably can't) take into account that you don't have all the best meta units available. For example that gimpy Merric which you only use because you literally can't play in this meta without someone to counter Reinhardt will count exactly the same as someone with a perfect Julia. And your free Donnel counts for more than the meta-faggot's Azura.

Pulled two 5* Cordelias on the sacred summon and then pulled a -res +def tana. Should I give up or keep trying for tana?

>not falling for the animu themed skinnerbox makes one an elitist

>didn't know tana and innes were siblings
I don't think my 13 year old self read the story.

>playing games
>at all
Congratulations, you fell for a skinnerbox
>B-but I only play DEEP games
read a book brainlet

I kinda wish arena assault was 5 games instead of 7, it gets very tiring having to switch to a new team every round while the opponent always has the same units + a dancer.

Would be nice to see some changes in the future if this is gonna be something we're gonna have to keep up with every week.

That's the rub, man. I got high enough to be in the fucking whale cloud.