c a s u a l s
>Sup Forums sucks so much at PUBG they always complain about dying because they always run in open fields
Only reason I haven't tried it is because I'm bad at shooting games. I just watch a couple streams. It's an interesting take on arena shooters.
>unironically calling people casuals
>at literally the most dudebro normie game on the planet right now
Now THIS is some bait. The only way to make it more obvious is if you were posting about FIFA.
desu I am bad at shooting games and I still got a dozen of chicken dinners, even in FPS. I played all my life on consoles until like 2015 so it's new to me to play shooters with a kb/m combo and without aim assist
Also it's not like you can't basically get the game for free by just playing and reselling crates
ffs my gay chrome plugin always adds "desu" for some reasons. Thanks Sup Forums x
>Also it's not like you can't basically get the game for free by just playing and reselling crates
at that point I'd rather just play TF2, more genuinely fun than this trash
>my gay chrome plugin always adds "desu" for some reason
Its a word filter bud Sup Forums x has nothing to do with it.
They have one for tb.h as well.
I never noticed, sounds great
what kind of bait thread is this exactly?
This game is comfy if you know what you do. I always make it top 10, you only need to avoids hot spot during your firsts times or land at the school to develop skills.