Do you think Youtubers should be in video games?

Ex: The whole cast of Minecraft Story Mode

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what game are the sackboys in?

I think all e-celebs and streamers are fucking worthless, and featuring the, as voice actors is no incentive to get me to purchase your game.

reminder that these jews are going to be in Payday 2.
reminder that Payday 2 is still somehow a thing.

Black ops 3 zombie, my screenshot is from Kino der Toten (chronicles) but they are also in Shadow of Evil and probably others

Let's plays are the worsts, Gamesack in my post are informative and talks about stuff like region locked games left in japan etc

Wasn't it an april fool joke?

It's the last piece of DLC and it's free.

wtf they discontinued every single DLCS so people buy the ultimate edition

Very observant (and true). This new one is free to everyone who owns the game in general. If you purchased the game prior to the change you still get it free.

>Minecraft Story Mode

Stay in school kid. And if they have the talent to support the role, who cares?


jesus christ this game was a shit show.
>buy it on release
>it's okay but way too repetitive and grindy, even for the type of game it was trying to be
>they start adding paid dlc
>it's not terrible, buy maybe 1
>it keeps coming
>fuck this, I'm not paying a subscription to this game
>it keeps coming
>hear they're introducing loot boxes even though they said they wouldn't
>now this

Could not give less of a shit, user. At this point all external videogame media is such a mess that fucking worthless has become my blanket term for youtubers and aspirant e-celebs.

yeah it's april fool

It almost always feels forced and in a few months completely outdated.
I have no idea what this shit here even is or was.

SR3 was a mistake

>Unlike the latter, the Ethan Character Pack actually contains ingame content and effects. The joke contents of this "DLC" is slated to appear in the "Ethan and Hila Characters Pack" for release in fall 2017

probably the beanies or weapons, I doubt it's going to be the characters

they said they've been getting acting lessons to do the VA, they were pretty straight faced about it but I guess they do talk shit on video for a living.

You three sorely disappoint me.

You tell me.

>the free piece of content people actively avoided activating

Man that game was so fucking good. I wanna reinstall now but not sure if it's still alive.

90% of reviews says he is annoying as fuck
charity or not this was a mess, also last CoDs got youtubers as announcer for like $10

Sometimes it is, I saw a guy level 80 or so and he added me, then everytime I was online he was trying to invite me to play it.

I guess it's semi-dead

What the fuck does the Yogscast have to do with Sonic?

>anything TTG
>video games
And Streamers is a cancer that leeching on this industry.

Should the host of a video game TV show be in a video game?