>dark souls 3 is a good ga-
Dark souls 3 is a good ga-
>running straight into the lingering hitbox frames
>hitbox extends past bosses model\
>this is somehow ok
so this is the power..... of das3 babbies.... defending their shit game??
sorry your sl1 broken sword meme run got ruined, i'm sure you'll do better next time. :^)
Older games did it so it's okay
not really, i can't remember something like that happening in des or das1, but das2 definetly had weird as fuck hitboxes
On my SL1 run I died to SoC the most, partly because of shit like this.
How do people trigger stuff like this? I've never gotten hit by bullshit like that in over 5 playthroughs.
DS2 was better
>op isn't a fag who finds minor details to be upset about and then funposts on the internet about th-
DS2 varied wildly in hitbox quality. Some enemies had flawless hitboxes and some of them had janky shit (like the Ogres)
It also depends on what you play it. PS3/360 had inherently less of this problem compared to PC and PS4/ONE rereleases, due to the framerate.
I don't know if you realize, but EVERY souls game has this shit. Bosses are designed to be locked onto and roll-spammed away from in a specific fashion, not doing that is just asking to get fucked by shitboxes.
What said.
This also. I liked all three 3 DS games even though every one of them has some shitty hitboxes.
>DaS 2/3 fags fighting over whose game is second worst
funny because of das3 is better than das1 in every concievable way, its basically a straight upgrade
Pit dogs were the worst. They don't get mentioned very often because they're otherwise easy but their hitbox has both delay and unnatural width.
Here is actual gameplay without cheat engine on
they forgot to make the level design not shit so you're wrong
>das1 in every concievable way
Except for world building.
This game is a confusing mess.
i see nothing wrong here,
SoC was meant to represent pvp aspects of the game
that shit happens all the time in pvp
they did a good job there
>m-muh world building
>areas glued together with 0 sense
>great hollow to ash lake transition (didn't even cover a quarter of the distance required to get down there
I personally got the feeling the enemies in DaS2 had their hitboxes made by two people.One did a great job and the other just slapped them on.
ogre's teleport grab looks broken because of the way agility and dodge roll i-frames work, not because the attack itself has bad hitboxes
no one thinks it's good
Do you mean those in the Bastille?
They already inflict bleeding status before even hitting you.
wow you could easily have dodged that you casul git gud pls
No, but it's possible. They're so inconsequential as enemies (unless you're playing ng+7 naked or some meme run) I just kill them and don't really care if they hit me.
>try to make a faith build in DaS
>can only farm white titanite chunks from black knights in the kiln
>have to get through entire game just for the last upgrade
>Start new game
>Kill Pinwheel
>You can now farm white chunks
>"""""entire game"""""
Aside from outliers like Lost Izalith and the PC port quality (unfixed) as well as the minimum expected improvement from a leap forward in console generation and several very similar games worth of experience DaS1 is still overall the far superior product.
But you can just get white chunks and slabs in tomb of Giants and you can go there from the start of the game if you've got the balls to do it.
>ignore faith throughout the series, despite some really good shit like WotG
>decide to go faith first time through in DaS3 since it was the only build I didn't do
>Faith is complete shit and WotG is a worthless pile of trash in 3
DaS3 was the easiest souls game for me so I didn't have a problem, but damn that was disappointing
>keep telling myself to make a faith build
>never actually do it
I've actually tried Sorcery from time to time, but not even bothered with Miracles.
Bloodborne is a good ga-
Seems like bullshit seen in all these webms is only a PC problem
git gud xD
No, it's as good as it is as far as my team's talent goes.
miracle builds are mostly support now, even in das1 and 2 besides rare exceptions
>thinks running past boss without even keeping him on screen is a good idea
>better do it 3 more times
Wew lad. Maybe he should have actually got into melee range, forced Ludwig to do a normal melee attack then run to get the echoes during the lag. This strategy is just pure cancer because he's programmed to do the dive when you run away from him. It's explicitly implemented to stop Bloodtinge fags cheating their whole way through the game.
It was the same for me, I always told myself I gonna do a sorcerer build one day. But I always end up with melee builds because magic is just so fucking boring.
jesus look at that bitrate.
>removed poise and replaced it with hyperarmor
>made shields next to worthless
>excessive dodge spam
>less paths/cool tricks you can do when replaying the game
>no bonfire leveling
>can't upgrade armor/armor is next to worthless
>removed the steel set
>straight upgrade
>use poison and faith in DS2
>my entire goal is to make my opponent cure their poison or take a sippy so I can switch to my talisman and one shot them with a sunlight spear
rip spotted whip
also faith completely trivializes the abyss boss
>Magic in souls
>Brokenly overpowered in des
>Good in das, underpowered boring mess in 2/3
None of them ever got magic right. All your damage shit was fast soul spear, slow soul spear. Miracles were just fast lightning bolt slow lightning bolt.
Could enchant your weapon with whatever, but then it just turned into melee but with a big lightning stick instead of just... big stick.
>removed a shit crutch for retards
>removed a shit crutch for retards
>13 rolls is shit. sure
>it's the same in das1
>shit set
This handsome HONKA HONKA haha. This line still kills me
>Ever engaging a boss with any amount of souls/echoes you are not ok with losing
>magic in DaS
PvP was literally just every other asshole wearing his crown of dusk and spamming two million dark beads until you fucked up a single roll and got oneshot. At least that made it worth going for Faith just to see these guys shit themselves when you pull out your Great Magic Barrier.
>removed a shit crutch for retards
It was only a crutch when you leveled your HP to get huge. DaS3 shows off how not to cope with its absence because enemy design suffers so hard.
>removed a shit crutch for retards
It's still a shit crutch for retards, it's just an inconsistent shit crutch for retards because of how easily flurries break it whereas a Greatshield still trivializes several bosses because no thought went into stamina damage to the shield. Rolling easily replaces shields as the crutch in this game and it's still a safety net.
>DaS1 has the same amount of paths and tricks you can do when replaying as DaS3
You could not be more wrong.
>Bonfire leveling Vs. Waifu Leveling is subjective
Nah the spam bonfire+hub with every NPC+level up waifu design is literal shit. It just ruins the gameplay flow.
>Steel Set is shit
Steel set is great.
Effective doesn't mean good m8.
Just boring to spam the same three moves over three games with a choice of what color magic you're throwing at them
Yeah if only there were useful spells that weren't just damage right?
>Going through mental gymnastics in an attempt to cover poor boss design
fromdrones everyone
>Shields and armor don't belong in a game about medieval knights
>this series is sucessful and have lots of fans
Because "Hurrdcore", mate.
What? That's the first time I've seen that. Is he only able to parry after a stagger?
>making your character look like the Joker
theres no way that was unintentional, youre an autistic faggot who can never get comic books out of his mind
he is unparryable
however if you try to parry him, instead he will parry you