Are you guys worried about the future of Elder Scrolls after Fallout 4?
Are you guys worried about the future of Elder Scrolls after Fallout 4?
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actually, i'm not
fallout 4's poor reception in all but sales has caused zenimax to be VERY hesitant about the current low production values coming out of bethesda
they're not going to be able to release minimum effort trash and get free marks for the developer name anymore
that baby isn't coming out of the oven till it's good and done
No, really not. Future of TES has been obviously sealed with the commercial success of Fallout 3, which proved that Oblivion was not just a misstep: it was systematic, intentional, and extremely successful decision to ruin everything that ever made Bethesda games good in the past.
It was already obvious there that Bethesda won't be making good games ever again. And if you have certainty, then you don't have to worry.
I buried Elder Scrolls and Fallout long time ago.
>caused zenimax to be VERY hesitant about the current low production values coming out of bethesda
Where did you get that from?
I wonder where it goes from here. Does it get even more pointlessly simplified or would they just make a more complex game now they got normalfags on the hook?
Well, they are still not as popular as rockstar so...
I don't care about anything Bethesda does, I don't play games.
>paid mods
I'd say I'm just disinterested at this point.
the next game will just have you running around building tiny towns and npcs automatically giving you radiant quests to go save the lady stuck in a cave.
and of course fallout 4 has shown us the first steps beth is taking to obfuscate higher level modding (these changes came over with skyrime se too) to the point where all we'll be able to do is basic things because it will take 5 years just for basic script enhancement. reminder skse64 is still not out and f4se is still extremely basic.
They are now going to do the same thing over and over. Add a feature or two, remove a feature or two, but there is absolutely no reason for them to change their design philosophy.
By the way, they aren't really simplifying things. Fallout 4 isn't really actually much less complex than Fallout 3 was to begin with. Yeah, they cut a few aspects, but they also added a fuckton of new stuff.
And that is how they will continue doing things. You people act almost as if Fallout 4 was some kind of major commercial failure... pro-tip: it sold more than Fallout 3. Quite a lot more. They have no reason to change their strategy.
For me it was after skyrim and fallout 4 but I don't care about bethesda anymore.
Like youcan say whatever you want about oblivion but I had a great time with it een though the world might have been very cliche, the combat sucked balls and the scaling of monsters sucked a bit.
For me quests in rpgs have to be fun and a bit original which was the case with oblivion.
In skyrim and fallout 4 it was literally go into that dungeon get that item or kill that boss over and over.
>after Fallout 4
Kind of, I hope they take the shit reception of fallout 4 seriously and try to make their next game good. They do elder scrolls a lot better than they do fallout so I have a little hope. Casuals complained that oblivion levelling system was to complex and they downgraded that but no one found Skyrim complex at all so I don't see why they should dumb it down.
>Casuals complained that oblivion levelling system was to complex
No, they did not. Nobody really complained.
Nah, Elder Scrolls I never cared for. I'm worried about Fallout after Fallout 4.
Todd admits that simplified dialogue and voiced protag didn't work well. It's in one of his interviews.
While I don't think it is complex I think that Oblivions levelling system is horrible and that Skyrim did it way better.
As long as Bethesda learns from their faults and maybe HOPEFULLY moves on to a new engine? then no
Oblivions leveling system is shit because it just butchered Morrowind's one without actually thinking it through, thus removing most of the aspects that gave it any depth or real relevance in the game world, but to say that Skyrim did it better is a stretch. Skyrim did not add anything to it at all.
I agree, I would like to be proven wrong though in a historical upset. These guys have aged out, didn't really think this a few years ago, but I really do believe there is an age barrier to creating truly inspired content in this medium (game development). Bethseda doesn't have any of the hot new blood.
Dialogues aren't even half of the problems with fallout 4
Fallout 4 was actually the most fun I've had with a Bethesda game since Oblivion.
Yes, the roleplaying is fucked, using the full dialogue interface could make a man weep seeing the options. And having the plot rely on a god damn baby you feel zero connection to was so ridiculous I can't comprehend what the fuck went through the head of whoever suggested it and who approved it, and what the environment had to have been like for no one to say "this might be a bad idea".
But exploring, fighting and looting is better than it ever was. Which makes it far more enjoyable in the, post main quest, eternal modding hell phase of playing. Much more so than any previous Bethesda title.
I don't thinks it's about age. I think it's because most of the talented people left bethesda and they don't need to do their best to survive anymore
>most of the talented people left bethesda
but todd is still there though
He's just an overseeing manager
No, he's a designer, coder and an artist
I hope whatever they doing is going to be successful so they could let tes go
TES has always been bethesdas baby. I don't want to get my hopes up but hopefully they'll treat that franchise better than fallout.
Where do you want the next TES game to be set? I'm thinking hammerfell
I've been worried since Oblivion
when are they going to announce the new IP?? I'm fucking tired about them re-releasing old ass games, let alone not even talking about TES6 after 6 fucking years
I'm worried about the future of Elder Scrolls after Oblivion, tbf.
>Sean's art zone
Kind of tired from human provinces, i want:
1. Elsweyr
2. Black march
3. Valenwood
I would also like to see Summerset but i think it's definitely not going to happen anytime soon
Probably next E3 or game awards.
game awards most likely
Skyrim 2 when
They won't centre a game in the beast provinces, they are to irrelevant, kirkbride said so. Valenwood is more likely but even then I don't see how bethesda would do it, Fallout 4 ran like shit in high density areas like the city, it would be impossible to have an interactive open world in a dense jungle. Summerset Isles isn't likely purely for lore reasons, it is literally run by nazis right now, they have already killed off everyone that isn't an elf so there wouldn't be much npc variety, they wouldn't set one there until after the next game. Hammerfell seems a lot more realistic and feasible and it still has a lot of variety and some good lore behind it, so I would pick there to place a game.
What is this picture from/
> they are to irrelevant
Argonians, controlled by three-worshipping fachists, kicked the shit out of dagon's army, declared independence from empire, attacked morrowind, annexed morrowind's south and pissed off both empire and dominion. Doesn't sound like irrelevant to me.
And all of those things are centered around black marsh, all of the other provinces have played roles in shaping the history of tamriel, black marsh for the most part just sticks to itself.
Both Empire and Dominion need Black Marsh, and i'm sure Morrowind would love their territories back. If they decide to set next game in Black march (which is unlikely, i know), it won't be just lizards, there's going be at least proxy war which may "play the role in shaping the history of tamriel".
>next Elder Scrolls
>hire good writers
>discard voiced protagonist idea
Done. It's all fixed now.
e3 2016 pre-show
> hire good writers
Just to hire a writers would be a good start. While cdpr had an entire team of writers, bethesda has only one retarded writer and bunch of "quest designers"
Indeed but for example, witcher has a fixed protagonist, so one guy to voice all dialogue paths you choose. Now TES, you have many races, with male and female variation, it's just too much for using voices in the player dialogue IF you want branching in these dialogues.
Better scratch it. There's no downside to it, let your imagination fill that gap.
>mfw fallout 5 returns to ye olde top down isometric turn based formula
The empire and dominion don't need black marsh, black marsh has done nothing for the rest of tamriel, they were hardly even part of the empire in its prime. Let me word it this way, the elves settled all around tamriel, having many great civilzations like the dwemer, dunmer, direnni and ayleids. The humans came from atmora and also settled around tamriel, but this conflicts with the elves so for thousands of years it has been elves against humans, this is what the series has been about. So what if some lizards have stuck to their province, occasionally reaching out into morrowind, it changes nothing, they aren't part of what the series is about which according to one of the writers is the battle between humans and elves.
I wans't talking about dialogues or voiced protagonist, it was clearly a bad decision even if bethesda admits it
Good writing in a TES game just can't work with voiced protagonist. One negates the other. I was just complementing the point.
Zenimax doesnt give a fuck as long as it sells.
For them, fallout 4 is a success
As far as I'm concerned, Fallout 4 was a step up from Skyrim. They're both pretty bad, but I'm at least hopeful.
awful opinion my friend
good opinion my brother
I liked fallout 4 more than 3. if they took the same step for the next elder scrolls eg better world better gameplay and less of their horrid attempt at writing I would be happy
and yes the 4 choices almost non existent dialogue in fallout 4 was better than the dialogue in 3 by pure virtue of there being less mangled humanoids you were stuck ''talking'' too
Im planning on getting a new PC with a GTX 1060 6gb GPU.
Will i be able to play modded skyrim with an enb in 1080p and keep a stable fps?
i mean fallout 4 was widely received as average to the point where todd had to come out and say they werent satisfied with the game so its at least given the company a scare at the very least
definitely worried though, especially with how skyrim:se has a shit modding scene coz the skse team cant figure out the 64 bit engine
what did he mean by this?
Bethesda has a very high retention rate.
They keep one of the smaller teams of all the AAA studios and keeping people who work well together is important to them.
I uninstalled Fallout 4 after 30 minutes.
so yea
I'm not worried. 'Worry' implies some degree of uncertainty in how awful it's going to be.
I received Fallout 4 as a gift, so I felt obligated to give it a fair chance. Couldn't play more than 3 hours
I'm actually curious what their second project might be.
They have a fantasy game, a post apocalypse game and first project is most likely to be a sci-fi.
I hope when they were talking about three projects they were talking about Skyrim for swtich, Skyrim VR and Starfield
They trademarked the name Starfield.
The game is at the stage it could be announced with a release window.
They are waiting to see what happens with CP2077 and its release.
They want to step on CDProjekts announce in retaliation for some comments by the devs.
The advertising budget for Starfield is substantial.
It will be a war.
I wonder how much more they'll be able to simplify and streamline their games. After all, they've already successfully appealed to the Call of Duty crowd. What's the next goal, attracting all the people playing candy crush and angry birds on their smartphones?
People have been saying that bethesda learned their lesson that fallout 4 was a bad idea, with its casualization and voiced protagonist and whatnot. So people were hopeful for their next game (which would probably be TESVI), until they announced paid mods are coming back, for both skyrim and fallout4. Worrying about the series now is pointless... In other words, it's as good as dead.
sure, but they were talking about two projects before tes 6, first one is obviously starfield, a sci-fi game. I was wondering about the second project
lol Oblivion wasn't that bad bb
Should I be worried about a bright and successful future?
Considering the game is post-apocalyptic then yes.
It's dead already
Fallout 4 was the first Fallout game I never beat. I don't even remember why I stopped playing it. I do remember enjoying my Street Samurai build (Melee and pistols).
My faith in the future of TES was shook with Skyrim and all the remasters and such they have released. They honestly think it is a good game and will probably be very similar to it with no real improvements.
It really is
I fucking love Oblivion but it's a heaping pile of shit
Starfield and the mobile game attached to it.
I believe one of the VR games was the third project they were talking about.
I believe they announced it at e3.
I stopped caring.
After I realized TES:6 is pretty much so far away that I would probably never live to see it I lost interest despite years of loving the world of Elder Scrolls.
>TES:6 is pretty much so far away that I would probably never live to see it
You shitposting rn granddad?
>mfw whippersnappers think TES:6 is ever coming out
mobile game doesn't sound like "major project"
What the fuck was that travesty of an E3 show that they had? Cringey as shit.
Kindof. The problem with F4 was entirely the writing, every aspect of it. Characters,quests, dialogue, it was all fucking awful. I pray to all that is holy that we never get a voiced main character or that that retarded dialogue wheel again. They are incredibly stifling.
50+ million players for Fallout Shelter.
Sounds major to me.
big cashgrab? Yes, not a big work though
I was worried about the future of Fallout after Skyrim.
Pete Hines from PR has taken over bethesda, Todd's cry for help wasn't a joke
I don't have links, but it seems that Bethesda and Todderino are becoming self aware now, something about them knowing about engine limitations and how they won't release Elder Scrolls until "we stop being developer pussies". Of course, what that means is only known by Dreamboy himself. But I have doubts they're gonna switch engines.
But if they can't be that bad right? They can't possibly do worse?
But Skyrim was already terrible, and that wasn't met with poor reception like Fallout 4.
So if anything, TES VI will be Skyrim 2.0 rather than Fallout with guns.