Did ProJared sway the public opinion of Sonic Adventure 2 or something?

Did ProJared sway the public opinion of Sonic Adventure 2 or something?


I have no idea who this faggot is but I keep seeing his ugly face being posted on here for fucking years.

he is a youtuber that thinks his opinions on FF and Sonic games are facts.

No, people go back and forth between loving and hating SA1 and 2. The process usually takes a few years at a time, and ProJared just sped up the process towards the hating side of it. Give it a few years, people won't be shitting on it nearly as mercilessly. Personally, I don't think SA2 is particularly offensive, but it does take two steps forward (Removing Adventure fields, and streamlining story progression.) and three steps back. (Emerald hunting is worse because of the gimped radar, mech sections are way worse than Gamma's, story's tone was too tryhard and not in a fun way.)

For me, it's less about what SA2 did wrong, and more about the way it influenced future Sonic titles for the worse. It represents the beginning of an era where Sonic Team put a premium on copying whatever was popular at the time in a misguided attempt to stay relevant, as well has favoring style over substance. (That one still persists to this day, sadly.) Of course, there's a lot more to it than that, but that's essentially the tl;dr version.

ProJared is one of the few reviewers that I fucking love.

sonic was always trash

Did Spoony come out of hiding and change his name?

Nah, Spoony is washed up and depressed while attempting to stream nowadays

I mean it's possible that it helped make people realize that the games were very flawed by then and today's standards.

As much as I love the aesthetics of Adventure 1 and 2, the gameplay is awful and makes you feel more of a risk to yourself while playing than in other Sonic games.

sa2 also made sonic's control a less fun

Not at all. People always said the things he said. Adventurefags can only understand someone holding an opinion if it came from someone else, since they fell for all the Sonic marketing fluff themselves.

I don't understand how people can't figure out Adventure's gameplay.

For Sonic's levels, especially in Adventure 1, you can skip through meaningful parts of the map by just examining your surroundings and doing a well placed spindash and jump. It's amazing because it really makes you think
I'm not going to bother saying how much better it is than Unleashed/Colors/Generations, either.

you get lightdash...but it's bound to the universal button
you get the somersault..but you can't spam the spindash anymore
you can now bounce up and down, but you can't cancel your rolling animation in mid-air anymore

can sonic team do ANYTHING right

>Six-figure number of YouTube subscribers
>That influential

The gimped radar is a bummer, but more important than that, Emerald hunting is better in Adventure 2 because the level design is so much better. And before you say Mad Space, I remind you of Sky Deck. Also

>Removing Adventure fields
>step forward
Literally objectively false, disgusting pig.

>defending Adventure trash and FF2
Really, nigga?

But he likes the game doesn't he? I don't really get it. Doesn't sound like something that would sway anyone's opinion particularly far to either side of liking it or not liking it.

"It's crap but I had fun" was his final word.

I agree with everything he said. I remember being exited to play this game only to find out that 3/4th of it sucked.

I do think the main reason its praised is because of the chaos and that its the most completionist friendly out of the other 3D Sonic games.

Exactly. It basically amounts to "It's bad but it's good". He spends roughly half the video praising the game and half the video shitting on it.
I really don't see how it's that big of a deal one way or another.

There was a time when people liked Sonic Adventure 2? I mean besides the little faggots that grew up with it.

Plenty of faggots grew up with it.

Of course. There is no other reason to like it unless you happened to be a child when you first played it. It's an irredeemable pile of shit.

>people who like the adventure games can't stand all the other sonic games
>people who like all the other sonic games can't stand the adventure games
Coincidence? I think not.

I liked Sonic Adventure 1, but Adventure 2 was a shit sequel and equally as bad as Unleashed.

SA2 doesn't get shit on nearly enough. There are still far too many that defend every retarded problem and fucked design choice that game has.

People go as far as to say shit like "I found the cluttered and mononous emerald hunt levels to be cozy and fun." and "I alwasy felt that the barebones and clunky shooting stages were very well implimented:
:Why, yes, I enjoy having fuck all for exploration in my 3D video games, thank you"
"B-but the chao garden..."
"B-but I love cock rock almost as much as I love cock!"

SA2 is, was, and despite several ports ALWAYS will be a poor game. It's not a good fucking game. The way Sonic autists defend a single thing about it is a boarderline mental disease in of itself


>a shit sequel
As a standalone game it's better than Adventure 1.
Fuck the story of both games though. I really hope you don't deem it important.

come again?

This is the only thing I can figure. You'll notice that none of the defenders ever just call it Sonic Adventure 2. Thay all tack the "Battle " at the end because the fucking Gamecube was their first console and SA2:BATTLE was one of their first games.

Felt SA2 tried too hard to be like MGS or something. Probably what spawned the autism.
But it really can't be separated on being a sequel, and if it was a stand alone game the Knuckles stages would be shit.
What Made Adventure 1 so great were the different play styles, but they just went out of their way to make the better ones unfun.

Its a shit sequel because it could have improved and explanded on SA1 rather than dial back and make the game suck in totally new ways.

>What Made Adventure 1 so great were the different play styles
But only the Sonic levels were any good. And even then Adventure 2 did Tails levels better than 1 did. Knuckles was complete and utter trash in both.

Knuckles and Tails were fine in SA1. Gamma was also ok too. Amy and Big were pretty bad.

SA2 just made shittier longer versions of Gamma and Knuckles, and forced you to play as them.

What a shitty way to die, desu.

sonic adventure is the last good sonic game