Why is paladins better than overwatch again

Why is paladins better than overwatch again

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A balance team that doesn't just ignore problems for 8 months and hope they fix themselves

and tf2 is better than both, huh?

fuck you for reminding me, now i have to play it again

>Why is paladins better than Overwatch again
See Also the character are on par or if not BETTER than Overwatch.

>play style variety for each hero due to the card loadouts.
>less focus on ult management and ult stacking to win games.
>better map design
>no attack/defend
>no res


The characters are more fun and better designed (best example is how they treat fernando shield as a active ability with downtime instead of reinhardt switch on/off with no drawback)
The game gets constant updates and new tools to play with or in.
You could argue that quantity

character locked upon starting a match, so characters aren't designed with hard counters in mind

faster updates

The McCree of Paladins isn't dogshit

Oh fuck off. I am not afraid to admit that I am a Paladins shill and have never played Overwatch before but these threads are always the same.
>Mentions Paladins and Overwatch together
>Shills rush in to protect Paladins
>Blizzardrones rush in to defend Overwatch
>Thread hits 500 replies and dies
>Nothing about both game's new content or anything is ever discussed
>Rinse and repeat
Seriously just go back to your generals if you just want to have the same catfight everytime.

Is Paladins actualy good unironically? I wanted to play the beta cause it looked interesting but never got around to it and then Overwatch came out and I played it for a few months and found so many things about it bullshit so I stopped my PS Plus.

Yes, unironically. Better than OW in its current state by miles.

Better gunplay, better balance, better map design and takes more skill than spamming shitty ultimates.

Neither is better or worse when you are on a console.
But palacucks is unironically as good or better depending on your taste and what you are looking for.
like 1/4th of the playerbase is overwatch players

It's a fun game, but it's biggest flaw is that it's really grindy.

It's shockingly not terrible for a game that is very transparant about being a f2p Overwatch clone. The worst thing I can really say about it is the map visuals are pretty boring and generic and it's pretty buggy still. For the most part the bugs are confined to the menus but the healer that's automatically unlocked for everyone will also often fail to heal for no apparent reason.

paladins can be better than overwatch
but brazilians exist

I like that Sup Forums has become more accepting of Paladins so please stick to waifubait OPs over Bait overwatch fans OPs.

Sauce, my man.

>balance patch every 2 weeks
>new hero every month
>no hero switching mid-match
>counterplay through itemization
>loadouts to customize your hero
>devs aren't afraid of womyn and don't pander
>ultimates are not OP
>longer TTK
>more mobility
the servers are shit beyond imagination though and they don't even wanna admit it

Does paladins have a USA skin for one of their characters?
I will switch if they do. After, doomfist being voiced by generic african #1234234 and not Terry Crews, I am just about done with this nigger game. McRee is the only one that keeps me playing.

Yes and no. They have freedom weapon skins for several of them, though that event is over and you probably would have to wait for a random point in the future where they decide to let you buy that chest again.

Paladins doesn't really have a McRee, they have two that are a bit similar. One is the maximum edgelord and the other is a nigger, ironically. But the nigger has a cool as fuck voice and Judge Dredd-esque theme.

Only weapons ans they aren't always available.

Darn. I'm guessing 4th of July next year then?
I like McRee for his USA skin and his mannerisms. As long as they can sport the stars and stripes and act like civil human beings, they're alright with me.

Not really next year. It is usually about 3 months apart, sometimes 4.

Well in that case you just missed the USA themed 4th of July event with "freedom magnums" for Lex (the justicar guy) see what this guy mentioned They will 100% bring it back sometime in the future though, they always do. Probably with more "freedom" variations for other weapons too

Well they brought back the Winter event chest when the new season of Game of Thrones premiered yeah, the devs are maximum memelords: "winter is coming.. in july!" was the promo line so it's not unthinkable that they'd bring back the USA chest for the next big USA holiday

They brought back christmas items during summer. You won't have to wait an entire year I think.

Sweet thanks. I'll boot it up on steam and give it a go. Which champs/heroes/characters are the most fun or should I keep an eye out for?

How the game is set up it encourages to play every champion for a bit to capitalize on the rewards. Since it's F2P about 2/3 of the roster would be locked by default. Balancing-wise everyone is viable on low level so you should be fine with trying all of them out and see what you like.

Well if you like McRee, then Lex and Androxus. but go over to /vg/ and find /palg/, those guys can help you more. Most of them are fucking retarded and only post waifus, so you might have to wait for an intelligent answer.

Got it. I'll stop shitting up this dead thread. Thanks for your help.

Fuck you

>posting worst girl
you dun goofd

>Liking a literal slut who whores her body constantly but never gets any dick
Skye is objectively the worst girl.

>play ranked
>have to follow the 2 tank meta
>last one to pick
>we need our second tank
>pick kinessa because the map and no counters on the enemy team
>get shit on in chat
>ignore everyone
>proceed to curb stomp everyone with our andro fucking them up as well
>they switch their opinions and are glad I picked kinessa

See, you can break the meta and do fine.

>Kinessa mains
Post rank or gtfo

>get a load of these faggots

Fuck off back to /palg/ filthy Yingposter. Your wife a slut.

whats a paladin?

Health regeneration means you're no longer dependent on shit healers.

>it's free
>balanced weapons
>no annoying characters with gay quips
>only transaction stuff is cosmetic
>gunplay is more enjoyable
>more gamemodes
>fuck load of characters

there's no need to play OW when this game is out and is 10x more fun.

It's what the knights in service of the Holy Roman Empire were called
The word itself comes from latin and means something like "high ranking official"
t. linguist faggot


>VGS now lets you actually communicate to hues
What will High-Rez think of next?

A gay furry character oh wait, done already

>and don't pander

Who cares if it panders to it's target demographic? Dumb roastie

The only thing this game has over Overwatch is that playing a healer is actually fun and nothing else

>And they don't pander!
>yes they do
>Who cares if they pander REEEEEEEEEEE

I dunno, but I made a video about it


Pretty sad how Paladins does a whole lot of shit better than OW despite being F2P

Unfortunately they fucked up the ranked requirements. Now you only need to be level 15 and own 12 heroes. Stupid decision in my opinion.

I tried this game out. The playerbase are awful at this game. I was melting faces with fernando.

>one (1) relevant game mode
>every map is just a long narrow corridor with the cap in the middle

It was implied in the post that they don't pander to ess jay dubyas, but retard like you are you didn't catch it. Dumb roast

>no hero switching mid-match

Sold, the fact that blizzard thought that switching and switching and switching with no cd was a good idea is absurd.

Paladins' map has multiple flanking routes. If you only see it as a single long corridor then I can see why you would prefer OW's map over this.

what a shape

my ranking

Fernando > Cassie > Lian > Inara > Ash > Seris > Ying > Tyra > Evie > Skye > Willo > Kinessa > Maeve

>Evie not at the top
This list is about as broken as HiRez's server.

ye pip's heal is like a toss with an arc. You never really know where it's gonna land and gl healing anything in the air.

sorry I don't loli ice sluts

there's already the better ice queen, I'd let her ara-ara me

>it's another user who doesn't know you can detonate Pip's heal

still one of the only devs that are more incompetent than blizzard.

>trusting hi-rez
>shilling a F2P game with microtransactions
>giving money to a fucking Beta
Stop shilling this game

I know you can detonate it, but that doesn't do much to help when you're 2 feet away from someone who needs healing and you throw the bomb at your feet and it does absolutely nothing to the person who needed to be healed.

so far it doesn't make me wanna fucking kill myself, so that's neat
wish the servers were better and queue times for comp were lower tho

better balance
more content
more frequent content releases
more varied design

It focuses on shooting more than HURR DURR E/Q TO WIN!

>>giving money to a fucking Beta
why would you ever assume I would do that, you can get every form of currency for free, I'm not spending money on that are you crazy

not as polished as overwatch (visuals, movement) but it has a solid base (character customization, superior map design)

you play bots for the first 5 levels
but everyone is still pretty shit until you rank up a good bit. Even then, most are still shit cause BRs

It has actual graphics

>yfw the massive amount of asspain when hi-rez drop paladins like a bad habit when the hero shooter genre isn't popular anymore and they move onto the next big thing

It's better if you are a poor mongoloid that can't afford overwatch.

Enjoy the shity card system while in overwatch all you worry about is spending 3k coins on a stupid skin.

grohk 4 life

just like Smite amirite?

>worth playing ever
You're not helping your case shill.

>Overwatch, degenerate lesbian chav
>Paladins, pure elven princess

the choice is clear


>balance patch every 2 weeks

if you need that much your game isn't balanced.

Enjoy playing the same 10 champions over and over again with no variation at all.

>All these Hi Rez shills

>"they will abandon Paladins like they do with every game"
>"what about Smite"
>"i don't like it, it doesn't count!"

>Enjoy the shity card system while in overwatch all you worry about is spending 3k coins on a stupid skin.
Does the card system actually become a problem because I'm 23 hours in and I still feel like I get more than enough essence to buy cards with impunity.

How much are they paying you to defend the shitpile that is smite of all fucking things.

It's not
Sup Forums's contrarianism fired up when Overwatch got super popular so they tried shilling the free ripoff
Of course now Overwatch does have REAL problems Sup Forums could be angry about but some still try to force that Paladins is better
.t Guy who owns neither

paladins doesnt have lucioball

most of the card complaints are asinine

it's like the typical Sup Forums complaint where they see one game's feature and inflate or make up things with it using vague responses

Fucking predicted. Time to sit back and see these IPs fight over which game is better now. These threads every single time. It never changes.

No game will ever be completely balanced, TF2's still doing incremental patches actively. When you're cranking out champions monthly, your new champion will have to weigh against every existing champion (since you can't swap outta him) and there's over 30 of them now in Paladins. The balance changes are all small ones either way so there's no danger of it swinging crazily in either direction.

It's way better than having one must pick hero for 3 months then gutted into uselessness with another taking it's place.

Paladins is hilariously bad

It's a problem in ranked. A big one. It really limits how many characters you can legit play competitive without using money.

Over watch has been on sale for 15 bucks. Biggest issue with it is the stale meta.

i am not, you said they will drop Paladins like they do with every game and i give you a example where they didn't, what is so hard to understand?

you don't even spend real money for essence or gold to get essence

What, no it isn't. If you're going to tryhard your way to ranked, then all the best options are champions with their default cards. There's only a handful of champions that have dogshit default cards that just doesn't work in ranked but the variety of champions to avoid that are bought with gold, not essence.

>tfw the IP count has not changed much at all
Stay true HiRez shills and Blizzdrones.

Paladins is great but easy as fuck tho or the playerbase is just ass. after completing my provisional matches I got ranked diamond and now Im playing with ppl that still suck, and I have barely 24hours in.

But its way more fun and diverse than overwatch. It feels more balanced. I also like the heroes much more, much more fun indeed. there is not a single character Id describe as boring. Itemization is limited but sufficient.

And its not grindy at all. I sit on 60k gold now and got every hero I wanna play.

t. Guy who owns both