Ancient wiped out civilization had way more advanced tech than the current one

>ancient wiped out civilization had way more advanced tech than the current one
when will this writing meme end

Other urls found in this thread:

when our civilization gets wiped out

This. It's a trope as ancient as human civilization, and it exists for a pretty good reason.

Also, stop using the word "meme". It's not funny or clever, it just gives away how much reddit has trained you to think exclusively in buzzwords.

shut up you meme fuck

Lets replace it with more power of friendship nonsense?

And this is what you get when you combined reddit's obsessive "board culture and buzzwords" mentality with post 2011 Sup Forums's "let's just be cunts to everyone" attitude.
You get 80% of current Sup Forums content. Pure, meaningless, annoying shitposts.

that's exactly how it works

you're such a fucking meme

That's exactly how it works you you tit, you don't listen to mainstream science and history right? You're aware of Atlantis? The great pyramid?

>be hyper advanced star faring aliens
>slap a bunch of rocks together

The only impressive thing about the great pyramid is that it was built at all. With modern tech you could build a piece of shit like that in under a month.

wtf! I hate the great pyramids now.

>look mah i can say reddit
>im so good at buzzwords
stfu you living meme

Europe was fucking shit in the year 1000 compared to the year 200

Let's see Medievlets build something like this. Or an aqueduct lmao

Also go look at how many people were in the Battle of Phillipi and compare that to how many medieval "epic battles that changed the world" were just a couple hundred English and French guys mud wrestling

>Sequel to popular video game starring Magical Girls is popular video games starring Superheroes

>leddit spacing

>muh bare rock

>Let's see Medievlets build something like this.
The Cluny Abbey?
The Aachen Cathedral?
The Duomo of Pisa?
The Basilica of Saint Mark?
The Great Lavra of Athos?

Yeah... I mean Rome was pretty impressive, and there was a considerable technological downgrade for a while in Europe, but it's not like some really fucking impressive architecture has not been build.

>all the rocks weigh several tons each
>millions of pieces when the nearest quarry is 20 miles away
>faces true north to the degree
>built with supports and mortar never seen since or anyone even knows what the fuck the mortar is so it can withstand earthquakes
>carvings of dna double helix, helicopters and star ships inside
>centre of pyramid is the centre of the earth land mass
>draw and circle around the pyramid and its ratio matches that of the earth
>the 3 pyramids of gizas layout matches that of orions belt
>a shaft in the main passage points to alpha draconis, to the degree, as does one in peru and asia which were apparently unconnected and couldn't communicate with each other
>they all have carvings of advanced machinery humans worshipping reptilian beings
>they all speak of a great war in the heavens/skies followed by a great flood that nearly wiped out humanity

Nothing to worry about though. It must have been jewish slaves.
(pyramid is 10k years old, judaism is 4k)

in the year 1000 the dark ages had ended by at least 200 years and architecture was once again starting to flourish

the Romans would have been literally incapable of making gothic style buildings because they were to advanced for them

lol stop larping


where do you get all this shit

that's what it is. By looking at all the data...

Graham hancocks pretty good on ancient civilizations
When you read how much aggressive resistance him and other researchers come against it screams cover up. They found another chamber alongside the kings/queens in early 90s late 80s and it still hasn't been opened. They even wanted to just send a camera mounted on a small robot into it
>nope fuck off get out.

Let's look at what is true here:
>all the rocks weigh several tons each
>millions of pieces when the nearest quarry is 20 miles away
>centre of pyramid is the centre of the earth land mass
The last one is only true if he means that the axis that goes vertically through the pyramid aims towards the center of earth. Otherwise, that one isn't true at all.

But I do love this kind of stuff. It makes me realize that magical and mythological mindsets aren't dead yet and I think that is - in it's own strage way, a good thing. We need loon theories like this: they make the world look so much more strange and mysterious.

Are you mentally retarded? Do you think human civilization only ever progresses forward, and never decays?

They're all true, do some research

SUUUURE it is. Especially the "carvings of DNA" the "unknown mortar" (I actually for a moment though you were thinking about Rome, because those fuckers actually did have some absolutely amazing concrete that we only learned how to re-create few years back, and it might be a revolutionary technology in naval engineering), pictures of helicopters, the pyramids being ten thousand years old.

Re-reading this amusing post, one thing now caught my attention:
>draw and circle around the pyramid and its ratio matches that of the earth
What... does that even mean, exactly? What ratio - of what to what?
Circles generally tend to be pretty same when it comes to most ratios...

Who let /x/ in?

yeah then explain how I can't go out in by backyard and dig a 50 feet feep hole and find a iphone huh?

>it just gives away how much reddit has trained you to think exclusively in buzzwords.
It's quite clear YOU don't get the meme so it's obvious you are just some reddit fag trying to fit in,which is sad

It'll end when it stops being accurate.

Yes, literally look it up. These are geologists speaking, they can tell from the erosion that it is precipitation from constant heavy rainfall, something which there hasn't been in Egypt for at least 10k years. You can look up the mortar for yourself, but your telling me we learned how to recreate what the romans used and yet I'm telling you we have absolutely no idea what it even is, kinda emphasizes my point.

As for the ratio, I don't remember but its to do with the golden ratio in maths and/or pi/phi

Read keepers of Genesis and finger prints of the gods by Graham Hancock, don't worry it's not religious

Because the shit phones are made from disintegrate over time

youre digging in the wrong place

Hopefully never.

>when the nearest quarry is 20 miles away
well duh they mined all the rock

It must be full of ALIEN SKULLS

Never because JRPGs are tropey

>with post 2011 Sup Forums's "let's just be cunts to everyone" attitude.
Sup Forums was always like that

what is the dark ages in europe?

Finno-Korean Hyper War

No it wasn't Sup Forums was just mad but not cunts. Also it was way more gay

With what? How are they all sawn six sides?

Dat autism aray


>These are geologists speaking,
No, not really. It's mostly people like Graham Handcock speaking, who is not a geologist, nor an archeologist, nor a historian, nor a radiologist, nor anthropologist or anything else: has a basic education in sociology and not a SINGLE one o his work was ever accepted by peers or academicians.
There is no erosion from rain anywhere on the pyramide structures. Only on some of the stone, which has been hauled in from mountain regions of upper Egypt, which has rainfall.

>You can look up the mortar for yourself, but your telling me we learned how to recreate what the Romans used and yet I'm telling you we have absolutely no idea what it even is, kinda emphasizes my point.
How? You claim is about something unrelated and not supported by any actual scientific papers or citations.

>As for the ratio, I don't remember but its to do with the golden ratio in maths and/or pi/phi
Uh... yeah. Pi. Which is the ratio between circumference and diameter of a circle. Which is universal to ALL CIRCLES. Also, it has never been actually ever spelled "phi". The fact that you don't know this is rather telling about your ability to actually appropriately judge validity of the claims you are making.

Of course I know you are trolling,
but I find it morbidly entertaining.

>draw and circle around the pyramid and its ratio matches that of the earth

fucking wrekt

It won't because it lets you write in hilariously irresponsible precursor races. Pic related.

it's not a trope, it comes from people rediscovering roman technology in like 500ad and being like "damn, this shit is tight, who came up with this?"

also, the burning of alexandria's great library caused the trope to a point

Aint nothing funnier then reading about irresponsible precursors. I've been playing a lot of Path of Exile recently, and the lore in there is pretty tight, and has 2 precursor civilisations both fucking up their empires by doing the exact same crazy shit, it's really interesting to read.

>it's a "ancient treasure that was not actually lost but rather buried by an ancient civilization because it was too dangerous" episode
Literally all the Uncharted games.

>it's not a trope, it comes from people rediscovering roman technology in like 500ad and being like "damn, this shit is tight, who came up with this?"
It comes from much, much older materials and theories than that. Plato speaks about Atlantis, Greece has the whole descendant theory of time in general (Heseidos and his Golden, Silver, Bronze, Heroic and Iron Ages). There was also the Fall of Maurya.
Then you have the whole fall of Minoan civilization (presumably one of the inspirations for Atlantis myth), and the Abrahamic age and fall of Babylon.

There is the old (and probably somehow partially truth-fundend) theories of Great Floods and pre-flood civilizations.

Hell, I would not be surprised if the fall of Çatalhöyük (a late stone age era city that at one point reached up to 10 000 inhabitants, before completely disappearing and all of it's inhabitants reverting back to primitive hunter-and-gatherer civilizations) did not spring up old myths and stories about fall of great "precursor" civilizations that resonate in us.

Seriously, this is an ancient, ancient idea.

>Was gonna reply bringing up Tome4 and how stupid its precursers were
>See you literally replied to someone ragging on the same thing
huh small world

The idea can work as long as your setting has valid reasons for it. aka:
>some form of ascension exists and is extremely attractive
>civilizations become so powerful they can instantly destroy each other and did so.
>superfast computing is possible in deep space and powerful civilizations migrated out to extragalactic space to make use of it

The worst misuse of the trope is where some 'big bad' is responsible for wiping out the nigh godlike 'precursors' and yet far less advanced fledgeling races somehow prevail (often by using the tech of the precursors even more paradoxically).

>pyramid is 10k years old
Actually the biggest one was finished in 2580 BC, which is 4597 years.

true, babylon is probably a big influence as well since it's so featured in biblical texts, i forgot about that one. i don't know much about the greek ones

Graham is a researcher and author who works with a team, a team made up of all those things you listed. And yes there is, go watch mysteries of the sphinx, plenty of geologists giving there first hand account.

By googleing it, or if you're feeling brave, read a book.

As I said i cant full remeber but pi would only work with perfect circles, which means the pyramid is a prefect equilateral triangle. Pi and phi are 2 different things.

I'll leave you now as some hot pussy is waiting for me, you should make the same thread again tomorrow.

Just bare in mind some stones are 50 tons, there's no way they could've dug it out the ground, never mind sawn it all side sides and to square, never mind ducking move it and lift it into position

Actually that's wrong, do proper research instead of just reading what's given to you

You probably thing 9/11 was a bunch of terrorists too

>First century BCE mechanical analog computer
>Did not reappear until the 19th century CE
>First century CE steam engine
>Did not reappear until the late 18th century CE
>Archimedes quite possibly attached a freakin' laser beam on a shark
What did OP mean by this?

The great library doesn't quite count, while the library did burn, the minds who created and understood it's works did not and they later continued their work at a storage area within the Serapium, which served as the second "great" library until the christians burned the Serapium AND the minds 4 centuries later, thus playing the trope straight

if we're devolved to fighting with sticks and stones, how would ww4 even be possible?

>people cant move 50 tonne objects when we have shitloads of manpower and resources.
nigga you gay

Alright, I'm gonna take a swing at this just once, so listen up.

This meme existed in other works of fiction before video games. Well, "why"?

This goes back to the Roman Empire and how it was seen by the peoples of Europe for close to 1000 years after its fall. First off lets address the badass advanced ruins. The Roman ruins, made of CONCRETE. Yes Concrete. Which mankind totally forgot how to make until 1880 or so, fuck if I remember. Either way, thats why European castles were made out of poop and stone, stacked up high as shit, and took like 150 years to build. They didn't know how to make roman concrete. They'd look at it in awe and envy, without any idea what the fuck to do next. For a thousand years people saw this shit and had no idea how to replicate it. They found weapons for several centuries forged better than what they could make. They found the remains of processes and inventions that shat on all sorts of stuff until Davinci came around. The fucking roman aqueduct KEPT ON MOVING WATER. Until even modern times. With all of them standing there scratching their heads wondering "how the fuck" it worked.

Romans were the original, advanced civilization that fell and everyone else gawked at. We didn't truly surpass the Romans until the 1800's, and we didn't completely surpass all of their inventions until the 1900's. These motherfuckers had water drills, chemical warfare, and fucking FLAMETHROWERS all vietnam style.

The next time you see this meme, remember that it was fucking real. It was real in our own world, about a civ that once existed. We're just beyond being surprised by it or remembering it. We werent born in a time where we hang out eating sparrows from the hand and staring at the fast food market of rome with its built in plumbing, or shitting down our legs in a pig sty while gazing over at the remains of the great roman baths they'd go to every single fucking day.

It is generally fascinating when you discover that most of the really popular contemporary tropes or stories that instantly recognize tend to be INSANELY old.
Like the tale of ancient advanced civilization wiped out (story of Babylon, Atlantis, but also I think parts of Vedanta), the stories of kings being betrayed by brother-like figure and their son having to take revenge (myth of Osiris, but also Hamlet), stories of people facing a dragon and retrieve a treasure (Hobbit, Song of Nibelung, but also Song of the Pearl and arguably even the tale of Suzano-o and Yamata no Orochi), or even tales about craftsmen making a deal with the devil to become supernaturally talented at their job (Faust, for an example) are apparently just INCREDIBLY OLD.
Like - potentially tens of thousands of years old.

See and also what is mentioned above.
It goes way, WAAAAAY beyond Ancient Rome. It's a tales old as time.

Also see for just a few examples of the fact that Medieval European technology and history was not nearly as backwards as you present it to be.

>imply the most advance technology will not lead you to the ancient myth

[citation needed]: the post.

You know, these aliums could've teach ancient Egyptians legit useful stuff, like not letting niggers to rule over your country.

Instead they build worthless buildings and disappeared.

Sorry but I'm not going to agree with "great floods" /x/ tier shit, only the facts. Don't even lump me with that poster.

You what mate? All of that is extremely common knowledge stuff.

What part exactly are you asking for the citation on? I'm being serious. Its like asking for a citation that fucking WW2 happened or not. I can't even tell which part of it all you are in disbelief of.

You are wrong though.
>nuclear war
>everyone fights with sticks

what era in history are you referring to


wasn't it very very recently (i.e. last few months) that we (re)discovered how to make the material used to make roman roads, which are more durable and resistant than our own modern ones?

>Graham is a researcher
Not by actual academic standards, he is not. He is neither equipped by the know-how of modern scientific inquiry, nor with the actual desire to produce such. More importantly though, his views are not verified and accepted as valid by his "peers" (aka people who actually study the fields in which he makes these claims).

It's very basic. Modern academic inquiry has a set of standards that are used to differenciate between a fraudulent or reliable claim. These are both methodological and unique for each field, and universal, through peer review: that is - if you can find enough people who have credibility in the field and they can verify what you said, your claim is deemed reliable.

Graham has not ever gained credibility himself, neither has his "theories" ever been verified by even remotely significant number of other people who have education on the subject matter.

He makes money. Which is why he can afford to hire a "team" of people that help him do his job: his job being selling fraudulent claims to gullible morons.

>And yes there is, go watch mysteries of the sphinx, plenty of geologists giving there first hand account.
And thousands more giving a conflicting account.

>As I said i cant full remeber but pi would only work with perfect circles, which means the pyramid is a prefect equilateral triangle.
Which isn't exactly difficult to achieve if you have basic capacity of measuring angles.

>Just bare in mind some stones are 50 tons, there's no way they could've dug it out the ground
People have dug bigger pieces of stone using more primitive technology than Egypt had before and after. This is hardly a convincing evidence of extra-terrestrial origin.

>Sorry but I'm not going to agree with "great floods" /x/ tier shit, only the facts.
What the fuck are you even talking about? What the fuck is /x/ about any of what I said?

Egyptians could build enormous structures with complex catacombs thousands years ago.

We did very recently discover a missing compound that was used in some of Roman concrete-like substances, yes.
It turned out it was just because they used a material that is very rare and very specific.

Yeah, and it would take them dozens of years to finish them. We can build the same shit in months and add running water and electricity to it.

I dunno about that one. I know we didn't know the "exact" way they made their concrete until something like ten years ago. Not that ours was worse or anything, we just didn't have their formula and method so we couldn't make the exact same concrete they had. Now we do.

Rome wasn't the first nor the last civilization to end up like that.

Dominant civilizations were good at inventing shit, but not at keeping the information about it and passing it down once the inevitable collapse came about.
Written records were mostly destroyed, people who knew how to read them dwindles and disappeared.
Back to square one.

Fuck, it literal happens to this day.
There is no space program on Earth capable of lading a person on the Moon right now since the people who engineered that died and as it turns out, we forgot to force someone to write every single detail down for them.
Making the rocket and sending someone over there successfully in 2017 would be just as big a miracle as it was back in 1969

>white people don't make babies
>get outbred by retard arabs
>arabs take over white countries
>can't maintain progress because their heads are fucked by islam and incest
>Europe goes back to the middle ages

I agree, and never implied otherwise. I just believe Rome is the one from which the meme was birthed, as it was felt throughout Europe and the modern age the most clearly. Italy to this day still hoards books written by the romans and doesn't even let people crack open the vault to read that shit, they're so paranoid anyone could be a plant trying to steal ancient (admittedly, probably useless) knowledge.

You can see what you are talking about on even a small scale now. I'm a teacher and even if all my students know how to use phones, they barely know how a computer works. They're worse than people I knew in school in the early 2000's. Think about that. In just a few decades something we all use every day STILL has reached the status of being as difficult to work with as a 1950's restoration vehicle.

So much has been lost and we aren't even close to recovery

>There is no space program on Earth capable of lading a person on the Moon right now
literally retarded
it's simple orbital paths, and our fuel usage is a lot better than it was in 1969.

And you were proven wrong.

>Not that ours was worse or anything
Shit is flawed by design for the sake of long-term revenue, so companies are allowed to sell more of the product or be hired to perform maintenance/repairs to increase revenue. Go look up planned obsolescence if you don't believe me.

We'd be back at peak levels if it weren't for that damn flood

You are a moron. Please don't talk about things you clearly don't understand.

>chistians stomped so hard that one time they closed their eyes for a bit the entire world stopped making any progress

>no counterargument
nice ad hominem, let me know when you finish middle school

t. assblasted construction worker

That's the point you dense twat. He's saying that humanity as we know it wouldn't survive another world war.

All spaceflight has ever been could be simplified to "simple orbital paths".
Rockets are expensive, delicate, hard to design and produce.
That's why they landed Apollo 11 and not Apollo 1, went through 4 iterations of rockets and burned massive amounts of money and several astronauts in the process despite having shit figured out long ago.

I could get you(r corpse) to the Pluto if you so desired. The basic concept is not the hard part, it's the realization that contains all the nuances that separate a physics major from a valued NASA employee. And we've lost far too much of said nuanced knowledge to time and budget cuts.

>Advanced civilisation couldn't manage the threat
>The newer, inferior one does so thanks to the chosen one
Videogames should stop trying to make nobodies feel like somebodies.

You are an idiot for presenting entirely unrelated concept that everybody knows about. Fuck me every child knows what planned obsolescence is (it's not like this is a videogame board and we all have to deal with the shit hardware and software companies are pushing on us every fucking day, right?).

You are an idiot of suggesting that the problem with recreation of old Roman concrete has anything to do with this: with the fact that people were interested in how they achieved the properties (even when those properties are not necessarily beneficial to us on a larger scale). You also know fuck all about the actual problems with durability in construction materials either.

It's just you screeching a bullshit anti-corporate message because you wanted to let us know how super enlightened you are for realizing what is one of the many drawbacks of a consumer and supply based economy. Great - you figured out that in some industries, service-provider and service-customer interests might not align. Amazing. Now fuck off.

The Romans used volcanic ash in their concrete. A rare silica within the ash had an unusual and very beneficial side effect in that it was soluble to seawater, but that sodium (salt) molecules immediately replaced the silica and crystalised reinforcing the concrete. So Roman concrete when in contact with seawater actually strengthens with age.

The Byzantine Roman Empire had a weapon they used in naval battles and in rudimentary flamethrowers called Greek Fire. It combusted on contact with water and only ammonia could put it out. After the empire fell the secret to making it was lost and still to this day we have no fucking idea how it was made, but there is far too much evidence to dismiss its existence. Venetian and Genoan merchant and military fleets carried barrels of urine in case in was used against them.

Not sure where you translated that from anything, nor do I see anywhere that happened in the thread. Maybe you have me confused with one of the paranormal posters.

>Ancient civilization with extreme technology
>Everyone got wiped out for an unknown reason that we won't find out until the third game
>The main quest is awakening one member of that civilization out of some preserving casket in order to either assist you or do the whole job itself

Greek fire was probably just petroleum with maybe some resin mixed in (aka primitive napalm). The Romans had access to raw petroleum and wrote about its properties.

Except for the list of stories using the exact same core premise that you have been directed too and to which you reacted with absurd accusations of "paranormal" that you never even bothered to explain?

What part of "stories of Atlantis, Hesiodos history, biblical story of Fall of Babylon and the Great Floods (I can also add the story of Ramayada's wars) hugely pre-date our fascination with fallen ruins of Rome" is so damn confusing to you?
I could also go on explaning how actually the late medieval fascination with Rome was not nearly happening the way you imagine it, but that would be another long waste of time.

Was it the list of real-world historical events including falls of major civilizations that probably inspired or influenced them and which are all common-knowledge that got you completely baffled?

Don't tell me you got the whole "hurr durr paranormal" angle on the single mention that there is PROBABLY some kind of historical event that inspired the Great Flood stories? Because that is not exactly a controversial theory either.