New to Sup Forums. Majora's Mask is my favourite game of all time. Rec me stuff you think I'd like

New to Sup Forums. Majora's Mask is my favourite game of all time. Rec me stuff you think I'd like.

>new to Sup Forums

Yeah. Majora's Mask is my favourite game of all time. Rec me stuff you think I'd like.

Edge of Tomorrow


.......i meant vidya

Majora's Mask 3D.

@ Anonymous 08/20/17(Sun)06:28:19 No.387686158

Hello friend,

I am also new here. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask was a good game, but it just wasn't as good as Ocarina of Time. If you want to play a fun game, try this cool indie game called Undertale, it's hilarious and very innovative and progressive. Another game you might like is this new game called Player Unknown's Battlegrounds, it's basically like those movies, The Hunger Games, and who doesn't like those? I like to play it and roleplay as Katniss Everdeen =).


>New to Sup Forums

Get cucked by a fine black man and turn yourself into a white nationalist is my favorite game.

Shadow the Hedgehog

I highly recommend Boku no Pico.

>New to Sup Forums

Viz - the video game

lol this board is so random!!!! do you guys have any other funny memes i should know about?

Alright so first you have to delete system 32. It is rather easy all you have to do is go to your personal computer search for "system 32" and delete it, what this will do is enable you to hack a alot of stuff.

If you like Zelda you'll love Alundra.


Lurk more

>new to Sup Forums
lurk moar faget

If you're new, don't make posts. Read for a while and get a feel for how the site works before spewing your embarrassing garbage everywhere.

>Sup Forums is constantly bemoaned for being in a state of complete garbage, rampant ironic shitposting, false flags, OT threads that aren't even funny
>new guy gets told to lurk moar and adopt these trends
Fuck right off.

Play the original Zelda OP. MM's format is a sort of expansion on a form of resource management that the other games never emphasized so much besides the first game, where time management does exist, but more in the form of giving you a ton of shit to find if you ever find yourself deviating from the intended progression. You'll get stuck sometimes but there's enough other things to do that you don't feel like you're wasting time beating your head against a wall while trying to think up a solution. It's a got a similar sort of free flowing structure that the player is coerced into adopting to negate the stress implicit in the format.

Thanks, this board is fucking depressing. almost as depressing as the actual video game industry right now
...and to think I thought Sup Forums and Sup Forums were bad. Shame, I've always loved video games

>new to Sup Forums
You have to go back.

Get the fuck out of here while you still enjoy playing videogames.

Deadly Premonition

fuck off newfag

Seconding this, run and don't look back

Lurk. Seriously.

High effort shitpost

Depends, what did you like about MM?