> taking the games as canon
Seriously, how many of you fucking autists actually do this? What would game designers know about the lore, they're glorified code monkeys who continuously fuck up every good series with shitty """story""" arcs that don't respect the universe at all.
Prove me wrong, protip: you can't.
taking the games as canon
>what are Riddick games
>what are Warhammer Games
>what are the pokemon games
>what are star wars games
> games with obvious outside canon
Are you fuckers even trying, holy shit. How can (((developers))) even understand the nuances of the lore? I guess that's what I get for associating with literal sheeple below my 143 IQ, go back to Sup Forums you newfag trash
is that high
Sup Forums, everyone. I should have expected as much.
How asinine, a smug anime girl. Lacking an intellectual response, you merely show the pathetic scope of your accomplishments on this earth, and your fetish for 'waifus'
you fucking idiot, the Halo games override the shitty fucking books, take Reach for examle, a moving, human story, that is actually in the modern age and not in a book. fuck you
Post your IQ
I'm pretty sure that the best dev love a lore and are always ready to propose ideas to improve it.
just took a test ang got 144. fuck you
>he fell for the IQ jew
Finally, an actual attempt to respond to the question. Allow me to elucidate why you're wrong, because of course you are.
The Halo 'lore' was nothing more than a shameless theft from Larry Niven's "Ringworld", with a pathetic starship troopers clone. I couldn't name a single original idea in the whole series, and neither can you. Is plagiarism really lore?
I thought not.
>best dev love a lore
Try again, and maybe I'll respond seriously.
So this is Sup Forums at 6 AM. Non-Americans should be disbarred from this site.
>Is plagiarism really lore?
I assume this is why you can't even pass a college degree, you disgusting brainlet.
> waaaah, muh guns! muh freedom! muh lore!
lol pathetic nackbeard go jack of to your books. the best works are syntheses of what came before and Halo is a prime example of that, Reach being the nadir of Bungie's achievments. fuck you
Oh look at me, I'm so (((Kantian))) with my philosophy. A synthesis has to contain a thesis and antithesis (i.e. it's opposite) you pseudointellectual trash. A 'synthesis' is not a shameless copypaste of tropes, because there's no groundbreaking step forward.
What can we learn from Halo Reach? That soldiers are strong? That aliens are bad? That sacrifices are made in war? Astonishing. Your deep rooted analysis has made me almost chuckle, you pathetic worm.
This thread physically hurts to read. Although this is all so fucking amazingly stupid it almost brings me back to times when Sup Forums trolling was actually kinda fun and light-hearted.
> trolling
As ever, my talents go unappreciated by the unwashed, licentious masses.
Actually I want a lore where the "heroes" turn bad and the "villains" do nice things to protect people. I want blurring lines between good and bad concepts.
I even want a mega "villain" whose quest becomes logical through his tremendous powers.
a number isn't a substitute for money, attractiveness or a decent-sized penis. take off your fedora, wash your fucking face, and go outside.