Morrowind: OpenMW modding

Since the release of OpenMW for Morrowind which basically un-restricts all kind of modding, what mods have you tried and enjoyed?

I've basically only ever modded it with packages like MGO, but since there's no better time to manually make my own modlist, I thought there has to be a few of you who loves the game as much as me and still plays it regularly.

I've been playing with Morrowind Rebirth. I've got mixed feeling about it. The new dungons I have stumbled upon were awesome, but stuff like having to need tools to harvest certain resources is just dumb.
Also I quite disliked how nerfed Enchant is. Really that's probably my favorite skill, but even with 100 intelligence and the enchant skill itself at 120, I couldn't produce a maxed out scroll myself. I mean what the fuck is this bullshit?

>Since the release of OpenMW for Morrowind
Isn't it still at something like 50% of its development?

I've been playing through it and haven't really found any bugs. Just that summoned AI aren't aggressive enough, and a quest-breaking bug during a very minor quest.

It seems like a lot of the larger conversions are full of balancing issues.
I've always loved enchanting as well, and alchemy, in the non-abusive way. :p

true, but the breakthrough was fairly big.
The game itself is perfectly playable, and the major thing was how OpenMW now allows you to alter the game files in pretty much any way and mod it with almost no restrictions.

There's even stable multiplayer now

0.42 is very nearly done, pretty much the only thing they have left that still needs work is their editing tools

What the hell is the point of multiplayer in Morrowind? The main quest is entirely based around the player character being the chosen one and the map is fairly small. How does questing even work?

.42 just means the 42nd release of the project. It's like 95% done and fully playable

I just used multiplayer as an example to show you you can do pretty much anything with the game now.
up until a few months ago modding possibilities were very limited

I actually just started modding it yesterday. OpenMW unfortunately runs and looks much worse than vanilla but it has two major things that make me prefer it over vanilla: it never crashes, unlike vanilla which crashes every 30 minutes when heavily modded, and it has native Mod Organizer style mod loading. The latter is particularly great seeing as Mod Organizer has no support for Morrowind. I can keep a folder of my retexture mods separated from each other, choose in which order to load them, and enable and disable them at will without having to move or delete anything. The only bad thing is that it's all done through manually editing a text file but it's really worth it if you use a lot of texture mods.

Don't use emoticons.

I can insert a short paragraph about being cucked by cartoon characters if it makes you more comfortable.


ive just started playing morrowind (regular version with view distance and 1080p with a few mods)

how can i start to break the game with magic alchemy and enchantment? ive got 7k atm from selling shit but i know i need more to really start getting huge buffs

Just play the fucking game jesus christ what's wrong with you?
Just open the console if you really want to cheat.

>game is so bad fans need to make it better

PC gaming everyone.

This is how my modded OpenMW runs, I usually get 30-40 FPS, running on GTX 970 and R5 1600 @3.8ghz

Game was one of the best rpg's ever made vanilla, with mods it's arguably a top 10 game.

Looks silky smooth user.

I didn't know it was fully playable. Shit. This makes me want to play Morrowind now.

I just wanted to demonstrate how bad OpenMW runs if anyone else was looking to mod it

what's wrong with the water?

tbqh guys the original with 1080p and view distance jammed up is pretty nice too

Found the OpenMW dev

It's openmw's water shader, it's unfinished and nowhere near as good as MGE's.

Why would you even want to? Punching an ordinator with the force of a small nuclear device is fun for a giggle but all the alchemy exploit does is trivialize the whole game

It's still better than the vanilla water shader, and the point of openMW is to have morrowind be infinitely expandable, not look better than MGE does right now.


>.42 just means the 42nd release of the project. It's like 95% done
That's not how it's supposed to work.

Morrowind will need everything modern TES need to be good:
MUCH more and better animations
MUCH better AI
Better hit boxes
Better physics
Fixing the fact houses and dungeons are in entirely different dimensions than the rest of the world
At least the writing, quests and character progression are good in the vanilla state, unlike Oblivion and Skyrim.

>Supposed to
According to whom?

>tfw toaster PC too shit to mod Morrowind

Software updates are very rarely named after the percentage of the development, it's what iteration of the software it is.

So yes, that IS how it works in most kinds of development fields.

>Also I quite disliked how nerfed Enchant
Isn't that's just how Enchant is? It clearly wasn't meant to be that way but that's just how base Morrowind was shipped.

>Better hit boxes
>Better physics
But hit boxes never improved with Oblivion or Skyrim. And the physics actually became worse.

ill be sticking with classic morrowind until open mw gets some more bugs fixed and a distant land

also prepping to make my own tes3mp server so that i dont have to deal with sjw nazi admins and their hugbox servers

Yes it is, version numbers in software are literally never representative of how early or late it is in development.

it's 20 years old
your phone could run morrowind.
It runs like shit modded because the engine itself can't handle it, which is one of the reasons why some autists are making a new engine to run it.

OpenMW is moving so slow I don't think it's really worth following, I'm pretty sure that OpenMW will not only never meet 1.0, but I'm certain that past 1.0 on both CS and MW it will get minimal support, maybe bugs will be fixed but it won't get the features it needs to achieve the greatness it deserves.

There will be no
>nav meshes
>better model format support
>multiple world spaces
>water primitives
>rigid body simulation
>improved ui backend
>companion backend
>additional skills
>physically based lighting model
>distant statics
>soft body physics
>detailed character customization backend
>script extensions
>mounts backend
>expanded crafting backend

There doesn't seem to be a plan in building interest, just building it and hoping people take interest before developers move on to other projects.

Personally I was hoping that SureAI would move onto OpenMW and use it to make a game set in their own world whilst extending the engines features as needed, that's a large development team but maybe they lack the skill. Still better at making games than Bethesda I suppose.

I want to have Outfits from Blade and Soul in Morrowind.

its never crashed for me, im not using any major graphics mods, just the MGEXE to make it 1080p with AA and view distance.

What does OpenMW improve?

It's open source so fork and get to work user

It's built to be a more firm base engine for Morrowind, it sort of achieves that, it's more stable but it also performs like shit, even compared to Vanilla Morrowind.

Is the running like shit a new thing? I was playing it a year ago and it ran at 60+ on my shit rig

Improving the graphics will be their focus after 1.0. They already had shadows before when they were using Ogre3D but it had to be scrapped when they switched to OpenSceneGraph. And they can't just implement something like PBR and call it a day, none of Morrowind's assets use PBR. None of Morrowind's textures even have normal maps. Every asset in the game would have to be remade.

I'm still learning to program, but even then I've been wanting to support with new assets for a long while, but even a non .nif model format with supporting for weighting doesn't exist. If it had that I'd be able to roll out V .1 of my work, and maybe help generate some interest.

I am aware of all of that.

That's only true to an extent. It signifies iterations yes. But the iterations also signifies various milestones. 1.0 being feature complete and done. With anything after being additions and improvements over the additional plan.
The numbers aren't exactly percentages, correct. But each milestone is still meant to be closer to being complete.

If the project is indeed over 90% complete then it really should be signified with a .8 or .9 or at the very least a .7 or whatever depending how much work is needed to get complete the last milestone(s). And then if it was to take even a hundred(s) iterations or more to achieve the last milestone(s) then you'd just proceed with having even more decimals before proceeding towards the .8 or .9 or whatever before ultimately and finally reaching the 1.0. Even if you were to reach numbers like 0.8148 or whatever before doing so.

But whatever. I am not actually involved with the project and I doubt anyone really cares. But I stand by my statement that it's confusing. Those were the standards taught when I studied engineering a good two decades ago at the very least. For what it's worth. Everyone always stressed the idea planning good milestones and then respecting said milestones. And the milestones are meant to be represented through the notations of the iterations.
Being at 0.40 doesn't so much imply that there is 60% left of the project. But it does however imply that most of the milestones aren't even achieved. Which isn't that far off from being the same thing. But whatever. I am old failure and I am not involved with anything anymore. I guess I there is no point in dictating how people do shit anymore. But it's still weird seeing the standards you grew up with fade away and die.

Wasn't someone working on normal maps for openmw?

they use a 3 number format, the first is the major release, the second is iterations of that major release, and the third is bugfix versions. Which is the standard these days.

A guy called Lysol made some basic normal maps for a few of the architecture types. They're not that great.

It's been running like shit for a while, but my real benchmark for this is that MGE looks nicer and runs significantly better.

I think so, but there isn't really a point, assets need to be replaced outright, been hoping for Skywind to be canceled outright and for their assets to be donated for use with OpenMW.

They're only using one set of version numbers. It's not 0.4.0 it's 0.40. a minor update for them would make it 0.40.1. they can't skip from 0.40 to 0.50 because it would imply 10 releases in beteeen

We're just shit talking, don't be so serious. Afterall, everybody knows that version 1.0s are supposed to be complete (hah).

Compared to other open source engine replacements or open source projects in general, OpenMW's development has been steady, very consistent and comparatively fast.
You also have to consider that project completion, be it a piece of software, or anything else usually follows something like an S-curve; The closer you come to completion, the slower you will progress, as only difficult or tedious tasks are left.
For a casual player, OpenMW is finished - it's completely playable and can replace the original engine without significant issues.

I think the biggest problem to get to all the good "post-1.0" stuff is getting the editor up to the same state as the main executable.

What is the progress on Skywind's development?