Is this real

is this real

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iirc the manual also states that gnomes couldn't use bows and dwarves could be mages.

god I miss this game bros

Not anymore if it ever was. I used to sit down to regen in vanilla if I had no bandages or food left though, don't remember if it made any difference.

Yes, it was real, once upon a time.


love finding new mechanics of a game after 10 years

In classic it worked.

it was a thing in FFXI and EQ1, not sure if it ever existed in WoW beta. it definitely wasn't there for vanilla's release though

No it didn't (page 94).
Manual was outdated and had some inaccuracies.

its literally still there

>god I miss this game bros
Who's your bro stupid summer fag fucking hate this board filled with e celeb shit and 22— years old retards

No it isn't. It got taken down in 2007. Ah, the memories, why did they have to shut it down?

No it didn't you retarded dingbat, it was literally classic retard bait.

Have this additional (you)

WoW lived and died with the community. The less than perfect choices in Vanilla were bearable, because you had people to go through it with and have fun with.
It was clear the community had died when they bitched about the scourge invasion event.
Compare it to the corrupted blood incident and it's like night and day.

yes but anyone defending it is a nostalgia retard, it was like a tiny percent of healing gain just proving how shti and grindy classis wow was

>aw yiss used all my hp/mana for 2 mobs time to fucking eat/drink

Most mana users had leveling talents that increased mana regen on kills or something similar.
Also, first aid was really good in vanilla before toons got beefy HP-wise.
Potions were insanely good too.
It wasn't really that bad.

Yes it was.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums with your racist shit.

Same with Druids and polearms, they could use one until a later expansion.

This guy is probably already fucked by the mainstream bullshit shoved up his mouth that he cannot discern between a good design which made WoW good and the instant aka pointless gratification just to occupy kids attention for more than 5mins before they get bored.

As you said pots, first aid sitting and cooking were mandatory and tho taking up your time they were what made this game feel deep and rewarding.

How are locks at Legion? I am having an itch to come back. Last time I quit at patch 6.1.0

Yes it was.

It was a thing in a few previously released MMO but I can't recall it working, it was kinda outweighed by food and drink so.

What I recall for sure is having an enlightenment moment when I discovered food and drink precisely because of that, I was used to sit my character and wait for a couple minutes until I regen everything back in other games, as opposed to a few seconds now.
I remember "sitting" the first few fights until I realized food and drink were easily available, but then again even passive regen, sitting or not, was considerably improved compared to other games.

I don't think it was ever implemented to work without food.
It was a thing in Lineage II.

Reminds me of City of Heroes with a "rest" power where your character kneels and starts recovering HP and endurance at fantastic rates but becomes super vulnerable to attack and damage and can't attack

Never played any of the expansions so I wouldn't be able to tell you.

I remember wands being extremely helpful while leveling casters as well. With my dorf priest I used the wand all the time.

>This one part is wrong
>That proves this unrelated part is also wrong
Unless you want to argue that gnomes and dwarves arent playable because they are mentioned as playable in the outdated manual I'm not sure what your point is. It was negligible but there.

It was removed for the open beta. Trust me when I say that the vast majority of classic players never saw that feature.

retard I did Naxx on Korgath with DnT up my ass as the Horde. We did 7 bosses, doesn't justify how grindy vanilla was. If I was an adult back then there's no way I woulda hit 60 ever, but I did it on two toons lmao with both of them having tier 2 sets. That's the only reason I liked Guild Wars 1 back then because you could pvp instantly with created a pvp character

Well, I suppose this was a thread about vanilla anyway.

Killing mobs efficiently and minimizing downtime was large part of the fun in leveling.

no that shit wasn't fun when I wanted to play other classes at max level but couldn't because no one had time for that shit

You definitely regen'd mana faster while sitting. even in combat

I think there should've been a "free XP" system like in World of Tanks where playing with your main grants experience points that you can use on alts.

Vanila was grindy, nobody questions that, but the whole point is the whole picture which is doing a MMO experience. Taking time playing (for like seemed like a second job) made things fun, you weren't just running and getting everything in a flash. There were mechanics like sitting which made you stop and think about encounters, your next quests or socializing with your friends you just partied with and such. So you doing raids and stuff doesn't mean shit and just proves that you missed the point. WoW was a place where you were sucked into the world and not just racing to max lvl cap since nobody other than a minority cared.

> If I was an adult back then there's no way I woulda hit 60 ever
Most people back then weren't adults and even so those type of games are (or were since now it's the instant gratification model for millennial ADHD kids) for people/kids that have a lot of time on their hands so your point is moot.

Also what said. Those mechanics were implemented so classes felt different and unique in such ways that you felt like an individual and this was another charm of WoW which most modern games fail to recreate.

Nobody "has time" for anything but phone games.

Settle down, Sup Forumscuck.

*Bad to the Bone riff starts playing*

>whaaah all these roleplay mechanics in an mmoRPG make me mad
Jesus christ

>but im too casual for that

>2006 was over 10 years ago

>yfw people like this ruined the game after BC, and you'll never see proper 40-man's that last half a day, with close friends and guildmates you still speak to years later on discord.

Get fucked. You ruined one of the best things about my college years.

It was fucking annoying for certain classes. Warr/Rogue were good because of no mana but everyone else had to literally avoid actually using spells because if not, mana gone after a single mob

>want to resub
>don't want all my friends to see me playing again


I think that is part of what made your character so unique, you were a mage, your friend was a warrior, you both can do things the other cant

Sure it's possible to just make a new character, but man, it'd be another time investment akin to what you have already done

So nah, ima just roll mage, my mainstay

Oh wassup you need magic food or teleports, mage coming through friendos

The magic of MMO's died when being connected to an internet community became normal occurrence. We take it for granted now.

Back with EQ1 and even WoW it was somewhat novel to be in a 3d fantasy world where we could interact with thousands of other players across the world. Over time the novelty wore off as other games and even consoles had these features. As technology increases so does convenience and laziness. I am not saying technology is bad or everyone becomes more lazy but the general public do.

Very bad. They parse okay and are acceptable in PvP, but they've really gutted the class. At best it's boring.

>Potions and self-healing skills like first aid are becomming more and more obsolete in almost every MMO
>Literally all they need to do to fix potions is just give them a two minute timer and allow them to heal 25-30% of your total HP

try a private server.

playing on Elysium when it started up was some of the most vidya related fun I've had in years. It was a pretty amazing experience tbqh.. there were a few glitches and hiccups, but overall it felt like the Vanilla WoW I loved and remembered.

hold me

>"muh conveenience!"
>when wow started off as the most convenient MMO at the time

>stop and think about encounters, your next quests or socializing with your friends you just partied with and such
you sound more like an RPer than anything, and RP servers were always the deadest with the loudest community. nobody else gives a shit about your D&D surrogate

>Most people back then weren't adults
lol underage. most kids couldn't afford $15/mo in 2004 dollars and back then parents would have balked at the idea of a video game with a monthly fee. only adult gamers and a few lucky kids had access to MMOs in that period
this guy's stats consistently indicated the average age to be around 28, and if you don't like this guy, virtually every other study will still indicate the average age to be higher than 18

fucking cry more faaaag

>Being this mad
wew laddie

That South Park WoW episode also had a Human Hunter years before it was possible.

>you sound more like an RPer than anything
No, I've never RP'ed in my life since it is for autists, at least in my opinion.

>lol underage. most kids couldn't afford $15/mo in 2004 dollars and back then parents would have balked at the idea of a video game with a monthly fee. only adult gamers and a few lucky kids had access to MMOs in that period
I don't get it. I, and all my friends were underaged when we started WoW, also most of people I've met were underage as well or at least that's what they claimed to be in game. Your augment about kids being unable to afford shit is dumb since it doesn't prove a thing. With that logic WoW was so expensive that you couldn't play it unless u had a source of income and then you wouldn't have time for your second job (since you raided naxx you should know what I'm talking about).

Also the data is from voluntary survey which again is just not determinant of anything other than people who participated so again your point is moot.

private server communties ruined any fun vanilla experiences.

>being pooor

I played vanilla, it was the communlity. Nowadays all private servers are filled with creeps and pure NEETS

I vaguely remember, that at some point you could easily see your regen, be it by the built in ui or via addons. And as far as I remember sitting did increase the regeneration rate.
Also sitting made(makes?) you receive melee crits on the first hit.

>I have never played vanilla warrior

Normal enemies were like death pit fights. More than once if you had bad luck with crits you came out of a fight with 10% health remaining. You had to eat like everyone else, if not more because you had zero chance to cheese multiple enemies or kite properly and engaging below full health was very often a death sentence.

The only classes who were a breeze to level were warlock and hunter. Warlock just taps and drains and hunter only used his mana to speed things up, pet and auto attack were enough for almost every situation.

The manual also mentioned plainsrunning for tauren, and losing EXP if you spirit rezzed
It's still a great read though, almost enough to take you back 13 years to Christmas waiting for the game to take 4 hours to install

On Elysium health regen increases by like 50% when sitting. Rogues and warriors especially get a big health regen boost from spirit. If you change to a spirit set you can regenerate health faster than with eating.

You were just awful at leveling casters. Have you ever considered wanding? Priests have 0 downtime leveling, Warlocks have 0 downtime, Druids just level as cats.

Mages and Pally's are the only mana classes that ever need to sit and drink.

This is the truth.

Tell them you sold your account

It wasn't even that bad. WoW was dead fucking easy to level in compared to nay other MMO. besides, by making alts require effort, people were inclined to stick to their class and learn all the ins and outs.

I was Troll priest. My friend was a Tauren Shaman. An old buddy played an Orc Warrior. thats how we defined ourselves and we were committed to getting good at our classes. We didn't jump ship when a new patch dropped and made one class better or different.

Roll on a new realm.

I'd oprefer a toxicity level. Drink too many in a given time frame and you get poisoned and they no longer work.

I remember when Rogues got recuperate and my best friend was furious his Rogue had a heal. He thought it was retarded flavor and killed his immersion.