Dawn of

Dawn of
The Final Day

-24 Hours Remain-

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i dont want to be a eurobean any more

Just stay alive until 2090 bro.

Will a new God Hand be born?

>Go online
>look up picture of eclipse

Wow that was fucking easy, why are millenials so braindead and think they need to "experience" this shit? They don't give a fuck about eclipses, they want to show people they were there when it happened because they were told to be there when it happened. I hope it somehow kills everyone watching it like the mindless drones they are, world would be much better.

>only in north america

fuck you too, sun

i hope your crippling loneliness finally gets the better of you some day

You sound pretty pissed that you have no friends. You bitter fuck




>live in Miami
Dang it. We're also getting first taste of tropical storm so it's cloudy as hell