Going to start this on Death March.
General hints & challenges I should give myself?
Going to start this on Death March.
General hints & challenges I should give myself?
You ask no advice
You are young man
How to refill potions here for?
Use the oil and potion mechanics. Too often is this ignored for standard h&s combat. It's actually really rewarding and fun to use if you figure out how to use it effectively. Also, read the beastiary. Especially when you're on the hunt for a specific target. Learn, then plan, then strike. Makes you feel like a real witcher.
>Casualcher 3
Read. Brew. Optimize.
It's tough at certain points and early on, but stick it out and you'll be overpowered eventually.
Use oils, potions and signs other than Quen. The people who fell for the "combat is bad" meme are the ones who only spammed Quen and wailed on the enemies, while playing on a low enough difficulty which allowed it.
Death March isn't even that hard, and I play most games on normal (until like the third playthrough).
>Asking for advice before playing.
Use dodge, don't roll.
You very rarely need to roll away from an attack, when in doubt, DODGE.
It might save your life.