Can't wait to see more of this

Can't wait to see more of this

>open world

ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh open worldz i hates open worldzzzzzzzzz ughhhhhhhhhhhh

That's the normalfag bait.

Why on earth do you hate open world, you want to be lead down linear hallways like a fucking moron?

Do you not have any sense of god damn independence? You must be some god damn faggot who like hallway simulators.


you try too much to be Sup Forums-compatible

Fuck off, Hans

Open World like in Morrowind is very different to Open World nowadays.

>Jetzt ordern
wtf wer spricht bitte so

>we're about to enter a new golden age of animal mascot video games
Feels hype man

>furry Guts
they could've at least made him a hound

>Xbox one.
hopefully it gets ported to the PS4.

>walk to this dot
>now walk to this dot


Berserk meets Blinx?


It's multiplat

All the news I found was related to Xbox One.

If it's xbox it is pc as well, generally

Would require a decent gaming PC and an extra job if I want a chance of even getting that sorta money.

give me a break dude. open worlds are deserts pointless separating content with empty space, ultimately resulting in less good content because of the resources dedicated to designing the useless space, and also forcing boring design philosophy because the player can approach from 360 degrees. the proper way to do large spaces is hubs

look at the boxart in this thread, professors

Well don't I just feel silly now.


Don't sully Ron Swanson with your weak ass shit, what part of getting out side and doing things would Ron Swanson not do.

It's okay when Nintendo does it

So is this all we know about this game?

there is something funky going on with the hand that is holding the sword. shapeshifting?

An epic racoon with an eye patch and Guts' sword, instant preorder xDD

reminds me of this guy


if you wanna sell a game sell the designs, see: 2B.

but dude you can go anywhere in between, there is sure to be interesting stuff here and there!

I predict a firmly 5/10 forgettable game with a low quality PC port that is way too easy and lacking in depth.

The resemblance is uncanny

So it's basically furry Witcher?

so basically ?

problem is devs have yet to find a way to really populate open world games in a feasible manner. you just end up with "here's a story you follow from A to B, and you also fuck around in open world with some side missions". no one has organically integrated the two.


Wow! A rock!
Cool! Look at that other rock!

>THQ Nordic

Eeeeh. It doesn't really means anything seeing as they don't develop games themselves but rather find a studio to find. I'm much more interested in Darksiders 3.

we're playing as a rat?

It's multiplat

But, if Microsoft is going to announce it, you know where to play the best console version... Xbox One X

GTA comes the closest because getting in fights with cops and killing civvies is fun. But even then, we've been doing the same thing for 20 years already. What really confuses me are games like Assassins Creed where they penalize you for killing civilians for no reason whatsoever. That's why they rely so heavily on sprinkling useless chores all over the map.

>he fell for the half gen upgrade meme
my friend, they're still forcing parity even when you pay the extra $100

Because it can't be done with preset stories. It's kinda why Mount & Blade works.

San Andreas is still the most fun open world I've ever played. Is V just as good?

>THQ Nordic

Hey man, Battle Chasers Night War looks good.

they're a publisher, user

then who is the dev? Koch Media is also a publisher

>post-apocalyptic kung fu action RPG

>brain immediately goes to Hokuto no Ken
>it's furryshit

Experiment 101
They haven't made a game yet, it seems.

their site doesn't even show a portfolio

>haven't made a game yet
>no portfolio


ah wait my bad, I read your post as "they haven't made much games yet"

I'm interested in using these are they garbage?

The work of one who consorts with beasts.

>tfw furry renaissance
Promo art looks cool. I hope it's at least decent.


I hate it when they used a racoon as the main character.

Guess why the use him. It's AAA "western game" after all

looks like japanese game

Not even companies with a decade of experience making open world games can pull that shit off. These idiots have no chance.
It's going to be empty and there's going to be nothing to do besides the main quest. Just like Darksiders.

Also you need to study tenses more