When is Nintendo going to bring back Miiverse to the Switch? I want to see Japanese posts again
When is Nintendo going to bring back Miiverse to the Switch? I want to see Japanese posts again
>enjoyed splatoon2 at launch
>just the typical bunch of memeposts
>come back from vacation
>literally nothing but furries, gay shit or furry gay shit.
What the fuck actually happened?
damn, i really wish i knew how to draw like the Japanese
White people are a mistake and should be purged together with their made up special snowflake problems and shitty industrial food chains
brb starting a new save on my JP account
>Trans positivity is NOT politics.
that's the smartest thing I've read in a while and it's coming from fucking splatoon 2
How come average Japanese can draw so well. Did everyone really had epic Art classes in high school like in anime?
>Not wanting intellectual discussion in your games instead of faggy anime drawings even my grandma can make
I still have the last thread open OP good job recycling content for people who weren't no lifing on the internet last night. Thanks again posting to /r4chan, liked, and subscribed. What's your twitter handle tumblr and youtube?
>White people are a mistake and should be purged
Woah hold on there Tyrone. If you kill all the white people who is gonna pay taxes for your welfare?
I think purging north america would be enough.
How can you call a human kid with pointy ears and tentacles as hair a furry?
I see you're a budding amateur detective. But I'm not from last night.
>"""""""""""""""""intellectual"""""""""""""""" """"discussion""""""
Oh he's not talking about the inklings, believe me.
Uh... ...why is it showing me something from /d2g/?
Am I the only one viewing this image?
>mentally ill freaks forcing their shit in kids games
It happens when two images have the same timestamp, because moot can't code for shit.
Furries "raided" Splatoon 2 last month.
Interestingly enough Splatoon 1 has never had any such problems, to this day. But for some reason, people sure are trying to use Splatoon 2 to push various agendas. Be it politics, furry crap, or gender stuff.
That's the wrong kind of kid, user.
Twitter Connectivity was a mistake.
I take 'y metrod no crawl' over identity politics any day.
Oh, so that explain the awkward furry guy with splatoon clothes.
This fandom is truly an abomination, hopefully I only restrain myself to the porn/fetish since it's mostly /d/ related. They always have the same comportment where they roleplay as their character and when they face criticism they behave like 12 years constantly saying "ur mad/jealous" with an haughty attitude.
Robocop thread?
>trans people are dumb
>just let people live their life
>no they're dumb and I must tell them
Intellectual discussion
that's a nice robocop
It's ok they won't be living their lives for very long anyway
what are those gameboy drawings used for?
To comment on the game. Brag or contemplate. Or to prove why being able to fly is obviously superior to being able to turn invisible.
It's probably paid shills for the political trash, and Nintendo isn't gonna do anything about it if they're paid. The furries, well...pic related. Furfags aren't political they're just stupid.
its also wrong, since 'trans-positive' activists demand government action to protect trans-""""""rights""""""
I reported them all. For sexually explicit content. Gave a "Fresh" to the opposition. Fight me gaythiests.
Why can't people just play games and not talk about this stuff for the couple hours a day they aren't yelling about it on twitter or other sites.
>Reddit spacing
Nobody bought a Wii U
Some people clearly did. And those that did weren't agenda pushing activists.
Welllll saying that kinda doesnt work since Switch is only around 2.5m to 3m units pushed, and WiiU sold around 13m and was made before political agendas took over the united states.
Because people crave conflict. At our core. And we are tribalistic by nature. For that reason, racism and xenophobia will never go away. The human race has a deep seated "Us vs them" mentality. Gender politics is just another line drawn in the sand over a totally irrelevant social issue. If every human on the planet suddenly had one race, gender, religion, and location, we would tie bandannas to our heads to create problems where there were none. It will NEVER end as long as life exists.
>Wah why are people being given rights
Fuck off polddit
Nice announcing a report faggot
It's not a report for here gaylord. I can announce it if I want.
Splatoon sold better than Bloodborne.
Because the switch belongs in popular culture while the WiiU doesn't/didn't.
As a resut:
Splatoon 1: A bunch of gamers having fun.
Splatoon 2: twitter/tumblr/redditfags screaming and wanting to make everything about them
I'm sick of the atl-left shoving trans shit in my face
And see here one of those tumblr/redditfags in action. Keep your shitty fight in your forums, not in our vidya.
>that pic
I feel like the problem that people have with furry shit is that, unlike the examples given by that guy about foot fetishists, anthro characters are everywhere: from old mithology to manga, cartoons, etc. you can't "escape them". But in the end there are two groups that cause headaches for everyone: those that get triggered at the first sign of fur no matter the context and those people who are pretty fucking degenerate and don't have an ounce of self-awareness to keep that shit to themselves.
What's alt about trans?
The alt left is the left that's opposed to capitalism and fights for workers
There is no such thing as "alt-left" or "alt-right". If anything the alternative to the left would be right and vice versa. If your policies are still aligned on the left or right spectrum then they're simply left or right winged policies. Being "alt" would imply they weren't but they obviously are.
People are growing far more stupid with their use language with each passing day.
Nono, you don't understand politics. Being left/right is decided by your opinion on trans people and immigrants ofcourse.
Now excuse me while I go kill myself.